Gary S. Holmes Center for Entrepreneurship Graduate

Graduate Courses in Entrepreneurial Management

  • MGMT 5102: STARTUP:  Customer Development and Testing (2 credits)
  • ENTR 6025: Introduction to Entrepreneurship (2 credits)
  • ENTR 6021: Developing New Ventures (2 credits)
  • ENTR 6023: Financing Business Ventures (4 credits)
  • ENTR 6036: Growing the Independent Business (2 credits)
  • ENTR 6037: Corporate Venturing (2 credits)
  • ENTR 6041: Initiating New Product Design and Business Development (4 credits)
  • ENTR 6042: Implementing New Product Design and Business Development (4 credits)
  • MGMT 6055: Management of Innovation and Change (2 credits)
  • ENTR 6090: Topics in Entrepreneurship (credit varies)
  • MBA 6503: Carlson Ventures Enterprise (6 credits to 2 1/2 semesters)

Experiential Courses

Carlson Ventures Enterprise

The Carlson Ventures Enterprise (CVE) is one of four signature enterprises available to students in the Full-Time MBA program at Carlson. CVE is a two and a half semester program that combines innovative theory with practice. Students learn both about the creation of new high potential ventures and about new business development in corporate settings.

New Product Design and Business Development Program

The New Product Design and Business Development Program (NPDBD) program is a university-industry partnership, offered jointly by the University’s College of Science & Engineering and Carlson School. The program provides hand-on experience on all issues related to the development and implementation of the design of new products. Organized as a technology consulting operation, NPDBD students act as members of cross-functional consulting teams. 

STARTUP: Customer Development and Testing

Students interested in pursuing their own entrepreneurial ventures are encouraged to apply for this applied course offering based on lean startup principles and tools. STARTUP: Customer Development & Testing (MGMT 5102) is an intensive 2-credit course in which students test business model assumptions for a specific new venture concept.  Students receive recurring feedback from instructors and mentors, and are eligible for micro-grants of up to $3,000 to fund approved prototyping and customer development expenses.


Graduate Certificate - Entrepreneurship

Graduate certificates are a way to engage and develop yourself as a working professional without committing to a multi-year degree program. Designed to target specific functional areas of interest to employers, Carlson School graduate certificates allow learners to enroll in 12 credits (4-6 courses) of graded, transcripted coursework that can usually be completed in a single academic year. Learn more about the graduate certificates, including specializations in entrepreneurship and innovation.

Carlson School Grad Launches International Business

Carlson School of Management undergraduate alum and Wisconsin native, Steele Lorenz got his first taste of international experience during a semester abroad. Through his entrepreneurial program, his professors pushed him to discover the impact he could make in the world — he was inspired, and started MyRain, a water irrigation program in India.