Education Abroad Graduate Apply

Apply Online

When you're ready, complete the online application


Application Instructions


Step One:

Start the online application. You will be charged a $50 application fee for each completed application form. The fee will be charged to your student account. 


Step Two:

After completing the previous section, you will be assigned an application checklist of required application materials (note that the system can take a few minutes to refresh, so if you don't see your checklist immediately, check back later). All required items must be uploaded by the application deadline. Check the program webpage for the specific deadline date and time. 

CGI will only accept one application per student per application deadline.  You will need to apply to your first  choice education abroad program.  You will then have the opportunity to identify up to 2 back-up programs that you would like to be considered for if you are not placed in your first choice education abroad program. This can be found in the Application Checklist under "Apply for a Back-up Program"  When applying for a back-up program, you will also submit an essay for that program. Follow the same essay prompts below. Please note you will only be considered for CGI programs from the same application cycle/term.

See a step-by-step guide on how to identify your 2 back-up programs.

Your application will be considered complete once all required items are submitted. Please note that fellowships are reviewed on the same cycle as the program application, so it is in your best interest to complete your fellowship essay at the same time as the program application!


Essay Information (GI Semester & Summer only):

Graduate Global Immersion Semester or Summer Programs

Write an essay of no more than 500 words that answers the following questions:


  1. Why is this particular semester exchange/summer program and host university a good fit for you? Please list 2 examples specific to your host institution. It can relate to your academics, personal goals, or professional goals. Additionally, how do you plan to engage in the communities in your host school?
  2. Semester exchange/summer programs require students to demonstrate a great deal of flexibility and adaptability. Many Carlson students find the adjustment to a new academic environment to be challenging. Please share a personal example of a time you demonstrated flexibility and adaptability in a challenging academic situation when you did not agree with the outcome. What did you learn from this experience and how will it help you be successful on a semester exchange/summer program?


For more insight into what we're looking for in the essay, please refer to our Partner University Business Exchange Rubric.

Graduate Global Enrichment Instructor-led Programs

Write a statement of interest responding to the following question (no more than 300 words):

  • What are your academic, professional, and cultural goals for studying abroad and how does this program fulfill those goals?

Fellowship Instructions:

Please visit the Graduate Fellowship information page for details on fellowship deadlines and application instructions.

Contact Carlson Global Institute