Information & Decision Sciences Department Faculty
Noted for pioneering research in areas such as management information systems, business analytics, and econometrics, the Information & Decision Sciences faculty are recognized worldwide for their expertise.
Gedas Adomavicius
Professor, Larson Endowed Chair for Excellence in Business Education
Ravi Bapna
Curtis L. Carlson Chair Professor in Business Analytics and Information Systems
Sofia Bapna
Associate Professor and Lawrence Fellow
Jason Chan
Associate Professor, Mary and Jim Lawrence Fellow
Shawn Curley
Kartik Ganju
Assistant Professor
Alok Gupta
Curtis L. Carlson Chair in Information Management
Gautam Ray
Yuqing Ren
Associate Professor & Lawrence Fellow
Soumya Sen
Associate Professor, 3M Fellow, McKnight Presidential Fellow
Yicheng Song
Assistant Professor
Mani Subramani
Associate Professor
Mochen Yang
Associate Professor
Kevin Kuhn
Senior Lecturer
Vedran Lelas
Senior Lecturer
Timothy Olson
Senior Lecturer
Ryan Sougstad
Senior Lecturer
Sean Dulin
Corrinne Fiedler
Mike Grosso
Mike McFarlane
Senior Lecturer
Zach Prebeck
Nick Rosener
Adjunct Professor
Matt Schmidt
Sr Lecturer
Erich Selvig
Norman Chervany
Professor Emeritus
Gordon Everest
Associate Professor Emeritus
Paul Johnson
Professor Emeritus

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