Finance Department Junior Conference Past Events

Previous Events

Speaker and Paper
Dhruva Bhaskar (City University of New York)
Regulation Design in Insurance Markets
Yasser Boualam (University of North Carolina)
The Flow Approach to Credit Markets: Methodology, Measurements, and Macro Perspectives
Jacelly Cespedes (Minnesota)
Strategically Staying Small: Consequences of Regulatory Avoidance
Matthieu Gomez (Columbia)
Asset-Price Redistribution
Ankit Kalda (Indiana University)
Slap on the wrist? External Labor Market Punishment in Finance
Richard Thakor (Minnesota)
"Do Public Firms Learn from their Private Peers?"
Emily Williams (Harvard)
Buy Now, Pay Later Credit: User Characteristics and Effects on Spending Patterns
Speaker and Paper
Tania Babina (Columbia) 
“Crisis Innovation”
Jacelly Cespedes (Minnesota)
“More Cash Flows, More Options? The Effect of Cash Windfalls on Small Firms” 
Winston Dou (Wharton)
“Dissecting Bankruptcy Frictions” 
Jill Grennan (Duke)
“Common Ownership and Startup Growth” 
Erik Loualiche (Minnesota)
"Firm Financial Networks"
Daniel Neuhann (UT Austin)
“A Dynamic Theory of Collateral Quality and Long term Interventions”
Anton Tsoy (Toronto)
“Asymmetric Information and Security Design under Knightian Uncertainty” 
Mian Ben Zhang (USC)
Speaker and Paper
Aislinn Bohren (University of Pennsylvania)
“Peer Monitoring with Partial Commitment"
Serhiy Kozak (Michigan)
"The Economics of Factor Timing"
Filippo Mezzanotti (Northwestern)
"Capital Destruction and Economic Growth: The Effects of Sherman's March, 1850-1920" 
John Mondragon (Northwestern)
"No Job, No Money, No Refi: Frictions to Refinancing in a Recession"
Emil Siriwardane (Harvard)
"A Measure of Risk Appetite for the Macroeconomy"
Martin Szydlowski (Minnesota)
"Monitor Reputation and Transparency"
Rosen Valchev (Boston College)
"Beyond Home Bias: Portfolio Holdings and Information Heterogeneity"
Colin Ward (Minnesota)
“Agency in Intangibles”
Speaker and Paper
Will Cong (Chicago)
"Up-Cascaded Wisdom of the Crowd"
Oliver Levine (Wisconsin-Madison)
"Worldwide taxes, agency conflicts, and investment?"
Erik Loualiche (Minnesota)
“Firm Networks in the Great Depression”
Michaela Pagel (Columbia)
“The Retirement-Consumption Puzzle: New Evidence on Individual Spending and Financial Structure” 
Matthew Plosser (NY Fed)
"The Role of Technology in Mortgage"
Richard Thakor (Minnesota)
“Trust in Lending” 
Felipe Varas (Duke)
“Random Inspections and Periodic Reviews: Optimal Dynamic Monitoring” 
Speaker and Paper
Bradyn Breon-Drish (Stanford)
"Dynamic Information Acquisition and Strategic Trading"
WIlliam Mann (UCLA)
"Collateral Constraints, Wealth Effects, and Volatility: Evidence from Real Estate Markets"
Adrien Matray (Princeton)
"Bank Branch Supply and the Unbanked Phenomenon"
Bernardino Palazzo (Boston University)
Presentation: "Firm Selection and Corporate Cash Holdings"
Juliana Salomao (Minnesota)
"Exchange Rate Exposure and Firm Dynamics"
Martin Szydlowski (Minnesota)
"The Market for Conflicted Advice"
Mao Ye (University of Illinois)
Speaker and Paper

Cecilia Bustamante (University of Maryland)

Marco Di Maggio (Columbia Business School)
“Unconventional Monetary Policy and the Allocation of Credit”

Peter Koudijs (Stanford)
“Marrying for Money: Evidence from Changes in Marital Property Laws in the U.S. South, 1840-1850”

Andrea Lanteri (Duke University)
“The market for Used Capital: Endogenous Irreversibility and Reallocation over the Business Cycle”

Emilio Osambela (Carnegie Mellon)
Batchimeg Sambalaibat (University of Oklahoma)
“Endogenous Specialization and  Dealer Networks”
Speaker and Paper
Santiago Bazdresch (Carlson School)
"Empirical Policy Function Benchmarks for Evaluation and Estimation of Capital Structure Models"
Barney Hartman-Glaser (Anderson School)
"Dynamic Agency and Realy Options"
Richard Lowery (McCombs School)
"The Costs of Closing Failed Banks: A Structural Estimation of Regulatory Incentives"
Boris Nikolov (Simon School)
"Agency Conflicts around the World"
Ivan Shaliastovich (Wharton School)
"Good and Bad Uncertainty: Macroeconomic and Financial Market Implications"
Martin Szydlowski (Carlson School)
"Ambiguity in Dynamic Contracts"
Liyan Yang (Rotman Shool)
"Loss Averson, Survival and Asset Prices"
Speaker and Paper
Frederico Belo (University of Minnesota)
“Technological Diversification and Asset Prices” 
Andrea Buffa (Boston University)
“Strategic Risk Taking with Systematic Externalities"
Anna Cieslak (Northwestern University)
“Expecting the Fed” (Coauthor Pavol Povala)
Andres Donangelo (University of Texas at Austin)
“Product Market Competition and Industry Returns (Coauthor Maria Cecilia Bustamante)
Paul Gao (University of Notre Dame)
“Political Uncertainty and Public Financing Costs: Evidence from U.S. Municipal Bond Markets”
Jeremy Graveline (University of Minnesota)
“Which Reduced-Form Pricing Kernels are Robust to a Change of Numeraire?”
Nikolai Roussanov (University of Pennsylvania)
“Commodity Trade and the Carry Trade: A Tale of Two Countries” (Coauthors Robert Ready and Colin Ward)