Accounting Faculty

The Carlson School Department of Accounting offers a stimulating learning environment with outstanding synergies across paradigms. Students in accounting develop an understanding of accounting in its relationship to other disciplines such as economics, finance, psychology, and sociology. Some of the most respected scholars and researchers in accounting serve as faculty members in our department and for the program. Current faculty research covers such diverse areas as information economics, decision-making processes, market efficiency, and security valuation.

Frank Gigler
Professor, Curtis L Carlson Chair in Accounting
Frank Gigler holds the position of Professor and serves as the Curtis L. Carlson Chair in Accounting at the Carlson School of Management.
Michael Iselin
Associate Professor, Undergraduate Honors Program Coordinator
Michael Iselin, Associate Professor and Undergraduate Honors Program Coordinator in the Accounting Department at the Carlson School of Management.
Chandra Kanodia
Professor, Arthur Andersen & Co./Kullberg Chair in Accounting and Information Systems
Chandra Kanodia is a Professor of Accounting and Information Systems at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management.
Nan Li
Assistant Professor
Nan Li is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota in Twin Cities.
Paul Ma
Assistant Professor
Paul Ma is an assistant professor of accounting at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota.
Joshua Madsen
Associate Professor
Joshua Madsen, associate professor of accounting, teaches intermediate financial accounting and data analytics courses for undergraduate and graduate students.
Pervin Shroff
Frederick H. Grose Chair, Accounting Dept. Chair
Pervin Shroff holds the Frederick H. Grose Chair and serves as the Chair of the Accounting Department at the Carlson School of Management.
Gaoqing Zhang
Honeywell Professor of Accounting

Gaoqing Zhang joined the Carlson School of Management in 2014.

Haiwen (Helen) Zhang
Carl L. Nelson Professor of Accounting, PhD Program Coordinator
Haiwen (Helen) Zhang, Carl L. Nelson Professor of Accounting, PhD Program Coordinator at Carlson School of Management.
Frank Beil
Senior Lecturer
Frank Beil is a Senior Lecturer in the Accounting department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Roger Conlon
Senior Lecturer
Roger Conlon, Senior Lecturer in the Master Programs in Accounting at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Clayton Forester
MAcc Director and Senior Lecturer
Clayton Forester serves as the MAcc Director and Senior Lecturer in the Accounting department at the Carlson School of Management.
Scott Johnson
Senior Lecturer
Explore the expertise and contributions of Professor Scott Johnson at Carlson School. Delve into his research, publications, and academic insights in the field of business and management.
Jack Kramer
Senior Lecturer
Jack Kramer is a Senior Lecturer in the Accounting department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Tammy Naples
Senior Lecturer
Tammy Naples serves as a Senior Lecturer in the Accounting Department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Kendell Poch
Senior Lecturer
Kendell Poch previously served in various roles within the consulting industry and most recently in public accounting at KPMG, and she also received both her MBA and MBT from the Carlson School.