Carlson Global Institute Publications & Research

The Carlson Global Institute seeks to advance the field of international management education and support research on current international business issues.

2023-2024 Year in Review

2023–24 marked 15 years since the Carlson School took the visionary step of adopting an undergraduate curriculum that includes an international experience for all. This Year in Review focuses on the International Experience—how it came to be, what it is today, and the many partners who make it possible.

Carlson Global Institute Publications

  • D’Angelo, A.M., O’Brien, M.K., and Marty, G., (Eds.). (2023). Mestenhauser and the Possibilities of International Education: Illuminating Pathways for Inquiry and Future Practice. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Phelps, C.E. and Parente, S.T. (2017). The Economics of US Health Care Policy. Routledge.
  • Witt, E. (2023). A Post-Intentional Phenomenological Exploration of Undergraduate Students’ Understanding of Global Leadership Through Short-Term Study Abroad Leadership Courses [Doctoral dissertation], University of Minnesota Twin Cities. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.
  • Haas, L., & Witt, E. (2022, August 13). "Where are the post-COVID opportunities for study abroad?" University World News.
  • D’Angelo, A.M. (2020, December). "Leadership and Global Engagement: A 2020 Perspective." International Educator Magazine.
  • D’Angelo, A.M. and Pang, M. (2019). "The Intersection of Education Abroad and Career Readiness, and The Role of International Educators." In E. Brewer and A.G. Ogden, (Eds.), Education Abroad and the Undergraduate Experience: Critical Perspectives and Approaches to Integration with Student Learning and Development (199-212). Sterling, VA: Stylus.
  • Adkins, R. & Messerly, B. (2019). "Toward decolonizing education abroad: Moving beyond the self/other dichotomy." In E. Brewer and A.G. Ogden, (Eds.), Education Abroad and the Undergraduate Experience: Critical Perspectives and Approaches to Integration with Student Learning and Development (73-91). Sterling, VA: Stylus.
  • D’Angelo, A.M., & Dong, L. (2018). "Internationalization 2.0 and Counting: Learnings from China-US Collaborations in Business Education." In C.J. Johnstone and L.L. Ji (Eds.), The Rise of China-US International Cooperation in Higher Education: Views from the Field (102-121). Leiden, The Netherlands; Boston, MA: Brill Sense.
  • Parente, S.T. (2018). "Factors Contributing to Higher Health Care Spending in the United States Compared with Other High-Income Countries." JAMA, 319(10), 988-990.
  • Kruse, T., Witt. E., & Al-Khaldi, A. (2017). "Student affairs practices in the Arabian Gulf: The good, the bad and the foreign." ACPA Developments.
  • Stryker, J.C., Witt, E., & Konecny, K. (2016). "Internationalization of higher education: A context for student affairs and services." In Osfield, K. J. (Ed.). Internationalization of student affairs and services: An emerging global perspective (2nd ed.).
  • Frogner, B.K., Frech, H.E., Parente, S.T.  (2015). “Comparing Efficiency of Health Systems across Industrialized Countries: A Panel Analysis.” BMC Health Services Research, 15(1), 415.
  • Alexejun, Kirsten M. and D'Angelo, A.M. (2013). "International Experience Required: Lessons from the Carlson School of Management." Journal of International Education in Business, 6(2), 80-94.
  • Frech, H.E., Parente, S.T., Frogner, B., Hoff, J. (2013). “Comparing the sensitivity of models predicting health status: a critical look at an OECD Report on the efficiency of health systems.” Insurance Markets and Companies: Analyses and Actuarial Computations, Issue 1, Volume 4.
  • Parente, S. (2012). “Health Economics and Policy: Towards the Undiscovered Country of Market based Reform.” International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, Volume 12, Number 3, 247-252.
  • D'Angelo, A.M. (2011). "Study Abroad in U.S. Business Management Education." NAFSA: Association of International Educators.
  • Parente, S. (2011). “Britain’s National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE): The US Template for Comparative Effectiveness Research,” MetroDoctors: The Journal of the Twin Cities Medical Society, 13(5), 20-21.
  • D'Angelo, A.M. (2010). "Globalization of Management Education:  Changing International Structures, Adaptive Strategies, and the Impact on Institutions, Carlson School of Management as a Case Study."  AACSB International Task Force Report.
  • Bonrud, C. & Novack, L. (2024). "Design Your Career in a Global Context: Successfully Engaging Alumni Abroad." Poster session, UMN Internationalizing the Curriculum & Campus, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Botiba, A. & Dickinson, L. (2024). " Workshop on Identity & Privilege (Modified Privilege Walk)." Carlson School of Management Ally Week, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Calahan, C., Dickinson, L., Harris, V., Hay, R., Moskaleva, O., & Van Dyne, L. (2024). "How the CQ Assessment Compliments Other Assessment Tools: A Panel Discussion." Cultural Intelligence Global Summit, Chicago, IL.
  • Dickinson, L. (2024). "Deeping Intercultural Frameworks with a DEI Lens." UMN Internationalizing the Curriculum & Campus, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Hamel, A. & Manna, M. (2024). “Global Exchange Perspectives: Incorporating Past-Participant Insights in Pre-Departure Orientation,” Poster session, UMN Internationalizing the Curriculum & Campus, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Johnson, K. (2023). "Working with Student Groups on Campus," Minnesota Study Abroad Professionals (MSAP), Virtual from Minneapolis, MN. 
  • Johnson, K. (2023). "Best Practices in Communication with Education Abroad Students," Minnesota Study Abroad Professionals (MSAP), St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN. 
