Juran Research Center Fellowships 2009-2013


Ujjal MukherjeeSupply Chain and Operations Department, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
Strategic Quality Management and High Technology Product Innovation Learning from Innovation Failures

Anna ErroreUniversity of Palermo, Italy 
Definitive Screening Designs and Discrete Choice Experiments for Quality Improvement

Claire SenotDepartment of Management Science, The Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business
Combining Conformance and Experiential Quality when Delivering Care


Brett MassiminoDepartment of Management Science, The Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business
The Impact of Process Controls on Information Security: An Interorganizational Perspective

KiYoung LeeDepartment of Work and Organizations, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
When and How Can Envious Employees Improve Performance? A Study on the Conditions and Mechanisms of the Functional Role of Envy in Performance Improvement


Tracy Johnson-HallOperations and Supply Chain Management, Clemson University
Essays on Product Recall Strategies in the FDA Regulated Food and Pharmaceutical Sectors: An Econometric Analysis

Christopher SwantonSupply Chain and Operations, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
Securing The Supply Chain: A Quality Management Motivated Scientific Inquiry

Kristine WestApplied Economics, University of Minnesota
Essays on Teacher Labor Markets and Contract Design


Jose A. GuajardoOperations and Management Science, University of Pennsylvania
Management of Quality in the Servicing Era: Empirical Analysis and Measurement

Borwornsom LeerapanSchool of Public Health, University of Minnesota
Understanding Organizational Response to Public Reporting of Primary Health Care Quality

Tae-Youn ParkHuman Resources and Industrial Relations, University of Minnesota
Equity-based pay in highly independent work groups? Fair pay allocation decisions from a regulatory focus theory view

Hung-Chung SuOperations and Management Science, University of Minnesota
Sustaining High Quality Performance in an Increasingly Dynamic Environment

David ZepedaOperations and Management Science, University of Minnesota
Technology-Based Interventions to Improve the Delivery and Quality of Health Care to a Heterogeneous Population: A Study of Clinical Decision Support System Design and Implementation in a Safety Net


Emily KohnkeOperations and Management Science, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
Supply Chain Design for the Delivery of Quality Care to Underserved Communities

Alinda KokkinouHotel, Restaurant, Institutional Management & Operations Research, The Pennsylvania State University
The Decision to Implement Self-Service Technology and its Impact on Service Performance and Operating Costs