Work & Organizations Student Papers
Recent Dissertation Titles
- " Grieving Through the Day: A Daily Investigation of Employees’ Episodic Grief and Coworkers’ Compassionate Response" Ellie Stillwell (2022)
- "Perpetual Pivot Points: How Gig Careerists Experience and Navigate Job Search and Job Change" Borbala (Bori) Csillag (2021)
- "An In-Depth Look at Rotational Supervision & Performance Crossover" Elizabeth Adair (2020)
- "Improving Connectedness in Challenging Work through Collective Moral Identities: A Daily Reflection Field Experiment" Tianna Barnes (2020)
- "The Effects of Cognitive Reflection Exercises on Employee Engagement: A Positive Intervention and Study of Cognition as a Mechanism for Increasing Engagement in the Workplace" Douglas Giddings (2020)
- "The Risks and Rewards of Employee Resource Group Membership" Gregory Beaver (2018)
- "Two Essays on Determinants & Consequences of Strategic HR Practices" Sima Sajjadiani (2018)
- "The Effect of Status and Power on Leadership Emergence and Conflict in Teams: From a Structural Perspective" Jin Park (2017)
- "Some Things, If Not All Things, Are About to Change: A Time-Based Theory of Abusive Supervision" Lingtao Yu (2017)
Recent Graduate Placements
- Ellie Stillwell, 2022, Northeastern University
- Elizabeth Adair, 2021, California State University - Monterey Bay
- Borbala (Bori) Csillag, 2021, Oregon State University
- Tianna Barnes, 2020, Tuck School of Business - Dartmouth College
- Greg Beaver, 2019, Suffolk University
- Jin Park, 2018, Zayed Univeristy
- Sima Sajjadiani, 2018, University of British Columbia
- Lingtao Yu, 2017, University of British Columbia
Student Publications and Presentations
- "Childhood social class and leader emergence in adulthood: Mediating role of volunteering", 2022, Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Xuan Liu with L. Zhou
- "Creation and retention of professional networks: Coevolution with professional knowledge and impact from social class origin and core-self evaluations", 2022, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Xuan Liu with Y. Liu
- "When jobs no longer fit well: How job dissatisfaction and social class jointly influence employee job search", 2022, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Xuan Liu with B. Csillag, L. Zhou, and A. Ali
- "Social class differences in job search process and employment success: Examining the role of goal persistence and compromising strategy", 2022, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Xuan Liu with L.Zhou, A. Ali, S. Liu, and S. Mo
- Winchester, C. C., & Campbell, E. M. (2021, July). The tasks at hand: An integrative conceptual review and dimensional scaling framework. Paper presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Virtual (due to COVID-19).
- Winchester, C. C., Campbell, E. M., & Call, M. (2022, August). The impact of stars in our orbit: How and why high performers shape peer proactivity. In Hamrick, A., & Schilpzand, P. (Chairs), Aligning the stars: Theoretical and empirical advancements in star performer research. Symposium at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, WA, United States.
- Damadzic, A., Winchester, C. C., Medeiros, K., & Grisso, J. (2021, August). [Re]thinking outside the box: A meta-analysis of constraints and creative performance. In Haught-Tromp, C. (Chair), Effects of constraints on creativity: Empirical and theoretical advances. Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Virtual (due to COVID-19).
- Winchester, C.C., Wong, E., Willis, C. H., White, M., Sengupta, A., Ragland, E., Olson, A., Mchiri, A., Kiratikosolrak, P., Gandhi, S., Fournet, A., Crawley, R., Cerecedo, J., Caligiuri, M., & Butler, S. (2022, June). Resolving conflict, fostering cooperation: A doctoral institute experiential exercise. Presentation at the Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society Conference, Pomona, CA, United States.
- Winchester, C. C. & Medeiros, K. (2021). In bounds but out of the box: A meta-analysis clarifying the effect of ethicality on creativity. Journal of Business Ethics. Advanced online publication.
- Winchester, C. & Campbell, E. M. (2021). The tasks at hand: An integrative conceptual review and dimensional scaling framework. Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Damadzic, A., Winchester, C. C., Medeiros, K., & Grisso, J. (2022). [Re]thinking outside the box: A meta-analysis of constraints and creative performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior. Advanced online publication.