  • Krebs, M., Dupont-Jarrett, L., Reister, J., & Retka, P. (2023). Proactive Strategies for Mental Health Abroad: A Public Health Approach, Forum on Education Abroad Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
  • Opp, D. (2023). We're Doing Our Best: Innovating, Adapting & Evolving, Minnesota Study Abroad Professionals (MSAP), Minneapolis, MN.  
  • Krebs, M., Dupont-Jarrett, L., Reister, J., & Retka, P. (2022). Engaging Students in Prioritizing their Mental Health and Wellness Abroad, NAFSA Region IV Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Witt, E. (2022, October). “Partnerships across the academy,” Invited lecture, Georgetown University-Qatar Higher Education Management Certificate, Doha, Qatar, Virtual. 
  • Witt, E. & Boyd-Brent, J. (2022, April). “Leading students abroad during covid,” Invited lecture, Excellence in Leading Learning Abroad Series, Minneapolis, MN. 
  • Dickinson, L. & Harvey, T. (2021). "Applying Intercultural Tools to Foster Equity & Inclusion." Minnesota Study Abroad Professionals (MSAP), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Dickinson, L., Harvey, T., Morrison, K., Thompson, C., & Titus, B. (2020 - 2021). "Internationalization’s Privilege in Higher Education, Presentation Series." Minnesota Study Abroad Professionals (MSAP), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Dickinson, L., Doepner-Hove, S., & Forester, C. (2020). " Complicating Case Studies with Culture." UMN Internationalizing the Campus & Curriculum, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Opp, D. (2020). It Takes a Village: Education Abroad & Career Services Collaborations Promote Career Integration, Poster session, UMN Internationalizing the Curriculum & Campus Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Terry, K. (2020) “Carlson School & Learning Abroad Center Collaborations in Dublin & Barcelona,” Poster session, UMN Internationalizing the Curriculum & Campus, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Witt, E. & Harris, M. (2020, December). “Leadership development through short-term study abroad,” Leadership Educators Institute, Virtual. 
  • Canterbury, K., Dickinson, L., Doepner-Hove, S., & Irmer, B. (2019). "The TimTam-Cronut (Australia meets Minnesota): Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and Study Abroad."  SIETAR-MN, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Dickinson, L. (2019). "Cultural Intelligence & Curriculum Integration." SIETAR-USA Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Dickinson, L. & Doepner-Hove, S. (2018). "Collaborating with Faculty on Decision-Making in Education Abroad." Minnesota Study Abroad Professionals (MSAP), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Opp, D. (2018). Swiped Out II: More Implications of Dating App Use Abroad & What to Do About It, CIEE Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Opp, D. (2017). Carlson Global Institute: Lessons Learned from the Carlson International Experience, National Undergraduate Business Symposium (NUBS), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Opp, D. (2017). Swiped Out: Implications of Dating App Use by Students Abroad & What to Do About It, CIEE Conference, Austin, TX. 
  • Dickinson, L. & Doepner-Hove, S. (2016). "Building Community Through Cross-Cultural Teams." UMN Internationalizing the Curriculum & Campus, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Terry, K. (2016). “GLOBE Campus Life Program: Student-led Engagement with International Exchange Students,” Poster session, UMN Internationalizing the Curriculum & Campus, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Stryker, C., Witt, E., & Konecny, K. (2016, March). “Outstanding voices in the field: Global voices on student affairs practice,” International Symposium of NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, Indianapolis, IN. 
  • Opp, D. (2015). Multiple Generations in the Workplace: An Opportunity to Use Intercultural Skills, Minnesota Study Abroad Professionals (MSAP), Minneapolis, MN.
  • Dickinson, L. (2014). "How to Talk About Difference: Leveraging Virtual Space in International Education." AAC&U Global Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Dickinson, L. (2013). "Intercultural Education and Academic Rigor." Poster Session SIETAR-USA Annual Conference, Arlington, VA.
  • Dickinson, L. (2013). "Engaging with Hofstede." SIETAR-USA Annual Conference, Arlington, VA.
  • Canterbury, K., Dickinson, L., & Opp, D. (2012). "Intercultural Learning Outcomes for Education Abroad: Development, Assessment, and Implementation." Minneapolis, MN.

The Going Global newsletter has been published since 2003, featuring the Carlson Global Institute's work in international education, research, and outreach. Below are links to the most recent issues.

Assessment of Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes for the Carlson School's education abroad programs are aligned with the University of Minnesota's Student Learning and Development Outcomes. We assess learning outcomes from our short-term and semester-length programs, using the feedback to adjust program design and instruction.

A young couple is seen from behind, admiring the panoramic view of a large city skyline and a grand palace or chateau building surrounded by gardens and trees.
Culture Learning

The Institute has integrated cultural learning into all its business curricula abroad.

  • Online cultural learning modules for all short-term education abroad programs
  • An online Global Identity course available to all Carlson School students on semester-length programs abroad
A group of people, including both men and women of varying ages, are collaborating together at a round table in an open area.
Cultural Training

Institute staff include facilitators trained in Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and the Intercultural Development Inventory and other cross-cultural tools. For more information, or to explore cultural training for your workgroup, please contact [email protected].

Contact Carlson Global Institute