Information & Decision Sciences Student Papers
Recent Dissertation Titles
- "Essays on Digital Transformation: Turning Data into Assets" Sandeep Gangarapu (2022)
- "Understanding and Improving Recommender Systems’ Performance in the Presence of Practical User-, Item-, and Marketing-Oriented Considerations" Meizi Zhou (2022)
- "Humanizing Digital Experiences: Three Essays on the Digital Design of Digital Entities" Scott Schanke (2021)
- "Essays on Online and Offline Interactions" Yash Babar (2020)
- "Gaming - The Logic of Corruption" Miguel Velasco (2020)
- "Adapting Machine Learning Solutions for Intelligent Decision Support" Yaqiong Wang (2020)
- "On the Supply of Online Reviews: Volume, Valence, and Quality" Zhihong Ke (2019)
- "Faculty Activity Analysis & Planning Models in Higher Education" Alden Lorents (2018)
- "What They Do is What You See: Social Information and Individual Behavior in Online Platforms" Swanand Deodhar (2018)
- "Modeling Human Behavior in Complex Trading Environments: Developing Intelligent Agents with Human-like Behavior" Ali Mahdavi Adeli (2018)
- "Understanding the Impact of Online Platforms on Human Society and Relationships: A Macro and Micro Perspective" Probal Mojumder (2018)
- "Gamification as a Solution to Problems of Cash Incentive" Zachary Sheffler (2018)
- "Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of User-Generated Content and Engagement Behavior on Facebook Business Pages" Mochen Yang (2018)
- "Enterprise Information Systems and Mergers and Acquisitions" Chengxin Cao (2017)
- "The Causal Impact of Incentive Structure and Call-to-Action Design on the Product Diffusion: Evidence from Two Randomized Field Experiments" JaeHwuen Jung (2017)
Recent Graduate Placements
- Sandeep Gangarapu, 2022, Apple - Data Scientist Experimental Research
- Meizi Zhou, 2022, Boston University
- Scott Schanke, 2021, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Yaqiong Wang, 2021, Santa Clara University
- Yash Babar, 2020, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Yaqiong Wang, 2020, Santa Clara University
- Zhihong Ke, 2019, Clemson University
- Zachary Sheffler, 2019, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Swanand Deodhar, 2018, Indian Institute of Management - Ahmedabad
- Ali Mahdavi Adeli, 2018, University of Memphis
- Probal Mojumder, 2018, University of Southern California
- Mochen Yang, 2018, Indiana University
- Chengxin Cao, 2017, Iowa State University
- JaeHwuen Jung, 2017, Temple University
- Loxley Wang, 2017, Fisher Broyles LLP
Student Publications and Presentations
- "The Use of Large Language Model in Creative Work: The Role of Collaboration Modality and Expertise," Best Student Paper 2023, Conference on Information Systems & Technology, Alan (Zenan) Chen with Jason Chan
- "Attendance Tracking Apps Academic Performance: Evidence from a Field Study," 2021, Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research, Alan (Zenan) Chen
- "Platform Integration, First-party Advantage, and Third-party Content Creation," 2021, China Workshop on Economics of Information Systems Theory, Zenan Chen
- "Patient Access to Chronic Medications During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a Comprehensive Dataset of US Insurance Claims", 2021, PLOS ONE 16(4): e0249453, Jeff Clement with M. Jacobi and B. Greenwood
- "Estimating the Impact of Humanizing Customer Service Chatbots," 2020, American Marketing Association, 2021, Production and Operations Management, Information Systems Research, Scott Schanke with G. Burtch and G. Ray
- "Two-Sided Platform Pricing & Integration, First-party and Third-party Content Creation," 2020, Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Zenan Chen
- "Drug Access and Utilization during the COVID-19 Pandemic", 2020, COVID-19 Analytics Symposium, Jeff Clement, with B. Greenwood
- "Disregarding, Modifying, or Adopting: How Medical Experts Incorporate AI Recommendations into Patient Care Decisions," 2020, Conference on Health IT and Analytics, Jeff Clement with Y. Ren and S. Curley
- "Trust and Transparency in Artificial Intelligence- Aided Immunosuppression Decision," 2020, American Transplant Congress, Jeff Clement with Y. Ren and S. Curley
- "Multi-Armed Bandits with Inference Considerations," 2020, AMA Summer Academic Conference, Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research, Workshop in Information Systems and Economics, Sandeep Gangarapu with R. Bapna and E. Mcfowland
