Gary S. Holmes Center for Entrepreneurship Undergraduate
Entrepreneurial Management Major or Minor
An Entrepreneurial Management major or minor is for the person interested in successfully organizing, owning, managing and assuming the risks of a business (entrepreneurship), or successfully assisting organizations in developing new business opportunities (intrapreneurship). Curriculum is designed to range from introductory fundamentals through the development and implementation of real business opportunities.
Carlson Ventures Enterprise
The Carlson Ventures Enterprise (CVE) is one of four signature enterprises available to students in the Full-Time MBA program at Carlson and accepts a small number of undergraduate students each semester. CVE is an experiential program that combines innovative theory with applied projects sponsored by local companies and organizations. Students learn both about the creation of new high potential ventures and about new business development in corporate settings.
Entrepreneurship in Action
The Entrepreneurship in Action (EIA) course gives our undergraduate students the unique opportunity of conceiving, launching, and operating a real business as part of their educational experience. Students gain hands-on experience with all aspects of the business including strategy, sales and marketing, finance and accounting, operations, human resources, and information technology (2 semesters MGMT 4171-4172).
Social Venturing in Action
Social Venturing in Action focuses on learning a multitude of entrepreneurial frameworks while directly applying learning to the non-profit sector and impact-related for-profit sector. Impact organizations are a growing and increasingly-entrepreneurial part of our economy. Students will complete a semester-long experiential project, working directly with a social enterprise (MGMT 4001) .
Atland Ventures
Students across the University of Minnesota independently own and operate two $1+ million venture capital funds that invest in a wide range of startup companies. Participation is by application only at the Atland Ventures website, with approximately 5 new students added each semester - ideally during their Freshman or Sophomore years. Participating students receive credit during their initial 2 semesters (MGMT 4173).
STARTUP: Customer Development & Testing
Students interested in pursuing their own entrepreneurial ventures are encouraged to apply for this applied course offering based on lean startup principles and tools. STARTUP: Customer Development & Testing (MGMT 5102) is an intensive 2-credit course in which students test business model assumptions for a specific new venture concept. Students receive recurring feedback from instructors and mentors, and are eligible for micro-grants of up to $3,000 to fund approved prototyping and customer development expenses.