Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies Support

Make a gift to the CHRLS

The support of alumni and friends through donations, bequests and other forms of giving is critical to the on-going work of the Center. There are three primary giving options you can choose:

  • MHRIR Fellowship Fund - Recruiters searching to hire top-quality HR Master's students come to the Carlson School's HRIR program because they know our students have received an outstanding education in HRIR, working with internationally-respected faculty members. In order to maintain this culture of excellence and attract the best and brightest students to Carlson, we must continue to offer them financial support. 
  • Herman Library Fund - The Herman Library is a comprehensive reference library that specializes in human resource management and labor relations, and is open to students, faculty, the professional community, and the public. The library provides information on a broad range of topics of importance to HR practitioners and researchers. Your financial support of the library is needed to help ensure that this collection remains robust and up-to-date; operating expenses are funded entirely out of donations. 
  • CHRLS General Fund - Donations to this fund allow us to use the money where it is most needed in the Center. The CHRLS is committed to the strategic and responsible management of these funds in ways that attract and retain students and faculty of the highest quality. 

Two ways to make a gift to the CHRLS:

  • Make a Gift Online - You may make a gift online to any of the funds above.
  • Mail your Gift- You may print and mail your form, along with a check or money order payable to the University of Minnesota Foundation, to University of Minnesota Foundation, P.O. Box 860266, Minneapolis, MN, 55486-0266.

Matching Gifts

You or your spouse may work for a corporation that matches charitable contributions. See if your company matches gifts to the University of Minnesota.

Engaged Alumni Give Back to Program

HRIR alumni share their perspectives on why giving back to the program is essential for the HR environment of tomorrow.

Contact CHRLS