IDS Friday Research Workshops

Each Friday during the school year, the Information & Decision Sciences Department hosts a seminar discussion on new and in-progress research. The series provides opportunities for PhD students, faculty, and industry partners to engage with one another and with the research of scholars from around the world.

Current coordinators are Yicheng Song and Hyeongseo Park.

Upcoming events are listed at the bottom of the page. 

students in seminar



Jan-24Huaxia RuiTBD
Jan-31Michael D. SmithTBD
Feb-7Huimin ZhaoTBD
Feb-14Avinash CollisTBD
Feb-21Uttara MaduraiTBD
Feb-28Maria De-ArteagaTBD
Mar-7Sezgin AyabakanTBD
Mar-21Balaji PadmanabhanTBD
April-4Wen WenTBD
April-11Xiao FangTBD
April-18Ahmed AbbasiTBD
April-25Yong TanTBD
May-2Jesse BockstedtTBD
Oct-11Jungpil Hahn (NUS)TBD
Oct-25Wolf Ketter (RSM)TBD
Nov-15Mingfeng Lin (Georgia Tech)TBD
Nov-22Xinxin Li (UConn)TBD
Jan-9Geneviève Bassellier (McGill)Impact of Leadership Selection and Rejection on Contributions in Online Communities
Jan-26Jorge Guzman (U Columbia)Incentivizing Innovation in Open Source: Evidence from the GitHub Sponsors Program
Feb-2Shu He (UFL)Navigating the Influencer Marketplace: How Influencers Adapt to Increased Sponsored Content 
Feb-9Mehmet Ayvaci (UTD)What People Think of Machines as Doctors: Unveiling the Value of ChatGPT for e-Health
Feb-16Anitesh Barua (UTD)Follow Your Heart or Listen to Users? The Case of Mobile App Design
Feb-23Zhe Zhang (UCSD)Imputation Strategies Under Clinical Presence: Impact on Algorithmic Fairness
Mar-1Kunpeng Zhang (UMD)TBD
Mar-15Mingwen Yang (UW)TBD
Mar-29Ramayya Krishnan (CMU)TBD
April-5Raveesh Mayya (NYU)TBD
April-12Ahmed Abbasi (U Notre Dame)TBD
April-19Gordon Burtch (BU)TBD
April-26Antino Kim (IU)TBD
29-SepVibhanshu Abhishek (UCI)Bias in Generative AI
20-OctParam Vir Singh (CMU)Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Simple Rule-Based Pricing
27-OctJoao Sedoc (NYU)New Frontiers in the Evaluation of Conversational Agents
2-NovScott Schanke (UWM)Digital Lyrebirds: Experimental Evidence that Voice-based Deep Fakes’ Influence Trust
10-NovPei-yu Chen (ASU)Jumpstarting Online Presence: How Algorithmic Content Mitigates Cold Start Woes
17-NovSumit Sarkar (UTD)A Recommendation Framework for Crowdsourcing Contest Design
20-JanOlivia Sheng (U Utah)TBA
27-JanMin-Seok Pang (Temple)TBA
3-FebRobert Gregory (U Miami)TBA
10-FebJaehwuen Jung (Temple)TBA
17-FebYan Leng (UT Austin)TBA
3-MarParamveer Dhillon (U Michigan)TBA
24-MarElena Karahanna (UGA)TBA
31-MarSiva Viswanathan (UMD)TBA
7-AprGang Wang (U Delaware)TBA
14-AprPeiyu Chen (ASU)TBA
21-AprAlessandro Acquisti (CMU)TBA
28-AprXin Luo (U New Mexico)TBA
30-SepRaghu Santanam (Arizona State University W. P. Carey)TBA
7-OctAbhay N Mishra (Iowa State University Debbie and Jerry Ivy)TBA
21-OctTricia Moravec (Indiana University Kelley)TBA
28-OctIdris Adjerid (Virginia Tech Pamplin)TBA
11-NovShaojie Tang  (University of Texas at Dallas Naveen Jindal)TBA
18-NovJJ Po-An Hsieh (Georgia State University Robinson)TBA
21-JanShunyuan Zhang (Harvard Business School)TBA
28-JanMochen Yang (UMN Carlson)TBA
4-FebRadhika Santhanam (OU Price)TBA
11-FebLikoebe Maruping (GSU Robinson)TBA
18-FebJianqing Chen  (UT Dallas)TBA
25-FebBeibei Li (CMU Heinz)TBA
4-MarMartin Ganco (Wisconsin)TBA
25-MarPrasanna (Sonny) Tambe (Wharton)TBA
1-AprJason Greenberg (Wharton)TBA
8-AprKarim Lakhani (Harvard Business School)TBA
15-AprArun Rai (GSU Robinson)TBA
22-AprHanna Halaburda (NYU Stern)TBA
29-AprAlessandro Acquisti (CMU Heinz)TBA
6-MayDJ Wu (GT Scheller)TBA


