Business Taxation Student Life
Discover the power of unity and talent as you become a part of the close-knit Carlson School community, comprised of students, alumni, faculty, and staff from all walks of life. The Carlson School of Management experience will alter your personal and professional growth, instilling the confidence and competence to lead anywhere worldwide.
Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
The Carlson School is committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive community that encourages all to reach their full potential through learning, working, and service. By enhancing and sustaining an ethical, culturally-grounded, and anti-racist institution, we will equip the leaders of tomorrow to live the values of “business as a force for good.”
We offer many virtual resources to support your studies and career goals:
- Academic advising
- Career coaching
- Enhanced virtual services and technology support
Connect with current business taxation students and alumni from all over the U.S. and even around the world. You'll have access to dedicated career coaches, advisors, and staff. Plus you'll gain an extensive network of 445,000+ University of Minnesota alumni.