Guest Seminars 2000-2009
Browse the archives below to find information and working papers from past guest seminars hosted by the department of finance.
9/26/08 | Dimitris Papanikolaou, Northwestern University "Investment-Specific Technological Change and Asset Prices" |
10/3/08 | Jeffery Zwiebel, Stanford University "Executive Pay, Hidden Compensation and Managerial Entrenchment" |
10/17/08 | Pierre-Olivier Weill, UCLA "Liquidity Shocks and Order Book Dynamics" |
10/24/08 | Nikolai Roussanov, University of Pennsylvania "Diversification and its Discontents: Idiosyncratic and Entrepreneurial Risk in the Quest for Social Status" |
11/5/08 | Gianni de Nicolai, International Monetary Fund "Banking Crises and Crises Dating: Theory and Evidence" |
12/12/08 | Joshua Rauh, University of Chicago "Capital Structure and Debt Structure" |
1/30/09 | Christian Julliard, London School of Economics Can Rare Events Explain the Equity Premium Puzzle? |
2/13/09 | Zhiguo He, University of Chicago "Dynamic Bank Runs" |
2/20/09 | Martin Oehmke, Columbia University "Liquidating Illiquid Collateral" |
3/6/09 | Geert Bekaert, Columbia University "Liquidating Illiquid Collateral" |
3/27/09 | Johan Walden, UC-Berkeley "Banking and Asset Prices" |
4/3/09 | Amir Sufi, University of Chicago "House Prices, Homeowner Borrowing, and the U.S. Household Leverage Crisis" |
4/24/09 | Raghuram Rajan, University of Chicago "Fear of Fire Sales and the Credit Freeze" |
9/28/07 | S. Vish Viswanathan, Duke University "Moral Hazard, Collateral and Liquidity" |
10/5/07 | Wei Jiang, Columbia University "Payoff Complementarities and Financial Fragility: Evidence from Mutual Fund Outflows" |
10/26/07 | Itay Goldstein, University of Pennsylvania "Market-Based Corrective Actions: The Case of Bank Supervision" |
11/9/07 | Philip Dybvig, Washington University in Saint Louis "Collected Works of Stephen A. Ross: Some Highlights" |
11/14/07 | Steven A. Sharpe, Federal Reserve Board "Expectations of Risk and Return Among Household Investors: Are their Sharpe Ratios Countercyclical?" |
11/16/07 | Adrien Verdelhan, Boston University "Common Risk Factors in Currency Markets" |
12/7/07 | David Musto, University of Pennsylvania "Valuable Information and Costly Liquidity: Evidence from Individual Mutual Fund Trades" |
9/8/06 | Michael Weisbach, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign "Corporate Financial and Investing Policies When Future Financing is not Frictionless" |
9/22/06 | Chris Hennessy, University of California at Berkeley "Corporate Financing Under Repeated Adverse Selection" |
9/29/06 | Mara Faccio, Vanderbilt University "Sudden Deaths: Taking Stock Of Political Connections" |
10/13/06 | David Goldreich, Rotman School, University of Toronto "Behavioral Biases of Dealers in U.S. Treasury Auctions" |
10/20/06 | Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, New York University "Why Has House Price Dispersion Gone Up?" |
11/3/06 | Andrea Eisfeldt, Northwestern University "Leasing, Ability to Repossess, and Debt Capacity" |
12/1/06 | Michael Johannes, Columbia University "Understanding Index Option Returns" |
12/15/06 | Claire Rosenfeld, Carlson School of Management "The Effect of Banking Relationships on Financially Distressed Firms" |
3/9/07 | Steven Grenadier, Stanford University "Investment under Uncertainty and Time-Inconsistent Preferences" |
4/13/07 | Timothy C Johnson, University of Illinois "Market Liquidity and Liquid Wealth" |
4/27/07 | Motohiro Yogo, University of Pennsylvania "Why do Household Portfolio Shares Rise in Wealth?" |
5/4/07 | David Scharfstein, Harvard Business School "Skill vs. Luck in Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital: Evidence from Serial Entrepreneurs" |
5/11/07 | Dirk Hackbarth, Washington University "The Dynamics of Mergers and Acquisitions in Oligopolistic Industries" |
9/9/05 | Alon Brav, Duke University "Costly Communication, Shareholder Activism, and Limits to Arbitrage" |
9/16/05 | Richard Roll, University of California at Los Angeles "Liquidity and the Law of One Price: The Case of the Futures/Cash Basis" |
9/30/05 | Cesare Robotti, Federal Reserve Bank "Asset Pricing Models and Economic Risk Premia: A Decomposition" |
10/21/05 | Naveen Khanna, Michigan State University "Good IPO's Draw in Bad: Inelastic Banking Capacity in the Primary Issue Market" |
11/4/05 | Robert Marquez, University of Maryland "Governance Mechanisms and Corporate Disclosure" |
11/11/05 | Peter Bossaerts, California Institute of Technology "Markowitz in the Brain" |
