Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship Department

Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship Department Faculty

Faculty in the Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship department are interested in strategic management, organizational studies, entrepreneurship, ethics, and international management. Their research orientation is the development of theory that is driven by applied managerial and organizational problems. Faculty research and teaching interests range from competitive strategy, new business creation, inter-firm networks and innovation, to ethics, team dynamics, negotiation and the management of global businesses.

Moshe Barach
Assistant Professor
Moshe Barach, Assistant Professor in Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management.
Mary Benner
Professor, Associate Dean for Carlson Undergraduate Program, John and Nancy Lindahl Professor for Excellence in Business Education
Mary Benner, Associate Dean of the Carlson Undergraduate Program, Professor at Carlson School of Management. PhD in management. Research focuses on innovation and technological change.
Sunasir Dutta
Assistant Professor
Learn more about Sunasir Dutta, an assistant professor at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota.
Daniel Forbes
Associate Professor
Daniel Forbes is an Associate Professor in the Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship department at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management.
Russell Funk
Associate Professor, Edward and Eleanor Asplin Endowed Faculty Fellow in Ethical Cultures
Russell Funk, Associate Professor at Carlson School of Management, specializes in leveraging big data for management research, particularly in strategic management and entrepreneurship.
Aseem Kaul
Professor, The Mosaic Company - Jim Prokopanko Professor for Corporate Responsibility
Aseem, Carlson School since 2009. PhD from Wharton. Research: firm scope, innovation, social and political strategies. Published in top journals.
Xuege (Cathy) Lu
Assistant Professor

Xuege (Cathy) Lu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. Her research sits at the intersection of strategic management, corporate sustainability, and innovation. She received her Ph.D. in Management and Organizations from Cornell University, her M.A.

Jiao Luo
Associate Professor, Andrew Van de Ven Faculty Fellow
Jiao Luo, Carlson School of Management. Research in organization theory and non-market strategy. Published in top journals.
Alfred Marcus
Professor, Edson Spencer Endowed Chair in Strategy and Technological Leadership
Alfred Marcus is a Professor and holds the Edson Spencer Endowed Chair in Strategy and Technological Leadership at the Carlson School of Management.
Jamie Prenkert
Dean and Investors in Leadership Distinguished Chair

Jamie Darin Prenkert is the 13th dean of the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. He began his tenure on July 3, 2023, leading a school of 5,000 current students and 400+ faculty and staff, with 60,000 alumni in more than 100 countries. In addition, Professor Prenkert is the Investors in Leadership Distinguished Chair. 

Myles Shaver
Professor, Curtis L. Carlson Chair in Corporate Strategy
Myles Shaver is Professor of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management where he holds the Curtis L. Carlson Chair in Corporate Strategy.
Paul M. Vaaler
Professor, John and Bruce Mooty Chair in Law & Business
Paul M. Vaaler, Professor and John and Bruce Mooty Chair in Law & Business at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management.
Gurneeta Vasudeva Singh
Associate Professor
Gurneeta Vasudeva Singh, Associate Professor in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management.
Joel Waldfogel
Professor, Frederick R. Kappel Chair in Applied Economics

Joel Waldfogel was previously the Ehrenkranz Family Professor of Business and Public Policy at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, where he and had served as department chair and associate vice dean. Prior to Wharton, Waldfogel was an associate professor of economics at Yale University.

Jeremy Watson
Assistant Professor
Jeremy Watson is an Assistant Professor in the Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship Department at the Carlson School of Management.
Sandy Yu
Assistant Professor
Sandy Yu, Assistant Professor at Carlson School of Management, researches entrepreneurial fundraising and growth strategies.
Sri Zaheer
Professor, Dean Emerita, Elmer L. Andersen Chair in Global Corporate Social Responsibility

Srilata (Sri) Zaheer became the 12th dean of the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota on March 8, 2012. She served in this role until July 2, 2023.

Aks Zaheer
Department Chair, Holmes Center for Entrepreneurship Academic Director, Professor, Curtis L. Carlson Chair in Strategic Management

Aks Zaheer received his PhD in strategic management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his Master's in Business from the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad.

Shaker A. Zahra
Professor, Robert E. Buuck Chair of Entrepreneurship
Shaker A. Zahra, Professor & Robert E. Buuck Chair of Entrepreneurship, Carlson School of Management. Research: corporate & international entrepreneurship, dynamic capabilities, social entrepreneurship.
Nat Bennett
Senior Lecturer
Nat Bennett serves as a Senior Lecturer in the Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship department at the Carlson School of Management.
Alan Fine
Senior Lecturer
Alan Fine is a Senior Lecturer in the Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship department at the Carlson School of Management.
Jeffrey Kaufmann
Senior Lecturer
Jeffrey Kaufmann is a Senior Lecturer in the Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship group at the Carlson School of Management.
Svjetlana Madzar
Senior Lecturer
Svjetlana Madzar is a Senior Lecturer in the Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Rand Park
Senior Lecturer
Rand Park is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Mary Rosa
Senior Lecturer
Mary Rosa is a Senior Lecturer in the Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Adam Schrag
Senior Lecturer
Adam is a communication scholar and educator with expertise in Plain English, International English Style, slide design, visual rhetoric, intercultural communication, media studies, and multimedia storytelling. He teaches Business Communication, Intercultural Communication, and Risk Communication.
Stuart Albert
Associate Professor Emeritus
Stuart Albert is an Associate Professor in the Strategic Management and Organization Department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
John Mauriel
Associate Professor Emeritus
John Mauriel is an Associate Professor Emeritus in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship at the Carlson School of Management.
Thomas Murtha
Associate Professor Emeritus
Thomas Murtha, Associate Professor Emeritus, specialized in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Harry Sapienza
Professor Emeritus