Management Information Systems Research Center Research
The MIS Research Center supports the work of faculty scholars in the Information & Decision Sciences department and beyond. Examples of recent and ongoing research include the following:
Tracking COVID-19 Hospitalizations
The Medical Industry Leadership Institute (MILI) and the Management Information Systems Research Center (MISRC) at the Carlson School of Management have launched a "COVID-19 Hospitalization Tracking Project" to track daily hospitalizations from all 50 states.
Creating Time through Analytics
Using analytics, econometrics, and field experiments, researchers found several ways to “create time” for Flora Holland auctions.
Closing the Digital Divide
Technology is transforming every area of our lives, from communication to commerce, from healthcare to transportation. But this culture-shifting transformation is only happening for those with broadband internet.
Social Influence Online: Do Friends Make Friends Pay?
Do friends influence one another to buy products, embrace beliefs, and adopt behaviors?
Making Sense of Customer Voices on Facebook Business Pages
There are more than 60 million business pages on Facebook, through which companies seek to market their products and engage their customers. How do customers really interact with these pages?
Product Recommendations for New Users
Without data on a user's past preferences and activities, how can a system make useful recommendations? This research examines methods to enhance recommendations for new users.
Collaboration Among Virtual Teams
Geographically dispersed employees and virtual teams have become a fact of the modern workplace. Working this way offers several advantages, distinct costs, and unique dynamics.
The Value of Retail Stores in the Digital Age
In an increasingly multichannel world, what role do physical stores play a role in driving online sales?
Reveal or Conceal: How User Information Affects Crowdfunding Results
Crowdsourcing promises winning product ideas, lower customer service costs, support to launch new projects, and armies of brand evangelists. Has all of that panned out?
Contact the MIS Research Center
To learn more about MISRC, our research, and partnership opportunities, contact:
Soumya Sen | Director of Research | (612) 626-4327 | [email protected]
Ed Foppe | Director of Outreach | [email protected]