12/2/05 | Simon Gervais, Duke University "Overconfidence, Investment Policy and Manager Welfare" |
12/9/05 | Holger Mueller, New York University "Concentrated Ownership and Labor Relations" |
3/10/06 | Andrea Frazzini, NYU "Dumb Money: Mutual Fund Flows and Cross-Section of Stock Returns" |
4/7/06 | Lubo Litov, Washington University "Corporate Governance and Financing Policy: New Evidence" |
4/14/06 | Bernard Dumas, INSEAD "What can Rational Investors do about Excessive Volatility and Sentiment Fluctuations" |
4/21/06 | Jeff Brown, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign "The Interaction of Public and Private Insurance: Medicaid and the Long-Term Insurance Market" |
4/28/06 | Antoinette Schoar, MIT "Mixing Family with Business: A Study of Thai Business Groups and the Families Behind Them" |
5/12/06 | Xiaoyun Yu, University of Minnesota "The Role of Media in the Internet IPO Bubble" |
9/10/04 | Dirk Jenter, MIT "Employee Sentiment and Stock Option Compensation" |
9/17/04 | David C. Smith, University of Minnesota "Look at Me Now: The Role of Cross-Listing in Attracting U.S. Shareholders" |
10/1/04 | Andrew Rose, University of California-Berkeley "Estimating the Expected Marginal Rate of Substitution: Exploiting Idiosyncratic Risk" |
10/15/04 | Zsuzsanna Fluck, Michigan State University "Venture Capital Contracting and Syndication: An Experiment in Computational Corporate Finance" |
10/22/04 | Gene Amromin, Federal Reserve "From the horse's mouth: Gauging stock market expectations and their determinants from surveys of household investors" |
11/5/04 | Dan Wolfenzon, New York University "A Theory of Pyramidal Ownership and Family Business Groups" |
11/19/04 | Bob McDonald, Northwestern University "Portfolio Choice and Corporate Financial Policy When There Are Tax-Intermediating Dealers" |
12/17/04 | Vijay Yerramilli, University of Houston "Optimal Investment Structure for a Start-Up Firm: Flexibility versus Incentives" |
1/21/05 | Murray Frank, University of British Columbia "The Market Impact of Corporate News Stories" |
1/28/05 | Armando Gomes, University of Pennsylvania "Why Do Public Firms Issue Private and Public Equity, Convertibles and Debt?" |
3/22/05 | Mike Lemmon, University of Utah "Shareholder Welfare and Bid Negotiation in Freeze-Out Deals: Are Minority Shareholders Left Out in the Cold?" |
4/1/05 | Andrew Winton, University of Minnesota "Bank Loans, Bonds, and Information Monopolies across the Business Cycle with Joao Santos" |
Date | Speaker and Topic |
9/12/03 | Mitchell A. Petersen, Northwestern University "Does the Source of Capital Affect Capital Structure?, with Michael Faulkender" |
10/3/03 | Alexander Ljungqvist, New York University "Competing for Securities Underwriting Mandates" |
10/10/03 | Gordon Phillips, University of Maryland Firm-Specific Resources, Financial-Market Development and The Growth of U.S. Multinationals" |
10/17/03 | Robert Marquez, University of Maryland "Lending Booms and Lending Standards" |
10/24/03 | Jim Gunderson, University of Minnesota |
10/31/03 | Vijay Yerramilli, University of Minnesota |
11/7/03 | Gustavo Grullon, Rice University "Can Managers Forecast Aggregate Market Returns?" |
12/5/03 | Jay Hartzell, University of Texas at Austin "Explaining Corporate Governance: Boards, Bylaws, and Charter Provisions" |
12/12/03 | Rick Green, Carnegie Mellon University "Mutual Fund Flows and Performance in Rational Markets" |
1/30/04 | Gordon Phillips, University of Maryland "The Industry Life-Cycle and Financial Dependence: Does Firm Organization Matter?" |
2/3/04 | Rajesh Aggarwal, University of Virginia "Access, Common Agency, and Board Size" |
2/16/04 | Phil Strahan, Boston College "Banks' Advantage in Hedging Liquidity Risk: Theory and Evidence from The Commercial Paper Market" |
2/20/04 | Michelle Lowry, Pennsylvania State University "Does Disclosure Deter or Trigger Litigation?" |
2/27/04 | Julie Wulf, University of Pennsylvania "Are Managerial Perks Primarily a Form of Private Benefit?" |
3/5/04 | Randall Morck, University of Alberta "The Rise and Fall of the Widely Held Firm in Canada" |
4/16/04 | Pierluigi Balduzzi, Boston College "What Do We Do with Our Pension Money? Recent Evidence from 401(k) Plans" |
4/30/04 | John Graham, Duke University "Do Dividend Clienteles Exist? Evidence on Dividend Preferences of Retail Investors" |
5/7/04 | Lorenzo Garlappi, University of Texas, Austin "Portfolio Selection with Parameter and Model Uncertainty: A Multi-Prior Approach" |