Ananya Sen (CMU Heinz)

Quantifying the User Value of Social Media Data

Hilal Atasoy (Rutgers)

"Where to, Doc?" Electronic Health Record Systems and the Allocation of Patients within Healthcare Systems 

 Marios Kokkodis (Boston College)

Adjusting Skillset Cohesion in Online Labor Markets: Reputation Gains and Opportunity Losses

Natalia Levina (NYU Stern)

To engage or not to engage with AI for critical judgments: How professionals deal with opacity when using AI for medical diagnosis


 Laura Brandimarte

A Sense of Privacy

 Lynn Wu

The Robot Revolution: Managerial and Employment Consequences for Firms

 Emmanuelle Vaast

When digital technologies enable and threaten occupational identity: The delicate balancing act of data scientists

 Gordon Burtch/Meizi Zhou

Healthcare across Boundaries: Urban-Rural Differences in the Financial and Healthcare Consequences of Telehealth Adoption

 Nathan Kallus

Smooth Contextual Bandits: Bridging the Parametric and Non-differentiable Regret Regimes

 Lusi Yang

Winner Takes All? The “Blockbuster Effect” on Crowdfunding Platform

 Jui Ramaprasad

Do Programming Tasks Bias Moral Decision-Making?

 Sagar Samtani

Linking Exploits from the Dark Web to Known Vulnerabilities for Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence: An Attention-Based Deep Structured Semantic Model Approach?

 Sriram Somanchi

To Predict or Not to Predict: The Case of the Emergency Department

 Yixin Lu

Designing Personalized Treatment Plans for Breast Cancer

 Dean Eckles

Scalable bundling via dense product embeddings

 Solon Barocas

Unavoidable Tensions in Explaining Algorithmic Decisions

 Rema Padman

YouTube Video Analytics for Health Literacy and Chronic Care Management: An Augmented Intelligence Approach to Assess Content and Understandability

 Panagiotis (Panos) Adamopoulos

Heterogeneous Demand Effects of Recommendation Strategies in a Mobile Application: Evidence from Econometric Models and Machine-Learning Instruments
11-SepPhD Student Presentations 
18-SepPhD Student Presentations 
25-SepMichael D SmithTHE ABUNDANT UNIVERSITY -- Remaking Higher Education for a Digital World
2-OctKristina McElheranIT Outsourcing in the Age of the Cloud: Productivity, Survival, and Strategic Fit of IT Resources
9-OctJesse ShoreNetwork Centralization and Collective Adaptability to a Shifting Environment
16-OctYinghui (Catherine) YangBackground Music Recommendation for Short Videos on Social Video Platforms
23-OctIndranil BardhanImpact of Telehealth Use on Healthcare Utilization: A Quasi-Experimental Patient-Level Study
13-NovHila Lifshitz-AssafUsing Technology to Augment Professionals, Not Replace Them, for Innovative Problem Solving
20-NovZaiyan WeiRegulating Professional Players in Peer-to-Peer Markets: Evidence from Airbnb
4-DecPhD Student Presentations 

24-JanAvi GoldfarbCould Machine Learning be a General Purpose Technology? Evidence from Online Job Postings
31-JanPaul MaInformation Externalities in Machine Learning Contests
7-FebMarius NiculescuEconomics of Ransomware Attacks
14-FebKewei HuangControlling Homophily in Social Network Regression by Machine Learning
21-FebChing Ren 
28-FebBrian ButlerA Potential Uses Model of Data Governance
6-MarCatherine TuckerThree new Field Tests Exploring Algorithmic Bias in Advertising
13-MarSpring Break
20-MarYixin LuDesigning Personalized Treatment Plan for Breast Cancer: A Predictive Analytics Approach
27-MarSagar Samtani 
3-AprPanos Adamopoulos 
10-AprLaura Brandimarte 
17-AprBin Gu 
24-AprIndranil Bardhan 
1-MayRema Padman 