- "The Effect of Desired Salary Disclosure on the Number of Job Interview Invitations", 2021, Seminar Series - First Year Paper Talks, Dongil Jang
- "Family Socioeconomic Status and Adjustment to College: A Social Capital Perspective", 2021, Annual Conference for the Society for the Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Xuan Liu with L. Zhou
- "Being Present and Thankful: A Multi-Study Investigation of Mindfulness, Gratitude, and Employee Helping Behavior", 2021, Journal of Applied Psychology, Elizabeth Stillwell with K. Sawyer, C. Thoroughgood, M. Duffy K. Scott and E. Adair
- "Breadwinner Premiums, Gender and Organizational Context", 2021, Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) Meeting, OB Area Seminar Series Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Julie Wellmann with C.F. Manchester
- "Creating Inclusive Organizations: Structure and Change", 2021, Journal of Management Inquiry, Julie Wellmann with S. Wittman and A.G. Rock
- "Lying in Finitely Repeated Game", 2021, Economics Letter, 2020, Economic Science Association, Fangtingyu Hu with A. Ben-Ner
- "Multiple Jobholding motivations and experiences: A Typology and Latent Profile Analysis", In Press, Journal of Applied Psychology, Bori Csillag with E. Champion
- "Streaming Success: Positioning Roku's Future in a Hypercompetitive Industry", In Press, The CASE Journal, Christopher Winchester with E. Pleggenkuhle-Miles, E. Bass and T. West
- "Socioeconomic Status and Well-being during COVID-19: A resource-based examination", 2020, Journal of Applied Psychology, Bori Csillag with C. Wanberg, R. Douglass, L. Zhou and M. Pollard
- "The Role of Referrals: an Informative Perspective", 2020, Work and Organizations Research Seminar Series, Brandy Edmondson with C.F. Manchester
- "The Effect of Applicants' Reaction to Selection Process on Post-Entry Organizational Socialization", 2020, Academy of Management, Junseok Song with Lee and Sunhee
- "The Effect of Desired Salary Disclosure on the Number of Job Interview Invitations", 2020, INGroup, Youieong Song with M. Zellmer-Bruhn
- "Song of Sorrow: A Longitudinal Study of work-related grief and organizational change", 2020, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Elizabeth Stillwell with A. Leigh and O. A. O'Neill
- "Peloton's Ride to Growth", 2020, North American Case Research Association Conference, The CASE Journal, Christopher Winchester and E. Pleggenkuhle-Miles and E. Bass
- "Coping with Home Demands can be Contagious: A Faultline Perspective on the Role of In-Groups, Out-Groups and Family Supportive Supervision", 2020, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Douglas Giddings with T. Yang, T. Glomb and J. Kammeyer-Mueller
- "The Effect of Feedback on Lying Behavior: Experimental Evidence", 2020, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Fangtingyu Hu with F. Hu and A. Ben-Ner
- "Social Control and Lying", 2019, Economic Science Association, Fangtingyu Hu with A. Ben-Ner
- "Not always helpful: Exploring the antecedents and outcomes of Team Autonomous and Dependent Helping", 2019, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Jee Young (Jeeny) Seo with S. Lee, Y. Liu, B. Zhou and J. Koopman
- "Amped Up or Turned Down: Interviewee Affective Status and Interview Strategies", 2019, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Jee Young (Jeeny) Seo with Y. Liu, B. Zhou and J. Kammeyer-Mueller
- "The Effect of Applicants' Reaction to Selection Process on Post-Entry Organizational Socialization", 2019, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Junseok Song with P. Se-Ung, L. Sunhee and K. Lee
- "Mindfulness and Helping Behavior at work: The role of prosocial motivation", 2019, Academy of Management, Ellie Stillwell with M. Duffy, K. Sawyer, C. Thoroughgood and E. Adair
- "Promoting Employee job crafting at work: The roles of motivation and team context", 2019, Personnel Review, Youjeong Song with J. Lee
- "Consequences of Unethical Behaviors at Work", 2019, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Wei Wang with B. Campbell
- "When There's no one else to blame: The Impact of coworker Perceived Competence and Warmth on the Relations between Ostracism, Shame and Ingratiation", 2019, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Wei Wang with C. Thoroughgood
- "Above the Law? How Motivated Moral Reasoning Shapes Evaluations of Star Performers", 2019, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Wei Wang with B. Campbell
- "Building Inclusive Career Paths around Caregiving: Constraints and Strategies", 2019, Academy of Management, Julie Wellmann with S. Wittman, L. Bailyn, C. Goldin, T. Hall, H. Ibarra, P. Moen and P. Stone
