Incoming Exchange Students: Academics
- All University of Minnesota courses can be found via Schedule Builder.
- Admitted exchange students may view syllabi for Carlson School courses here (requires UMN login).
- Admitted incoming exchange students may enroll in non-business courses during their semester at the Carlson School. Students will be given more guidance including directions on how to request non-business syllabi from specific faculty/courses during the required Welcome Program orientation in Minnesota.
We highly recommend that you get all courses, including your alternates, approved by your home university. This will make it easier to transfer credits back to your home university after your exchange program.
Some of the courses you want may be full by the time you arrive on campus to register. Most full classes will have a wait list. Though the Carlson Global Institute will help you get the classes you need, we cannot guarantee admittance and urge you to consider alternatives. If you really need a particular class, bring documentation from your home coordinator stating that the class is required.
In general, students may take courses at the University of Minnesota from outside of the Carlson School of Management. Availability may be limited.
- Select courses at the 2xxx, 3xxx, 4xxx, and 5xxx levels. There are 5xxx level courses in the undergraduate curriculum and some graduate level curriculum. 5xxx level coursework that is held within the graduate level curriculum is only available to graduate students.
- Undergraduate students are not allowed in graduate level courses.
- Undergraduate students may take Carlson School of Management courses in the following subjects:
- Accounting - ACCT
- Business Law - BLAW
- Entrepreneurial Management - MGMT
- Finance - FINA
- Human Resources & Industrial Relations - HRIR
- Insurance & Risk Management Insurance - INS
- Management Information Systems - IDSC
- Marketing - MKTG
- Medical Industry Leadership Institute - MILI
- Public and Nonprofit Management - PA, MGMT
- Supply Chain & Operations Management - SCO
- Economics courses (ECON) are not offered through the Carlson School of Management. Students may take economics courses, but availability may be limited.
- Select courses at the 6xxx level. All courses at the 8xxx level are for admitted doctoral students and are not open to exchange students. The only exception is HRIR 8xxx level courses.
- Graduate students may take Carlson School of Management courses in the following subjects:
- Accounting - ACCT
- Business Law - BLAW
- Entrepreneurial Management - MGMT
- Finance - FINA
- Human Resources & Industrial Relations - HRIR
- Insurance & Risk Management Insurance - INS
- Management Information Systems - IDSC
- Managerial Communications - MCOM
- Marketing - MKTG
- Master of Business Administration - MBA
- Medical Industry Leadership Institute - MILI
- Public and Nonprofit Management - MGMT
- Supply Chain & Operations Management - SCO
- Graduate students may enroll in undergraduate level courses, but we recommend you consult your home university regarding transferability.
Undergraduate and Graduate exchange students must take at least 12 UMN credits per semester to maintain your visa status. The maximum number of credits is 20, and most Carlson School students enroll for 14–16 credits per semester. You may need to take more credits to fulfill the requirements of your home university. Please check with your coordinator for details and requirements.
As an exchange student, you will not officially register until you arrive on campus for the Welcome Program. However, you will be asked to complete a Course Preference Form prior to arrival to help you plan for your semester exchange.
- Review available courses and choose the courses you would like to take.
- Submit the Course Preference Form to [email protected] by the deadline.
- Fall semester: July
- Spring semester: December
- Carlson Academic advisers will review your preferences and provide comments, suggestions, and recommended changes (if needed).
- The Carlson Global Institute will return your Course Preference Form to you with feedback from academic advisers.
- You will officially register for classes when you arrive at the Carlson School. Bring your Course Preference Form with you to the Welcome Program.
- Students can add and drop classes for the first week of the semester. Specific add/drop deadlines will be shared with students at Welcome Program.