Part-Time MBA Student Life

Join a diverse and incredibly talented community of students, alumni, faculty and staff at the Carlson School. The Carlson MBA experience will transform you personally and professionally, and impart the confidence and skills to lead you anywhere in the world. You’ll work hard and forge lifelong memories in one of the most vibrant cities in the United States.


Dedicated to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At the Carlson School of Management, we are committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive community that encourages all to reach their full potential through learning, working, and service. By enhancing and sustaining an ethical, culturally-grounded, and anti-racist institution, we will equip the leaders of tomorrow to live the values of “business as a force for good.”

Where you study business matters

When you study business at Carlson, you’ll have rapid access to 16 Fortune 500 companies in the Twin Cities by light rail and the greater Metro Transit system. Come visit campus, and while you’re here, explore the Twin Cities by light rail and see all they have to offer your future.

Professional Workshops

A small sampling of the workshops and seminars available to Carlson MBA students:

  • Case competitions
  • Speakers & conferences
  • Company site visits
  • Company networking events
  • Company information sessions
  • Corporate Reception
  • First Friday
  • Career coaching
  • Interview skills
  • Small group interview prep
  • Salary information & negotiation strategies
  • Offer evaluation
  • Career transition

Start your Part-Time Online MBA application

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