Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship Student Papers
Recent Dissertation Titles
- "Corporate Pollution and Local Community" Narae Lee (2022)
- "Understanding Digital Inequality and the Role of Cooperatives" Hyjou Jeong (2022)
- "Strategic Incongruence and the Lemons Problem in Public Markets" Rosa Kim (2021)
- "Hey, maybe you can help me with this: Chance Encounters, Geographic Proximity and Innovative Collaboration" Keith Pennington (2021)
- "Corporate Philanthropy as an Ideological Tool for Advocacy" Haram Seo (2021)
- "From Mass to Motion: The Temporal Dynamics of Industry Clusters" Min Jung Kim (2020)
- "Inside the Lines: Essays on the Performance of Interorganizational Networks" Keyman (Dennie) Kim (2019)
- "Do Stakeholders Connect Corporate Social Responsibility to Firm Performance?" Nicholas Poggioli (2019)
- "Capabilities, Technology Acquisitions, and Alliance Portfolios in Dynamic, Interdependent Markets" Paul Nary (2019)
- "Going Above and Beyond: A Behavioral View of Firms' Responses to Institutional Pressures from Negative Stakeholder-related Events" Gui Deng Say (2018)
- "Network Stability: Antecedents and Consequences" Pankaj Kumar (2018)
- "The Role of Within-firm Complementarities on Value Creation and Appropriation Strategies: Studies on Standards, Market Entry, and Product Design" Cameron Miller (2017)
Recent Graduate Placements
- Narae Lee, 2022, Singapore Management University
- Hyjou Jeong, 2022, Tulane University
- Rosa Kim, 2021, Oklahoma State University
- Haram Seo, 2021, Texas A&M University
- Keith Pennington (2021) University of Connecticut
- Min Jung Kim, 2020, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Dennie Kim, 2019, University of Virginia - Darden
- Paul Nary, 2019, University of Pennsylvania
- Gui Deng Say, 2019, Singapore Management University
- Pankaj Kumar, 2018, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- Cameron Miller, 2017, Syracuse University
Student Publications
- Are Native Plants Green? Assessing Environmental Performance of a Local-Owned Facilities, 2021, Strategy Science, Narae Lee
- From Elements to Structures: An Agenda for Organizational Gamification, 2020, European Journal of Information Systems, Farzam Boroomand with A. Khan, J. Webster and X. Michocher
- Follow the Smoke: Pollution Haven Hypothesis in Global Sourcing, 2020, Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, Strategic Management Journal, Narae Lee with A. Kaul and H. Berry
- Who Does Private Equity Buy: Evidence on the Role of Private Equity from Buyouts of Divested Businesses, 2018, Strategic Management Journal, Paul Nary with A. Kaul
- A Signaling Theory of Institutional Activism: How Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Investments Affect Firms’ Foreign Acquisitions, 2018, Academy of Management Journal, Gui Deng Say with G. Vasudeva and L. Nachum
- Complementarity of Signals in Early Stage Equity Investment Decisions: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment, 2017, Management Science, Sofia Bapna
- Pawn to save a chariot, or drawbridge into the fort? Firms' disclosure during standard setting and complementary technologies within ecosystems, 2017, Strategic Management Journal, Cameron Miller
Student Presentations
- Varying Serendipity Between Investors, 2021, University of Virginia, Darden, CCC Innovation Division Seminar, EPFL Virtual Innovation Seminar, Keith Pennington
- Cooperative as an Entrant and Incumbents, 2021, Nonmarket Strategy Research Community, NYU CCC Visiting Students Presentations, Hyoiu Jeong
- Beyond the Horizon: Intra-Firm Collaboration Between and Beyond Clusters and the Quality of Firm Invention, 2021, Wharton Technology and Innovation Conference, 2020, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Sohyun Park with A. Zaheer and A. Kaul
- Regulation and Innovation Revisited, 2020, Academy of Management, Michael Park
- Historical Dynamics of Disruption in Science and Technology, 2020, University of Arizona PhD Seminar, Michael Park
- The Paradox of Network Intervention: Exploring the Consequences of Policies for Promoting Connection, 2020, Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Sohyun Park with R. Funk
- Varying Serendipity Between Inventors, 2020, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Keith Pennington
- Discovering Firms' Data Strategies with Dynamic Topic Modelling, 2020, Proceedings of Strategic Management Society Conference, Farzam Boroomand with A. Leiponen and G. Vasudeva Singh
- Desert Places: Cooperatives as Infrastructure Providers in Marginalized Areas, 2020, Strategy Science PhD Workshop, Hyoiu Jeong with A. Kaul and J. Luo
- Duo is Better than Solo: Assessment of Interplay of Internal Motivation and External Pressure in Environmental Performance, 2020, Strategy Science, Association of Research on Corporate Sustainability, Narae Lee
- Exploring the Relationship Between Regulations Strictness and Destabilizing Innovation, 2020, Network Science Conference, Michael Park with R. Funk
