Marketing Dissertations and Papers

Recent Dissertation Titles

  • "Essays on Marketing Strategies in Online Advertising" Lei Zhuang (2022)
  • "Automation and Job Replacement in the Eyes of Conservatives and Liberals" Ryan (Tzushuo) Wang (2022) 
  • "Strategies to Enhance Consumption Enjoyment through Attention" Jinjie Chen (2021)
  • "Subscription in Multi-Product Context" Yilong Liang (2021)
  • "Prominent Retailer and Price Search" Ruitong Wang (2020)
  • "Paradox Brands: Can Brands with Contradictory Meanings be More Appealing to Consumers?" Maria Rodas Waters (2019)
  • "With Friends Like These: The Negative Impact of Maximizing on Interpersonal Behavior and Perceptions" Nicholas Olson (2018)
  • "Empirical Studies on Complementarity and Competition in Products and Business Relationships" Shaojun (Marco) Qin (2018)
  • "Optimal Marketing Strategies with Reference-Dependent Preferences" Zuhui Xiao (2018)


Recent Graduate Placements 

  • Lei Zhuang, 2022, Fudan University 
  • Ryan (Tzushuo) Wang, 2022, University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
  • Jinjie (J.J.) Chen, 2021, City University of Hong Kong
  • Yilong Liang, 2021, University of Science and Technology of China
  • Ruitong Wang, 2020, Tongji University
  • Nicholas Olson, 2019, Texas A&M University 
  • Maria Rodas, 2019, University of Southern California
  • Marco Qin, 2018, Temple University 
  • Zuhui Xiao, 2018, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee


