Aks Zaheer
PhDStrategic Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology
PGDBA (MBA)Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
BAHonors, Economics St. Stephen's College, Delhi University
Interfirm networks, location, geography and knowledge transfer
The performance implications of interfirm networks creating innovative and other firm-level capabilities in global electronic markets and in geographical clusters
The antecedents and consequences of trust in organization and in interfirm exchange
Cross-level issues in time scales, trust, and networks
Dynamics of social structure
Strategic decision making in uncertain business environments
Aks Zaheer received his PhD in strategic management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his Master's in Business from the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad. His current research examines the antecedents and consequences of interfirm and organizational networks, the antecedents and consequences of trust in organizations and in interfirm exchange, phenomena such as innovation and strategic alliances, in contexts such as healthcare and medical devices, among others. He has published in many journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, and Academy of Management Journal, receiving the School's Outstanding Research Award in 2014 and in 2021. He is an elected Fellow of the Strategic Management Society (elected in 2014) and has served as Deputy Dean of the SMS Fellows (2018-2020) and as Dean of the Fellows (2020-22). He was voted Outstanding Core Teacher of the Year for the Full-Time MBA Program in 1995, 2005, 2009, 2010, and 2011; received the Curtis Cup Outstanding Professor Award in 2006, 2015 and 2020 for Carlson Executive MBA teaching, in 2018 for the Outstanding Professor in the Carlson School's Vienna Executive MBA Program, in 2023 and 2024 for Outstanding Teaching in the Carlson School's Global Doctorate in Business Administration (GDBA) program, School-wide Excellence in Teaching Awards for 2004, 2009, 2012 and 2014, in 2022 and in 2023 for outstanding teaching in the Indian School of Business' Masters in Business PGP PRO program (Bangalore and Mumbai cohorts) as a Visiting Professor, commended for teaching excellence in Business Week's guide to the 50 Top Business Schools in 1997 and named one of the World's 50 Best B-School Professors by Poets and Quants in 2012. In 2023 he was awarded the Irwin Outstanding Educator Award for Excellence in PhD mentoring from the Strategy Division of the Academy of Management. Aks currently serves as Department Chair, Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Department, and Academic Director, Holmes Center for Entrepreneurship.
Selected Works & Activities
Journal Articles"The Paradox of Spatial and Relational Embeddedness: Tie Reinitiation After a Trust Violation," Academy of Management Journal, Forthcoming. P. Kumar, A. Nowinska, & A. Zaheer
Journal Articles"Prismatic Trust: How Structural and Behavioral Signals in Networks Explain Trust Accumulation," Management Science (Forthcoming), G. Soda, A. Zaheer, M. Park, B. McEvily, and M. Subramani.
Journal Articles“Structure in Context: A Morphological View of Whole Network Performance,” Social Networks, 2023, D. Kim, R. Funk and A. Zaheer
Journal Articles"How Much Does a Firm's Alliance Network Matter?" Strategic Management Journal, 2022, P. Kumar, X. Liu, and A. Zaheer
Journal Articles“Brokerage Evolution in Innovation Contexts: Formal Structure, Network Neighborhoods and Knowledge,” Research Policy, 2021, G. Soda, A. Zaheer, X. Sun and W. Cui
Journal Articles"Network Stability: The Role of Geography and Brokerage Structure Inequity," Academy of Management Journal, 2021, P. Kumar and A. Zaheer
Journal Articles"Making Connections: Social Networks in International Business," Journal of International Business Studies, 2020, I.R.P Cuypers, G. Ertug, J. Cantwell, A. Zaheer and M. Kilduff
Journal Articles“How Leaders around the World Build Trust across Cultures,” Harvard Business Review, 2019, M. Javidan and A. Zaheer
Journal Articles"Ego-Network Stability and Innovation in Alliances," Academy of Management Journal, 2019, P. Kumar and A. Zaheer
