Business Taxation Curriculum


In the Master of Business Taxation Program, you'll explore the latest topics—new statutes, regulations, IRS pronouncements, and more—while also gaining a greater perspective on the relationship between tax and business issues. This combination allows you to expand your career options and pursue positions in consulting, management, and other roles in the tax industry.


Program at a glance

The flexibility offered by the Carlson School empowers students to map degree paths as individually as they are. 

Maroon calendar icon with a maroon circular border
Start date
Spring, Summer, Fall
Maroon clock icon with a maroon circular border
1-3 years 
Full-Time & Part-Time options
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Maroon paper and pencil icon with a maroon circular border
Work experience
Average 4-6 years



The program is 30-credits and can be completed full-time or part-time. Fully online, courses are asynchronous, divided into weekly modules, and designed by online learning experts who employ the latest technologies. There is a break from early March until mid-April to accommodate working tax professionals.

You'll be able to receive your degree in just four semesters when you choose the full-time option. 


Classes can be taken in any order to complement your day-to-day work life. 


You'll be able to receive your degree in just four semesters when you choose the full-time option. 


Classes can be taken in any order to complement your day-to-day work life. 


Taxation Certificates

Not ready to jump into a full program? Enhance your skills with a graduate certificate in taxation. Graduate Certificates allow students to enroll in 12 credits (4-6 courses) of graded, transcripted coursework that can usually be completed in a single academic year. If you complete a certificate, you may apply it to the Master of Business Taxation program if you decide to pursue the degree.

Explore business taxation courses

MBT Advisory Board

The board works closely with program leadership and provides feedback and assistance with matters including curriculum, benchmarking activities, surveys, communication, enrollment, etc. Constructive and timely input from a variety of firms, companies, and government agencies is critical to ensuring the program continues to meet the greater needs of the tax community and adjusts to ongoing changes in global taxation.

The board is made up of members of the greater Twin Cities tax community, including representatives from public accounting firms, public and private companies, government agencies, alumni, as well as a current adjunct faculty member and a recent graduate from the MBT program.

One of the missions of the Board is to ensure the MBT Program is meeting the needs of the tax community.  We would like to hear from you.  Please submit questions, comments, or suggestions to the advisory board at

In 2012, a group of tax professionals, together with the MBT program leadership team, formed the Master of Business Taxation Advisory Board. The board's mission is to advise program leadership on strategic matters, as well as communicate the needs of the tax and business community to ensure the program is meeting those needs. The board also promotes and advocates enrollment in the MBT Program, and assists in building and maintaining the value it creates for students, alumni, and the business community.

  • Jared Novotny (Grant Thornton), Chair
  • Jed Larkin (3M), Vice Chair
  • Jerry Martin (RSM)
  • Stephen Maguire (Cargill)
  • Fred Jacobs (Retired MBT Director)
  • Sheila Holt (PwC)
  • Tyler Hess (CLA), Vice Chair
  • Laura Brennan (Excel Energy)
  • Samantha Wimmer (Wipfli)
  • Curt Lavalle (Carlson Companies)
  • Scott Cramer (KPMG)
  • Tim Amundson (UnitedHealth Group)
  • Craig Miller (Retired IRS)
  • Saida Lesov (KPMG)
  • Colleen Block (Wipfli)
  • Kathy Garrison (General Mills)
  • Laura Bethke (Nilfisk); Dale Busacker (Grant Thornton), Adjunct Faculty Representative
  • Mike Metz (US Bank)
  • Jack Reif (Retired Target Corporation)
  • Virginia Harn (CLA), Adjunct Faculty Representative
  • Jim Peterson (Retired Carlson)
  • Brad Fritz (Deloitte)
  • Brad Zilka (Retired IRS)
  • Kyle Anderson (PwC), Alumni Representative
  • Dale Busacker (Grant Thornton)
  • Rebecca Paulsen (US Bank)
  • Adam Goehring (Deloitte), Alumni Representative

Contact Master in Business Taxation