Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies Director's Message

Colleen Flaherty Manchester

Welcome to the Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies.

With its new strategic direction, CHRLS is poised for impact! Through the Center, the three-part mission of the University - teaching, research, and outreach - come together, creating synergies that amplify the impact of its academic home - Work and Organizations Department. I am starting my tenure as faculty director with an emphasis on integrative thinking and building collaborative relationships, skills that I bolstered after spending three years as a leader in the University of Minnesota’s shared governance system and which are core tenets of the Work and Organizations department.

Since its founding, the Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies, formerly knows as the Industrial Relations Center (IRC) serves as a connection point between academia, alumni, and the professional community. We offer programming for current and aspiring professionals such as our marquee HR Tomorrow Conference, the newly launched Speaking of Work Series and The Center’s Labor Education Service’s “MN Union Leadership Program” aims to develop emerging labor leaders and provide learning opportunities for union members.

In the year ahead, we will deepen our connection between thought leaders, practitioners and faculty experts through our re-imagined advisory council and program offerings throughout the year. Stay tuned!

Colleen Flaherty Manchester
Bill & Sue Hodder Board of Advisors Professorship
Director, Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies

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