- It Matters Where People Live: Innovative Collaborations and the Proximity of Inventors' Residences, 2020, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2019, Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Keith Pennington with M. Shaver
- Alliance Formation in Multimarket, 2019, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Strategic Management Society Conference, Sohyun Park
- The Zika Virus' Gendered Effect on Inventor Collaborations, 2019, Strategic Management Society Annual Meeting, Sohyun Park and Keith Pennington
- Changing Characteristics of Innovation, 2019, International Conference on Scientometrics & Infometrics, Michael Park with R. Funk and E. Leahy
- Varying Serendipity between Investors, 2019, Consortium on Competitiveness and Cooperation, Keith Pennington
- Corporate Philanthropy as a Strategic Tool for Advocacy, 2019, Research on Corporate Sustainability Conference, Strategic Management Society Conference, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Haram Seo
- From Mass to Motion: Conceptualizing and Measuring the Temporal Dynamics of Industry Clusters, 2019, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Min Jung Kim with M. Shaver and R. Funk
- Cluster Temporal Dynamics: Boundary-Crossing Resource Mobility, and the Nature of Technological Innovation, 2019, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Min Jung Kim
- Fifty Shades of Green: Assessment of Foreign-Owned Establishments' Environmental Performance, 2019, Narae Lee
- How does the Accounting Measurement Rule Impact the Financial Market's Reaction to the Disclosure of Non-regulated Information, 2019, Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability, Narae Lee
- Understanding the Dynamics of Disadvantage in Social Networks: Patent Libraries and Peripheral Investors, 2019, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Pyung (Joe) Nahm with R. Funk and M. Sytch
- Selling to the Sharks: Divestiture Performance and the Role of Private Equity Acquirers, 2019, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Strategy Science Conference, and WIP Seminar, Paul Nary
- A Signaling Theory of Institutional Activism: How Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Investments Affect Firms’ Foreign Acquisitions", 2019, SMS (Minneapolis), Great Lakes Entrepreneurship Network Conference, Gui Deng Say
- It Matters Where People Live: Innovative Collaborations and the Proximity of Inventors’ Residences, 2019, SMS Special Conference, Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference, Keith Pennington with M. Shaver
- Firm innovation strategies and private-to-public outcomes, 2019, Great Lakes Entrepreneurship Network Conference and 2018, Consortium on Competitiveness and Cooperation Doctoral Conference, Rosa Kim
- Going private as a solution to public market disagreement: Information asymmetry, R&D investments, and privatization choices, 2018, Strategic Management Society Conference, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Rosa Kim
- Value of Friendship: Understanding Corporate Executive’s Networking Behavior in Terms of Instrumental and Sentimental Dimensions, 2018, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Pyung (Joe) Nahm with S. Park
- Competition and loyalty in expert agents’ third-party relationships: Why mandated disclosure can become a strategic tool instead of enhancing propriety, 2018, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Keith Pennington with S. Dutta
- Informal Clinical Integration in Accountable Care Organizations and Patient Outcomes Following Cardiac Surgery, 2018, Medical Care Journal and Proceedings of the Seventy-eight Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Dennie Kim with R.J. Funk, A. Zaheer, and J.M. Hollingworth
- Better off friends? Network bounding and the performance of formal networks 2018, SMS (Paris) and AOM (Chicago), Dennie Kim
- Network bounding and the performance of formal networks 2018, Network Evolution Conference, Dennie Kim
- Giving a Little to Many or a Lot to a Few? The Benefits of Specialization and Variety in Corporate Philanthropy, 2018, Strategic Management Society Conference, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Haram Seo
- Extending the Resource-based View to Common-pool Resources, 2018, Academy of Management, Nicholas Poggioli
- In the Shadow of the Valley: Private Equity Firms’ Increased Prominence in High-Tech Acquisitions, 2018, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Paul Nary with H. Singh
- Selling to the Sharks: Divestiture Performance and the Role of Private Equity Acquirers, 2018, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Paul Nary
- A Signaling Theory of Institutional Activism: How Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Investments Affect Firms’ Foreign Acquisitions, 2018, AOM Atlanta Dissertation Consortium, Gui Deng Say
- Extending the Resource-based View Beyond Private Resources: Firm Performance from Common-Pool Resources, 2018, AOM Organization & Management Theory Division, Nicholas Poggioli
- CEO and Board Networks, 2017, Academy of Management Conference, Pankaj Kumar
- How Geography Influences Network Stability, 2017, Academy of Management, Pankaj Kumar with A. Zaheer