Undergraduate Students

What Is the Carlson Brand Enterprise?

The Carlson Brand Enterprise is a one-of-a-kind consultancy where leading MBA students work with senior management at top companies to solve marketing and business challenges. Unlike most project-based student consultancies, the Carlson Brand Enterprise operates as a professional services firm, serving multiple clients and providing high-level, strategic services. Student consultants apply their theoretical knowledge through the insights of a team of academics and practitioners with significant experience in the marketing industry. The Brand Enterprise offers students access to the latest theories and practices from marketing and the chance to enhance their career with real-world knowledge and experience.

The Undergraduate Experience

The Carlson Brand Enterprise is a two-semester course that provides a select group of high performing undergraduate Juniors with an intensive, hands-on learning experience.  Undergraduates selected into the program will participate alongside full-time MBA students and gain real world experience working with senior management at top companies to solve marketing and business challenges.  Students must be willing to dedicate on average 15 hours per week to their project work.  CBE students also receive coaching and mentoring from marketing and business professionals not only in their project work but also their career selection and preparation. 

Selection Process

Successful undergraduate candidates are willing to challenge themselves and possess the following characteristics:

  • 3.5 GPA or above
  • Effective communication skills
  • Strategic thinking and ability to think creatively about complex business problems
  • Ability to work well in teams
  • Willing to commit 15 hours per week to CBE project work
  • Curiosity & drive

If this describes you, we’d love to see you in the CBE!  Please contact Dave Hopkins, Managing Director, at [email protected] or by phone at 612-626-0630 if you have any questions or would like more information.  

Listed below is the schedule for the 2024-2025 school year.  The job description & schedule can also be found on Handshake:  https://umn.joinhandshake.com/jobs/9219411

Oct. 1

12-1 p.m.  Information Session, CSOM Room 1-143  
Details & Registration on Handshake:  https://umn.joinhandshake.com/events/1582835

Oct. 9

12-1 p.m. Open House, Brand Lab, CSOM Room 1-151  

Oct. 15

12-1 p.m.   Information Session, CSOM Room 1-143
Details & Registration on Handshake: https://umn.joinhandshake.com/events/1582863

Oct. 18

Application Deadline will be 12 noon.   Applications submitted on-line via Handshake: https://umn.joinhandshake.com/jobs/9219411

Only complete applications will be considered.

Oct. 28, 29, & 30


Nov. 4

Candidate placement.  Candidates notified of acceptance or not into CBE.

Nov. 8

Deadline:  Invited candidates accept or reject offer to join CBE.

Nov. 12

Registration starts.