- "The Effect of Feedback on Lying", 2019, Norms and Behavioral Change Workshop, Fangtingyu Hu with A. Ben-Ner
- "Not Always Helpful: Exploring the Antecedents and Outcomes of Team Autonomous and Dependent Helping
- "Don't Waste Your Third Year", 2019, PhD Project Conference, Tianna Barnes
- "Can Job Seekers achieve more through networking? The role of networking intensity, self-efficacy, and proximal benefits", Forthcoming, Personnel Psychology, Bori Csillag with C.R. Wanberg, A.J Van Hooft, and S. Liu
- "Job Seeking: The Process and experience of looking for a job", Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 7, 315-337, Bori Csillag with C.R Wanberg and A. A. Ali
- "After the Break-up: A spillover model of divorce consequences at work", 2019, Academy of Management, Bori Csillag with C.R Wanberg and M. Duffy
- "Racial Ambiguity in Hiring Practices", 2019, PhD Excellence Initiative Summer Workshop, Brandy Edmondson
- "A workforce up in smoke? Marijuana legalization, turnover, and wages in the transportation industry", 2019, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Meeting, Elizabeth Adair
- "Enhancing job seeker networking self-efficacy, use, and benefits: Effects of an online training program", 2019, 19th European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, Bori Csillag with C. Wanberg, E. van Hooft and S. Liu
- "Antecedents and Outcomes of Complaining at Individual, Dyad, and Team Levels: Trait and State Negative Affect, and Interpersonal Dynamics", 2019, Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research, Jee Young (Jeeny) Seo with L. Zhou, Y. Liu, J. Kammeyer-Mueller
- "Song of sorrow: A longitudinal study of work-related grief and its impact on work relationships during organizational change", 2019, Positive Organizational Scholarship Research Conference, Ellie Stillwell with O. A. O'Neill and A. Leigh
- "When good cop meets bad cop: The effects of abusive supervision on co-managers", 2018, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Elizabeth Adair
- "Ironic Evaluation and the Effects of Stereotype Suppression on Selection", 2018, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Tianna Barnes with G. Beaver and S. Leroy
- "When Resolve Falters: Poor Fit with Adviser Reduces Benefits of Newcomer Proactive Personality", 2018, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Tianna Barnes with C. Hurst, J. Kammeyer-Mueller and B. Livingston
- "Stigma, Stereotypes, and Selection: A Reality in Review", 2018, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Greg Beaver
- "The Differential Role of Passion on Newcomer Socialization, Engagement, and Innovation", 2018, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Junseok Song with J. Kammeyer-Mueller
- "Trickle-down Effects of Abuse and Support at Work: An Intervention Study", 2018, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Wei Wang with M. Duffy
- "Too Bad to be Good?: Three studies on the Ethical Behaviors of Narcissistic Leaders", 2018, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Wei Wang with E. Campbell
- "The Role of ‘Others’ in Career Success", 2018, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Julie Wellmann with B. Solomon
- "Paving the Path to the C-Suite", 2018, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Julie Wellmann with T. Umans
- "The Role of Allies in Minority Employee Resource Groups," 2017, Academy of Management, Greg Beaver
- "Building Effective Allyship in Organizational and Educational Contexts," 2017, Academy of Management, Greg Beaver
- "Are Bonus Pools Driven by their Incentive Effects?: Evidence from Fluctuations in Gainsharing Incentives," 2017, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Sima Sajjadiani with A. Benson
- "Predicting Value of a Hire Using Pre-hire Data," 2017, Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM), Sima Sajjadiani with A. Sojourner
- "Using Machine Learning to Translate Pre-Hire Work History into the Predictors of Future Work Outcomes," 2017, 32nd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Sima Sajjadiani with A. Sojourner
- "Introducing team mindfulness and considering its safeguard role against conflict transformation and social undermining," 2017, Academy of Management, Lingtao Yu
- "When bosses are chameleonic: A new model of abusive supervision," 2017, 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Lingtao Yu
- "Bifurcated Effects of Place-of-Origin Diversity on Individual and Team Performance: Evidence from 10 Seasons of German Soccer," Industrial Relations (in press), Jin Park with A. Ben-Ner and J. Licht
- "Sex at home and abusive supervision at work," 2017, 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Lingtao Yu