- "A Prescriptive Analytics Framework for Optimal Policy Deployment using Heterogeneous Treatment Effects," 2020, Management Information Systems Quarterly, Sandeep Gangarapu with R. Bapna and T. Sun
- "Economics of Social Media Fake Accounts," 2020, Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, China Workshop on Economics of Information Systems Theory, Zihong Huang with D. Liu
- "AI-Empowered Venture Capital - The Impact of AI Adoption on VC Firms' Success", 2020, Workshop on E-Business, Zihong Huang with X. Bi and D. Liu
- "Experimental Evidence of the Effect of Politeness on Social Media Advertising Efficacy", 2020, INFORMS, Scott Schanke with G. Burtch and G. Ray
- "The Impact of Ride Coordination on Virtual Team Performance and Player Retention in Esports", 2020, WEB, Seonkyung (Agnes) Yang with D. Liu
- "Short-Lived Item Recommendation", 2020, Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Business Analytics, CIST, Meizi Zhou with Y. Song
- "Longitudinal Impact of Preference Biases on Recommender Systems' Performance", 2020, INFORMS Workshop on Data Science, Maizi Zhou with G. Adomavivius
- "Using NLP to Extract Predicate History from Medical Device Approvals", 2020, International Conference on Information Systems, Yi Zhu with A. Everhart, P. Karaca-Mandic and S. Sen
- "An Interactive Web-Based Dashboard for COVID-19 Hospitalizations in the U.S", 2020, Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, Yi Zhu with S. Sen, P. Karaca-Mandic, A. Georgiou and K. Vu
- "Consumer Reactions toward IT Infrastructure Upgrade: Evidence from a Nation-Wide Mobile Network Upgrade", 2020, Ph.D. Summer Research Presentation, Yi Zhu with J. Chan, X. Bi, Y. Guo, and J. Wu
- "Association of COVID-19-Related Hospital Use and Overall COVID-19 Mortality in the USA", 2020, Journal of General Internal Medicine, Yi Zhu with P. Karaca-Mandic, A. Basu, S. Sen, and A. Georgiou
- "The Economic Burden of Extended Release Pharmaceuticals in Minnesota", 2020, Public Health Review, Yi Zhu with J. Zhou, A. Everhard, L. Smith and Y. Qiu
- "Methods and System for Integrating Social Media Analysis into an Enterprise Project Management System", 2020, US Patent Office, Yash Babar
- "Examining the Heterogenous Impact of Ride-hailing Services on Public Transit Use", 2020, Information Systems Research, Yash Babar with G. Burtch
- "Net Neutrality: Network Congestion, Social Welfare, and Service Tiering Regulations", 2019, Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Zenan Chen with S. Sen
- "Transparency and Trust in Artificial Intelligence Clinical Decision Support Systems", 2019, Conference on Health IT and Analytics, Jeffrey Clement
- "Augmenting Human Teams with Robots", 2019, MISQ Workshop on Next Generation IS Theories, Jeffrey Clement with Y. Ren
- "Multi-Armed Bandits with Inference Considerations", 2019, Data Science Workshop, Conference on Digital Economy, Sandeep Gangarapu with E. Mcfowland III and R. Bapna
- "Budget Induced Strategic Bidding on Multiunit Online Auctions", 2019, Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, Zihong Huang, with D. Liu and A. Gupta
- "The Role of Workgroups on User Participation in Enterprise Social Media", 2019, International Conference on Information Systems, Christina Jeong with J. Chan and Y. Guo
- "Estimating the Impact of 'Humanizing' Customer Service Chatbots", 2019, Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research, Information Systems Research Special Issue Workshop, INFORMS & CIST, Scott Schanke with G. Burtch and G. Ray
- "Meeting over Meat: How do Offline Meetups Impact Online Activities in an Online Foodie Community?", 2019, Workshop on Information Systems, Yash Babar with Y. Ren
- "Adapting Machine Learning Solutions for Intelligent Decision Support", 2019, Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, Yaqiong Wang with G. Adomavivius
- "Friend or Foe? Bike-sharing and Ride-sharing in New York City", 2019, Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, Agnes Yang with Y. Kwon, S. Lee and S. Kim
- "Entrepreneurship as a Source of Innovation: Founders in IT Firms", 2019, Proceedings of Post-ICIS Korea Association of Information Systems, Agnes Yang with Y. Kwon, S. Kim, S. Lee, and K. Huang
- "A Prescriptive Analytics Framework for Optimal Policy Deployment using Heterogeneous Treatment Effects", 2019, Winter Conference on Business Analytics, 2018, Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, Sandeep Kumar Gangarapu
