Work & Organizations Faculty

The Work and Organizations faculty are recognized leaders in their respective areas of expertise including Organizational Behavior, Human Resources, and Labor and Organizational Economics; hold leadership positions in major professional associations in their fields (e.g., Academy of Management, and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology); and serve in editorial positions at a number of top-tier journals.

Abdifatah Ali
Assistant Professor
Dr. Abdifatah A. Ali is an Assistant Professor of Work and Organizations in the Carlson School of Management at University of Minnesota.
Avner Ben-Ner
Avner Ben-Ner is a Professor in the Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies in the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota.
Alan Benson
Associate Professor
John Budd
Industrial Relations Land Grant Chair & Professor
John W. Budd (he/him) is a Professor of Work and Organizations in the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management, and President-elect of the Labor and Employment Relations Association.
Elizabeth Campbell
Associate Professor

Dr. Elizabeth (Beth) Campbell is an award-winning professor of management and leadership development. Her research examines team development and interpersonal interactions in teams.

Michelle Duffy
Professor, Vernon Heath Chair
Michelle K. Duffy serves as the Director of Graduate Studies and PhD program at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management.
Colleen Flaherty Manchester
Professor and Board of Overseers Professorship; Faculty Director of CHRLS
Colleen Flaherty Manchester, PhD, is a Professor in the Work and Organizations department and Board of Overseers Professor at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. She
Theresa Glomb
Department Chair & Professor, The Toro Company-David M. Lilly Chair in Organizational Behavior
Theresa M. Glomb is the Toro Company-David M. Lilly Chair in the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota.
John Kammeyer-Mueller
Professor, Curtis L. Carlson Professor of Industrial Relations
I am the Curtis L. Carlson Professor of Industrial Relations at the University of Minnesota. My research examines how workers adjust to new jobs, human resources practices, the relationship between individual differences and career development, and how attitudes and emotions shape behavior in organizations.
Pri Shah
Priti Pradhan Shah is an Associate Professor in the Department of Work and Organizations at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Connie Wanberg
Professor and Industrial Relations Faculty Excellence Chair
Connie Wanberg is a Professor and Industrial Relations Faculty Excellence Chair in the Work and Organizations Department at the Carlson School of Management.
Mary Zellmer-Bruhn
Associate Dean of MBA and MS Programs, Professor
Dr. Zellmer-Bruhn is the Associate Dean of MBA and MS Programs and Professor in the Work and Organizations Department of the Carlson School of Management.
Adib Birkland
Senior Lecturer

Dr. Birkland is a Senior Lecturer in the Work and Organizations Department of the Carlson School of Management. He received a bachelor's degree in psychology and a PhD in Human Resources and Industrial Relations, all from the University of Minnesota. Adib taught for ten years in New York City, at The City College of New York, and then at Parsons School of Design at The New School.

Yelena Hydrie
Senior Lecturer
Yelena Hydrie is a Senior Lecturer in the Work & Organizations Department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Joseph Bork
Teaching Specialist
Joseph Bork is a dedicated Teaching Specialist in the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota.
Larry Bourgerie
Senior Lecturer

Larry Bourgerie is a Senior Lecturer, Work & Organizations, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.  Professor Bourgerie is a dedicated, energetic educator and HR professional with over 25 years of experience in HR and 15 years in teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels.

PhD: University of Minnesota, 2011
MBA (Marketing & HR): KSOM, India, 2000
BS (Chemistry): Utkal University, India, 1998

Reverse Mentoring
Women Leadership
Work-life Balance

Stacy Doepner-Hove
Director - MHRIR program

Stacy Doepner-Hove is the Director of the Master of Human Resources and Industrial Relations program at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. In this position, she is charged with overall program development and management for the master's degree.

Brian Dorr
Senior Lecturer

Brian Dorr is a Senior Lecturer in the Work & Organizations department at the Carlson School of Management.  Dr.

Michelle Heyn
Senior Lecturer

Michelle Heyn is a Senior Lecturer in the Work & Organizations department, and in the Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship department, at the Carlson School of Management. Dr. Heyn has been teaching masters level courses in HR organizational theory and international business since 2019.

Jane Kuhn
Senior Lecturer
Jane Kuhn, a member of the Carlson Executive Educators Network, brings over 25 years of HR leadership across various industries.
Robert Leone
Senior Lecturer
Robert Leone serves as a Senior Lecturer at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota and a Senior Partner with Aon Hewitt.
Steve Lewis
Senior Lecturer
Learn about Steve Lewis, a Senior Lecturer at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota.
Amy Livingston
Director & Labor Educator - Labor Education Service
Explore Amy Livingston's profile at Carlson School. Gain insights into her expertise and contributions in academia and business.
Svjetlana Madzar
Senior Lecturer

Svjetlana Madzar is a Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Department at CSOM. Her interests focus on collaboration within and across firms, and globally. She teaches courses such as the management of teams, strategic alliances, and competing globally across several programs, including Global EMBA and DBA China.

Jerry Ong

Jerry is a Total Rewards professional with extensive global experience in total rewards strategy and design. He has a passion for all aspects of pay and benefits and is a collaborative Rewards Business Partner who works across the organization to promote and drive change on total rewards philosophies and systems. He has lived and worked in Asia and the U.S.

Carol O'Toole
Senior Lecturer
Carol O'Toole, Senior Lecturer at the Carlson School of Management, brings diverse expertise in law, lecturing, personnel management, and labor negotiations.
Peter Ronza
Senior Lecturer

Mr. Ronza is President of the Pontifex Consulting Group. He has over thirty years of experience in health care, banking, higher education, government and as a consultant for a variety of industries.  He also has been called upon as a resource based on his expertise by print and video media (NBC Nightly News, Wall Street Journal, US News & World Report).

Alex Smith
Explore Alex Smith's profile at Carlson School. Gain insights into his expertise and contributions in academia and business.
Brandon Sullivan
Senior Director Talent Strategy Team - Office of Human Resources UMN
Brandon Sullivan, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in the Work and Organizations Department in the Carlson School of Management.
Travis Tubre
Senior Lecturer
Travis Tubre is a Senior Lecturer in the Work & Organizations department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Kevin Wilde
Senior Lecturer
Kevin Wilde currently serves as an Executive Leadership Fellow at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Todd Williams
Senior Lecturer

I am a Minneapolis native and University of Minnesota Alum who believes that community success is achieved and heightened with student investments. I have experience working in corporate America as well as non-profit board leadership in marketing, sales, and merchandising, as well as in roles focused on promoting diversity, equity, & inclusion.

Mario Bognanno
Professor Emeritus
Mario Bognanno is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Work and Organizations at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
John Fossum
Professor Emeritus
John Fossum, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Work and Organizations at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
John Remington
Professor Emeritus
John Remington is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Work and Organizations at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Mahmood Zaidi
Distinguished International Emeritus Professor, Professor Emeritus, Founding Director of International Program Office (Now Carlson Global Institute)
Mahmood Zaidi, Distinguished International Emeritus Professor and Professor Emeritus at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.