Supply Chain & Operations Student Dissertations
The Carlson School PhD Program trains supply chain scholars to conduct theoretically-grounded, methodologically-rigorous research. These students address problems facing operations and supply chain managers within and across organizations that are embedded in global supply chains.
Recent Dissertation Titles
- "Production Process Moves and the Effective Management of Process Knowledge," Pettis Kent (2017)
- "Impact of External Mechanisms on Energy Efficiency Investments at Small-and-Medium Sized Suppliers," Jason Nguyen (2017)
- "Managing Human Capital in Supply Chains: Perspectives on Social Responsibility and Technological Advancement," Xiaojin Liu (2016)
- "Organizational, Operational, and Behavioral Causes of Product Recalls," George Ball (2015)
- "Operationalizing Environmental Sustainability through Policy-based and Market-based Approaches," Suvrat Dhanorkar (2015)
- "Managing the Risks and Potential of High-tech Innovations-in-Use: Predictive Analytic Modeling with Big Data and A Longitudinal Field Study," Ujjal Mukherjee (2015)
- "Buyback versus Revenue Sharing Contracts: Influence of Loss Aversion and Payment Timing," Yinghao Zhang (2013)
- "Health Care Supply Chain Design for Reducing Disparities in the Delivery of Care," E. David Zepeda (2012)
- "Sustaining High Quality Performance under a Dynamic Environment," Hung-Chung Su (2011)
- "Strategic-Buyer-Supplier Relationship Dissolution as Divorce: Metaphorical Transfer and Empirical Assessment," Yi-Su Chen (2010)
- " Health Care Supply Chain Design for Emerging Economics, " Emily Kohnke (2010)
- "Cognition and Individual Heterogeneity in Supply Chain Planning: A Study of Inventory," Brent Moritz (2010)
- "Managing Innovation and Improvement in High Technology Organizations," Aravind Chandrasekaran (2009)
- "Essays on Managing Distributed Technology Projects: Within & Between Firms and National Boundaries," Anant Mishra (2009)
- "Identifying & Mitigating the Antecedents of Supply Chain Disruptions: 3 Essays," Marco Haberman (2009)
- Quality Exploitation versus Quality Exploration: Measurement, Antecedent, and Performance Implications," Dongli Zhang (2009)
- " Managing Technologies in Supply Chains: Empirical Analysis of EMR Integration & CPOE Implementation in Health Care Organizations," Asoke Dey (2009)
Student Publications and Presentations
- "Opening the Black Box of Replication: The Role of Enabling Bureaucracy," 2014 Academy of Management Conference, Pettis Kent with S. Goldstein
- “Opening the Black Box of Replication Strategy: The Role of Enabling Bureaucracy,” POMS 2014, Pettis Kent.
- "A Critical Review of "Experimental Research" in Operations Management: Opportunities and Challenges," 2015 POMS Conference
- "Benefits and Fast Construction of Efficient Two-Level Foldover Designs," 2015 Design and Analysis of Experiment Conference, Anna Errore
- "Causes and Consequences of Telemedicine Adoption: An Empirical Analysis of Clinics with Clinical Decision Support System (CDS)," 2015 POMS Annual Meeting, Xiaojin Liu with S. Goldstein, K. Soderberg, and K. Sinha
- "The Effect of Inter-Firm Work Design on Technology Exploration,Exploitation and Firm Performance," 2015 POMS Annual Meeting, Xiaojin Liu with S. Goldstein and K. Sinha
- "Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems for Health Care Delivery: A Framework for Workforce Skill and Capability Development," 2014 Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, Xiaojin Liu with S. Goldstein, K. Soderberg, and K. Sinha
- "Globalization of Operations: A Social Responsibility Perspective," 2014 Decision Science Institute Annual Meeting, Xiaojin Liu with K. Sinha
- "An Integrated Green Supplier Selection Approach with Analytic Network Process and Improved Grey Relational Analysis," 2015 International Journal of Production Economics, 159, 178-191, Amir Karimi with S.H. Hashemi and M. Tavana
- "Lean and Performance: the Impact of Organizational Culture," 2014 AOM Annual Meeting, Rick Hardcopf with R. Shah
- "Short-term Bias and Strategic Misalignment in Operation Solutions: Perceptions, Tendencies and Traps," 2014 AOM Annual Meeting, Rick Harcopf with R. Shah
- "Environmental Performance and Building Social Trust: Does Green Reputation Provide Insurance Against Negative Environmental Publicity?" 2014 Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Rick Harcopf with R. Shah
- "The Role of Managerial Commitment on the Relationship between Controversy and Environmental Practice Adoption," 2015 POMS Annual Meeting, Rick Hardcopf with R. Shah
- "Identifying Quality Gaps and Their Impact in Healthcare," 2015 POMS Conference, Sehwon Kang with R. Shah
- "Identifying Determinants of Supplier Termination: An Empirical Examination from Buyers' Perspective," 2014 Decisions Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, Sehwon Kang with R. Shah and H. Shin
- "Greenhouse Gas Reduction: Why Do Firms Differ?" 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Jason (Quang) Nguyen
- "The Impact of Buyer-Manufacturer Interaction on Energy Efficiency Investments," 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting and 2014 MSOM Conference, Jason (Quang) Nguyen
- "The Buyer's Role in Improving Supply Chain Energy Efficiency," 2015 POMS conference and 2015 Seminar at Nanyang Business School in Singapore, Jason (Quang) Nguyen
- “Experiencing Queuing Delay: To Wait or Not to Wait…” POMS 2014, Rick Hardcopf.
- “Save the Environment or Strive for Legitimacy – Motives for adopting Environmental Practices in Manufacturing,” POMS 2014, Rick Hardcopf.
- “Lean and Performance: The Impact of Organizational Culture,” POMS 2014, Rick Hardcopf.
- “Profits Gaps and Short-Term Heuristics: Systems Dynamics Understanding as a Reinforcement of Operations Strategy,” (revise & resubmit), Journal of Operations Management. Rick Hardcopf with P. Goncalves, E. Bendoly and K. Linderman.
- “Customer Perceptions of Health Examination Service Quality: An Empirical Investigation in South Korea,” forthcoming, International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 2015. Sehwon Kang with J. Oh.
Supply Chain & Operations Department
Phone: 612-624-7010