- "Trust in Online Reviews: Integrating the Elaboration Likelihood Model and IS Trust", 2019, American Conference on Informational Systems, Zachary Sheffler with L. Nguyen, T. Hess, Y. Liu
- "The Digital Sin City: An Empirical Study of Craigslist's Impact on Prostitution Trends," 2019, Information Systems Research, Probal Mojumder with J. Chan and A. Ghose
- "Falling from Digital Grace: Participation in Online Coding Contests Following Loss of Status", 2018, Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, 2019, Academy of Management, Yash Babar with S. Deodhar and G. Burtch
- " Using IT to Nudge Wellness Behaviors: The Effects of IT-Enabled Social Support and Motivational Messaging", 2018, Statistical Conference in E-Commerce Research, Zachary Sheffler with S. Curley, D. Liu, Y. Babar, and Z. Ke
- "Social Support in a Wellness Field Experiment," 2018, SCECR, Zachary Sheffler with S. Curley, D. Liu, Y. Babar, and Z. Ke
- "The Effect of Politeness on Social Media Advertising Compliance: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment Conducted on Facebook", 2018, Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Scott Schanke
- "Mind the Gap: Accounting the Measurement Error and Misclassification in Variables Generated via Data Mining," 2018, Information Systems Research, 29(1), 4-24, Mochen Yang with G. Adomavicius, G. Burtch, and Y. Ren
- "Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Generating Instrumental Variables with Random Forest for Bias Correction in Statistical Inferences," 2018, INFORMS Workshop on Data Science, Mochen Yang with G. Burtch, E. McFowland, and G. Adomavicius
- "In it to Win it? Contest Entry Timing and User Participation in Crowdsourcing Contests," 2018 International Conference on Changing Nature of Careers (ICCNC), Swanand Deodhar
- "Falling from Digital Grace: Effect of Loss of Status on Participation in Online Contests," 2018, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Swanand Deodhar
- "Falling from Digital Grace: Participation in Online Coding Contests Following Loss of Status", 2018, Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, Yash Babar with S. Deodhar and G. Burtch
- "Run Forrest Run!: Measuring the Impact of App-Enabled Social Feedback on Running Performance", 2018, International Conference on Information Systems, Yash Babar with J. Chang and B. Choi
- "Meeting over Meat: How do Offline Meets Impact Online Activity in a Hybrid Foodie Community?", 2018, Academy of Management, Yash Babar with Y. Ren
- "From Head to Long Tail: Flexible Recommendation using Cosine Patterns", 2018, Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, Yaqiong Wang with J. Wu, Z. Wu, G. Adomavicius
- "How Bricks Add to Clicks? Understanding the Impact of Showrooming on Online Purchase Behaviors", 2018, Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Yaqiong Wang with J. Chan, K. Xu, X. Chen
- "Engagement by Design: An Empirical Study of the "Reactions" Feature on Facebook Business Pages," 2017, Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Mochen Yang with Y. Ren and G. Adomavicius
- "The Dynamics of Social Media Engagement: A Quasi-Experimental Study of the "Reactions" Feature on Facebook Business Pages," 2017, Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Mochen Yang with Y. Ren and A. Adomavicius
- "Engagement Beyond Liking and Commenting: A Quasi-Experimental Study of the "Reactions" Feature on Facebook Business Pages," 2017, Winter Conference on Business Analytics (WCBA), Mochen Yang with Y. Ren and G. Adomavicius
- "Analyzing User-Generated Content on Firm-Hosted Social Media Pages," 2017, Financial and Retail Conference (FARCON), Mochen Yang
- "Badge Incentives in a Field Experiment," 2017, CHITA, Zachary Sheffler with S. Curley and D. Liu
- "Geography of online network ties: A predictive modeling approach," 2017, Decision Support System, Swanand Deodhar with M. Subramani and A. Zaheer
- "Toward Understanding the Dynamics of Bidder Behavior in Continuous Combinatorial Auctions: Agent-Based Simulation Approach," 2017, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Computer Society Press, Ali Mahdavi Adeli with G. Adomavicius and A. Gupta
- "Are Yang and McSteamy More Receptive to a Hot Vote than Meredith and George? Heterogeneity in Treatment Effects in Online Dating," 2017, Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Probal Mojumder with R. Bapna, J. Ramaprasad, and A. Umyarov