13-SepPhD Student Presentations 
20-SepKartik Hosanagar (Wharton)Learning Instrumental Variables
27-SepPhD Student Presentations 
4-OctJingjing Li (U of Virginia)A Deep Learning Architecture for Psychometric Natural Language Processing
11-OctChris Forman (Cornell) 
25-OctMarshall Van Alstyne (MIT) 
8-NovLauren Rhue (Wake Forest) 
15-NovTingting Nian (UC Irvine) 
22-NovTianshu Sun (USC) 
6-DecPhD Student Presentations 
DateSpeakerPaper Title
1-FebVijay Mookerjee (UT Dallas)

 The Voice of the Customer: Managing Customer Care in Twitter

8-FebEric Zheng (UT Dallas)The Transparency-Revenue Conundrum in Social Trading: Implications for Platforms and Investors
15-FebMoshe Barach (UMN Strategy)

 Small numbers bargaining in the age of big data: Evidence from a two-sided labor matching platform

22-FebGordon Gao (Maryland)How Digital Word-of-Mouth Affects Consumer Decision Making: Evidence from Doctor Appointment Booking
1-MarPallab Sanyal (George Mason)An Empirical Examination of the Economics of Mobile Application Security
8-Mar-Winter BI Conference (No Workshop)
15-MarJingjing Zhang (Indiana)It Takes Two to Tango: The Effects of Internal and External Information Integration on Healthcare Process and Outcomes
29-MarPedro Ferreira (CMU)Binge Yourself Out: The Effect of Binge Watching on the Subscription of Video on Demand
5-AprNachi Sahoo (Boston University)Reducing Product Expiration by Aligning Salesforce Incentives: A Data-driven Approach
12-AprJing GongEnhancing the “Call for Bids” to Improve Matching Efficiency in Online Labor Markets: Capturing the Meaning of Unstructured Textual Content with Machine Learning
19-AprAlex Tuzhilin (Stern NYU)Imputing Multi-Criteria Missing Ratings from User Reviews
26-AprAmit Mehra (UT Dallas) 
3-MayDokyun Lee (CMU)Focused Concept Miner (FCM): an Interpretable Deep Learning for Text Exploration
09/28Corey Angst
U of Notre Dame
Too Good to Be True: Firm Social Performance and the Risk of Data Breach
10/05Yan Huang
The Role of Feedback in Dynamic Crowdsourcing Contests: A Structural Empirical Analysis
10/19Elina Hwang
U of Washington
Mobilizing Healthcare across Geography through Telemedicine Consultations
10/26Zaiyan Wei
Purdue U
The Survival of Noise Traders: Evidence From Peer-to-Peer Lending
11/09Anandhi Bharadwaj
Emory U
Business Method Innovations and Firm Value: An Empirical Investigation
11/16Hong Guo
U of Notre Dame
Cross-Market Integration and Sabotage
11/30Yash Babar
Sandeep Gangarapu
U of Minnesota
PhD Student Presentations
12/07Yaqiong Wang
Meizi Zhou
U of Minnesota
PhD Student Presentations



1/19Brad Greenwood
U of M
Just What the Doctor Ordered? Physician Mobility after the Adoption of Electronic Health Records
1/26Linli Xu
U of M
There's No Free Lunch Conversation: The Effect of Brand Advertising on Word of Mouth
2/2Bill Rand
NC State
Extracting Actionable Marketing Intelligence from Social Media Data using Machine Learning
2/9Maytal Saar-Tsechansky
UT Austin
Who Is A Good Decision Maker? Data-Driven Decision Ranking under Unobservable Quality
2/16Anand Gopal
U Maryland
A for Effort? Using the Crowd to Identify Moral Hazard in NYC Restaurant Hygiene Inspections
2/23Joel Waldfogel
U of M
Platforms, Power, and Preferential Placement: Evidence from Spotify Playlists
3/2Foster Provost
Causal Classification: Treatment Effect vs. Outcome Estimation
3/9Yili Hong
IT-enabled Monitoring and Labor Contracting in Online Platforms: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
3/23Christian Catalini
Technological Opportunity, Bubbles and Innovation: The Dynamics of Initial Coin Offerings
3/30Ram Chellappa
Platform Preannouncement Strategies: The Strategic Role of In-formation in Two-Sided Markets Competition
4/6Gautam Pant
U of Iowa
Predicting Interfirm Human Capital Flow: Leveraging Networks and Heterogeneous Effects
4/13Jonathon Cummings
Physical Collocation, Structural Interdependence, and Work-Related Interactions in Organizations
4/20Beibei Li
Nudging Mobile Customers with Real-Time Social Dynamics
4/27Sunil Wattal
Competitive Poaching in Search Advertising: A Randomized Field Experiment
5/4Huaxia Rui
Voice Cascade on Social Media