Student Publications and Presentations by year

  • "A Moth to a Flame? Implicit Social Connection Inoculates Conspiracy Theorists against COVID-19 Misinformation,” 2023, Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, Murray, Sandra, Ji Xia, Veronica Lamarche, Mark Seery, Jim McNulty, Dale Griffin, Deborah Ward, Han Young Jung, Lindsey Hicks, and David DuBois
  • "Do Voting and Election Outcomes Predict Changes in Conspiracy Beliefs? Evidence from Two High-Profile U.S. Elections," 2022, Journal of experimental Social Psychology, 103 (November), Sangmin Kim, Olga Stavrova, Kathleen D. Vohs 
  • “‘You Will See an Ad’: Prompting Online Ads to Make Them Less Interruptive,” 2022, Association for Consumer Research Conference, Sangmin Kim
  • “Prosocial Behavior,” 2022, Association for Consumer Research Conference, Han Young Jung, and Joseph Redden.
  • “Reducing COVID vaccine hesitancy by inducing a comparative mindset,” 2022, Vaccine, 40(52), 7547-7558, Xianyu Hao (Bonnie), Mayank Anand, Tzushuo (Ryan) Wang, and Akshay R. Rao
  • “Do People Gain Similar Well-Being Benefits from Prosocial Behavior? The Impact of Political Partisanship on Well-Being Benefits Gained from Volunteering versus Donating”, 2022, Association of Consumer Research, Xianyu Hao and Akshay Rao
  • “User Engagement on Digital Media Platforms: The Dynamic Interplay between Discovery and Consumption," 2022, 44th ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Xie Qi
  • "Unsubstantiated Product Claims: Implications for Consumer Choice and Welfare", 2021, Haring Symposium, Qi Xie
  • "Seeking Shelter in an Electoral Storm: When Threatening Political Reality Strengthens Family Relationship Bonds", 2021, Social Psychological and Personality Science, Han Young Jung with S. Murray, V. Lamarche, M. Seery, T. Saltsman, D. Dubois and D. Griffin
  • "How to Extract Meaning and Happiness from Experiences as Ends versus Means", 2021, Society for Consumer Psychology, Hankyul Bae with K. Vohs
  • "Behavior-Based Pricing under Data Protection Regulation Policy", 2021, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Yunhyoun Kim with T. Cui and Y. Zhu
  • "Strategic Opacity in Crowdsourced Quality Evaluation Policies", 2020, Marketing Science Conference, 2021, POMS, Qi Xie with L. Xu and G. Burtch
  • "Referral Learning and Inventory Decisions in Social Networks", 2020, POMS, 2021 MSOM Annual Meeting, Yuanchen Su with G. Kong and A. Mani
  • "Not all Experiences are CreatedEqual: Experiences as Ends (vs. Means) are happier and More Meaningful”, 2020, Association for Consumer Research, Hankyul Bae with K. Vohs
  • "Rating Service Professionals First Reduces Tip Amount in Sequential Decisions". 2020, Society for Consumer Psychology Numerical Markets Conference, Jinji Chen with A.J. Xu and A. Rodas
  • "Do Happiness and Meaning in Life Uniquely Predict Consumer Well-Being?", 2020, Association of Consumer Research, Xianyu (Bonnie) Hao with K. Vohs
  • "Psychological Pathways Linking Income Inequality in Adolescence to Well-Being in Adulthood", 2020, Self and Identity, Han Young Jung with L. Park, K. Schultz Lee, D. Ward, K. Naragon-Gainey, P. Piff and A. Whillans
  • "Social Listening with Competition", 2020, Haring Symposium, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Yuanchen Su with Y. Zhu and A. Dukes
  • "Can the Public be Educated about Constituents in Smokeless Tobacco? A 3-Wave Randomized Controlled Trial", 2020, Nicotine & Tobacco Research, TzuShuo Wang with B. Loken, E. Borgida, M. Madzelan, A. Williams, I. Stepanova and D. Hatsukami
  • "Can't Buy Me Love (or Friendship): Social Consequences of Financially Contingent Self Worth", 2020, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Han Young Jung with D. Ward, L. Park, A. Whillans and K. Naragon-Gainey
  • "The Social-Safety System: Fortifying Relationships in the Face of the Unforeseeable", 2020, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (forthcoming), Han Young Jung with S. Murray, V. Lamarche, M. Seery, C. Brinkman and D. Griffin
  • "Switching Costs: How Clustering Attenuates Hedonic Decline", 2019, Association for Consumer Research Conference, Jinjie Chen with J. Redden
  • "The Professor X Effect - Does Disability Allude to Competence", 2019, Association for Consumer Research Conference, Jinjie Chen and TzuShuo Wang with A. Xu
  • "Social Sharing with Competition", 2019, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, MSOM Annual Meeting, Yuanchen Su
  • "Shop Cheap and Look Good: A Signaling Framework", 2019, Association for Consumer Research, TzuShuo Wang with J. Stoner, B. Loken and S. Min
  • "What Fake News are Shared by Whom and Why?", 2019, Association for Consumer Research, TzuShuo Wang with H. Han, H. Euh and A. Rao
  • “When Sharing Isn’t Caring: The Influence of Seeking the Best on Sharing Favorable Word of Mouth about Unsatisfactory Purchases", 2019, Society for Consumer Psychology & Association for Consumer Research, Nicholas Olson with R. Ahluwalia
  • "Social Sharing with Competition", 2019, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, MSOM Annual Meeting, Yuanchen Su
  • "Shop Cheap and Look Good: A Signaling Framework", 2019, Association for Consumer Research, TzuShuo Wang with J. Stoner, B. Loken, S. Min
  • "The Professor X Effect – Do People with Disability Achieve Higher?", 2019, Association for Consumer Research, Tzushuo Wang with H. Han, H. Euh, A. Rao
  • "The Variation of Preference Stability in Decision-Making across Gain and Loss Domains", 2019, Association for Consumer Research, TzuShuo Wang with J. Kim, G. Wang, A. Rao, R. Rao
  • "Appreciation of Creativity: Unintended Consequences of Thematic versus Taxonomic Product Organization", 2019, Society for Consumer Psychology, Tzushuo Wang with A. Xu, J. Meyers-Levy, B. Loken
  • "Life History and Perceptions of Risk", 2019, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tzushuo Wang with C. Fleck, v. Griskevicius, J. Simpson
  • "The Secrecy Effect: Secret Consumption Polarizes Product Evaluations", 2018, Association of Consumer Research Conference, Maria Rodas
  •  "Generosity Without Borders: The Interactive Effect of Spatial Distance and Donation Goals on Charitable Giving", 2018, Association of Consumer Research Conference, Maria Rodas
  • "Redefining Home: How Cultural Distinctiveness Affects the Malleability of In-Group Boundaries and Brand Preferences," 2017, Journal of Consumer Research, 44(1), 44-61, Nicholas Olson with C. Torelli, R. Ahluwalia, S.Y.Y Cheng, and J. Stoner
  • "A Path to More Enduring Happiness: Take a Detour from Specific Emotional Goals", 2017, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Maria Rodas with R. Ahluwalia and N. Olson
  • "Tightness-Looseness: Implications for Consumer and Branding Research," 2017, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Maria Rodas with C. J. Torelli
  • "Conforming Conservatives: How Salient Social Identities Can Increase Donations" 2017, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Maria Rodas with A. M. Kaikati, C. J. Torelli, and K. P. Winterich
  • "The Maximizing Contradiction: Impact of Seeking the Best on Getting the Best," 2017, Society of Consumer Psychology, Nicholas Olson with R. Ahluwalia
  • "The Cultural Meaning of Brands", 2017, Foundations and Trends in Marketing, Maria Rodas with C. J. Torelli and J. L. Stoner
  • "Re-constructing Opportunism and Trust: A Reference-Dependence Approach," 2017, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Zuhui Xiao