Student Life

Join a powerful community of business leaders that’s shaping the way business is done all across the globe in more than 100 countries. By completing your degree, you’ll join the ranks of Carlson MBAs who hold senior leadership positions at major companies such as Amazon, Google, Starbucks, Target, and U.S. Bank. Professionally, our students come from virtually every area of the business world, representing more than 36 different industries and hundreds of employers.

Building a Better Business World

At the Carlson School of Management, we are committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive community that encourages all to reach their full potential through learning, working, and service. By enhancing and sustaining an ethical, culturally-grounded, and anti-racist institution, we will equip the leaders of tomorrow to live the values of “business as a force for good.”

Carlson Atrium

Your orientation to the Online MBA program will prepare you to succeed academically and professionally. Hosted at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management in Minneapolis, orientation will be your opportunity to meet your fellow students, to discover your academic and career resources, and to get acquired with the format of your online classes.

Military Computer
Virtual Coaching

As an Online MBA student, you will join a dedicated cohort of fellow students who progress through the curriculum together and forge connections with one another. Enjoy the benefits of a face-to-face student community virtually and through regular live programming offered by your MBA program staff. Virtual Student Resources include:

  • Academic advising 
  • Career coaching 
  • Enhanced virtual services and technology support
Alumni Network Photo

Connect with 200 full-time MBA students, and 53,000+ global alumni, and engage alongside 142 esteemed faculty members—access 55 dedicated career coaches, advisors, and staff. Engage with 1,000+ part-time and executive MBA peers, 2,500+ undergraduates, and diverse partner organizations. Plus you'll gain an extensive network of 445,000+ University of Minnesota alumni.

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