Carlson Global Institute Partnerships
Carlson School Brings International Business to Life
The Carlson School’s ties to global companies and organizations elevate the international education experience. Students visit corporate offices and work directly with project sponsors on experiential learning courses, putting classroom theory into practice while gaining exposure to relevant global business challenges.
Through Global Business Practicum projects, Carlson School students build intercultural skills and apply their business knowledge by working in close collaboration with peers from international universities to develop robust solutions.
Empowering Global Innovation through Business Collaboration
Strong relationships with the business community have been a major force in sustaining CGI. This includes:
- Engaging directly with students from Minnesota and abroad
- Collaborating with faculty on research and innovation
- Serving on the CGI Advisory Council
Public and Private Partners
CGI partnered with over 130 public, private, and non-profit organizations in 2022-23 to carry out its programming.
- &Frankly
- 10x Founders
- Adrian Leeds Group
- Alimentary Systems,
Te Ohaka Innovation
Center - Amal Women's Center
- American Chamber of
Commerce - ANALYTICA
- ANKAA Project
- Assa Abloy
- AstraZeneca
- Australia Zoo
- Aya Centre
- Banco Santander
- Barbican Centre
- Bayer
- Bloomberg
- Blue Mountains: Scenic
World - Blue Mountains: Tread
Lightly - BlueBay Asset
Management - British American
Business - Candidate Select (CASE)
- Cargill
- Cayuga Collection
- Celonis
- Champagne Pierre
Lebeouf - Children Organization
- Chocolate Cortes
- Christchurch NZ
- CINDE - Costa Rican
Investment Promotion
Agency - Citibank
- ConInAgro
- Coopesilencio
- Crescendo Foods
- Cumplo
- Devanthro
- Douar Tech
- EcoLab
- Edwards Lifesciences
- El Toledo Coffee
- Emerging Business
Factory - Filimundus
- Finca Educativa Don
Juan - Fitch Ratings
- Floatspace
- Florex
- Gender Equal NZ
- General Mills
- Give a Grad a Go
- Global Mamas
- Great Barrier Reef
Foundation - Green Energy
- Green Energy Park
- Green Watech
- Grow Good, Slamdunk
- Case for B-Corp
- GRTGaz
- Guapaletas
- Hassan I University
- HB Fuller
- Higa Industries
- High Atlas Foundation
- Hospiten
- Hotel Meeting
International College of
Management, Sydney - IKEA
- Industrias San Miguel
- Insight Solutions
- Olympic Studies Centre
- IPSOS in Poland
- Jardin du Zineb
- Johnson & Johnson
- Kantamanto Market
- Karolinska Institute
- Kepler Cheuvreux
- Koln Business Startup
Unit - KPMG
- Krobo Fair Trade Zone
- La Ciudad Posible
- Lenovo
- Levi's
- LG Electronics
- London Financial History
+ Slave Trade Tour - Maori Women's Welfare
League - Maspex
- McKinsey
- Medtronic
- Ministry of Awesome
- Mohammed VI
- Polytechnic University
- Moligo Technologies
- Morning Consult
- Moroccan Center for
Innovation and Social
- Munich Innovation and
Startup Ecosphere - National Council of
Women - Neuberger Berman
- New Zealand Parliament
- NY Mets Baseball
Academy - NZ Work Research
Institute - ParcelLab
- Parque Arauco
- Pelago Bioscience
- Polish Humanitarian
Action - ProChile
- Project Soar
- Puente Sur Outsourcing
- PwC
- Queensland University of
Technology - Sara's Cafe
- Scholastic Corporation
- Scotiabank
- SemCon
- SIMS Metal
- SiteMinder
- SKF Group
- Social Finance
- Solidarity Now
- Starling Bank
- Start-up Chile
- Technology University
Munich - Telstra
- Tettah Quarshi Cocoa
Farm - Thames River Barrier
Visitor Centre - The Korea Herald
- Thermaiscan
- Thomson Reuters
- Trashy Bags
- UN Development
Programme - Unifrutti
- Volvo
- Walmart
- Wimbledon
- Yvaya Farm
Get Involved
Partnerships with corporations and organizations provide Carlson School students with transformative international career experiences. Corporate sponsors collaborate directly with students on real-world international business challenges, benefiting from actionable recommendations and innovative perspectives.
Organizations can engage with the Carlson Global Institute in four primary ways:
- Host Students: International students gain firsthand exposure through internships and projects.
- Guest Lecturers: Industry experts share global insights and perspectives.
- Practicum Projects: Students collaborate on real-world business challenges with international peers.
Partner with CGI by hosting students, collaborating on research, or joining the Advisory Council.
Provide financial support for student scholarships, global learning initiatives, and research.
Connect with us
If you or your organization are interested in working with the Carlson Global Institute on any of these or other activities in support of these goals, contact CGI at 612-624-2275.
International University Partners
Each year, the Carlson School partners with universities on faculty-led programs, U.S.-based residencies, and exchange programs. Partner schools include:
- Aalto University, Finland
- Antai College of Economics and Management, China
- Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
- ESADE Business School, Spain
- ESCP Europe, France
- Fundação Getulio Vargas–Escola de Administracao de Empresas de Sao Paolo, Brazil
- Hitotsubashi University, Japan
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
- INCAE, Costa Rica
- KEDGE Business School, France
- Keio University, Japan
- Leeds University Business School, United Kingdom
- Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University, China
- London School of Economics, England
- Manchester Business School, England
- National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- BI Norwegian School of Business, Norway
- Ozyegin University, Turkey
- Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Singapore Management University, Singapore
- Sogang University, Korea
- Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
- Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship, Sweden
- Thammasat University, Thailand
- Tsinghua University, China
- Universidad Adolfo Inbanez, Chile
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Italy
- Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
- Universidad de Chile Facultad de Economia y Negocios, Chile
- Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
- Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3, France
- Universiteit Maastricht, Netherlands
- University of Cologne, Germany
- University of Havana, Cuba
- University of Otago, New Zealand
- University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
- University of Technology – Sydney, Australia
- Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
- Wirtschaftuniversität Wien, Austria