Journal Articles“Determinants of Alliance Partner Choice: Network Distance, Managerial Incentives and Board Monitoring,” Strategic Management Journal, 2018, R. Kang & A. Zaheer
Journal Articles“How Family Influence, Socioemotional Wealth, and Competitive Conditions Shape New Technology Adoption,” Strategic Management Journal, 2017, D. Souder, A. Zaheer, H. Sapienza and R. Ranucci
Journal Articles"Mutual and Exclusive: Dyadic Sources of Trust in Interorganizational Exchange," Organization Science, 2017. B. McEvily, A. Zaheer and D. Fudge Kamal
Journal Articles"Centralization of Intra-Group Equity Ties and Business Group Affiliate Performance," Strategic Management Journal, 2017. I.P. Mahmood, H. Zhu, A. Zaheer
Journal Articles"Alliance Partners and Firm Capability: Evidence from the Motion Picture Industry," Organization Science, 2015. R. Vandaie and A. Zaheer
Journal Articles"Asymmetric Learning Capabilities and Stock Market Returns," Academy of Management Journal, 2015. H. Yang, Y. Zheng and A. Zaheer
Journal Articles"Surviving Bear Hugs: Firm Capability, Large Partner Alliances and Growth," Strategic Management Journal, 2014, Strategic Management Journal," R. Vandaie and A. Zaheer
Journal Articles"The Embeddedness of Networks: Institutions, Structural Holes, and Innovativeness in the Fuel Cell Industry," Organization Science, 2013, G. Vasudeva, A. Zaheer and E. Hernandez
Journal Articles"The Genesis and Dynamics of Organizational Networks," Organization Science, 2012, G. Ahuja, G. Soda and A. Zaheer.
Journal Articles"A Network Perspective on Organizational Architecture: Performance Effects of the Interplay of Formal and Informal Organization," Strategic Management Journal, 2012, G. Soda and A. Zaheer
Journal Articles"Prior Alliances with Targets and Acquisition Performance in Knowledge Intensive Industries," Organization Science, 2010, A. Zaheer, E. Hernandez and S. Banerjee
Journal Articles"Network Evolution: The Origins of Structural Holes," Administrative Science Quarterly, 2009, A. Zaheer and G. Soda
Journal Articles"Repairing Relationships Within and Between Organizations: Building a Conceptual Foundation," Academy of Management Review, 2009, K.T. Dirks, R.J. Lewicki, and A. Zaheer
Journal Articles"Geography, Networks, and Knowledge Flow," G. Bell and A. Zaheer, Organization Science (2007).
Journal Articles"Trust Across Borders," S. Zaheer and A. Zaheer, Journal of International Business Studies (2006).
Journal Articles"Benefiting from Network Position: Firm Capabilities, Structural Holes, and Performance," A. Zaheer and G. Bell, Strategic Management Journal (2005).
Journal Articles"Network Memory: The Effect of Past and Current Networks on Performance," G. Soda, A. Usai, and A. Zaheer, Academy of Management Journal (2004).
Journal Articles"Trust as an Organizing Principle," B. McEvily, V. Perrone, and A. Zaheer, Organization Science (2003).
Journal Articles"Free to be Trusted? Organizational Constraints on Trust at the Boundary," V. Perrone, A. Zaheer, and B. McEvily, Organization Science (2003).
Journal Articles"Market Microstructure in a Global B2B Network," S. Zaheer and A. Zaheer , Strategic Management Journal (2001).
Journal Articles"Strategic Networks," R. Gulati, N. Nohria, and A. Zaheer, Strategic Management Journal (2000).
Journal Articles"Bridging Ties: A Source of Firm Heterogeneity in Competitive Capabilities," B. McEvily and A. Zaheer, Strategic Management Journal (1999).
Journal Articles"Does Trust Matter? Exploring the Effects of Inter-organizational and Interpersonal Trust on Performance," A. Zaheer, V. Perrone, and B. McEvily, Organization Science (1998).
Journal Articles"Uncertainty in a Transaction Environment: An Empirical Test," K. Sutcliffe and A. Zaheer, Strategic Management Journal (1998).
Journal Articles"Catching the Wave: Alertness, Responsiveness, and Market Influence in Global Electronic Networks," S. Zaheer and A. Zaheer, Management Science (1997).
Journal Articles"Country Effects on Information-Seeking in Global Electronic Networks," S. Zaheer and A. Zaheer, Journal of International Business Studies (1997).
Journal Articles"Relational Governance as an Interorganizational Strategy: An Empirical Test of the Role of Trust in Economic Exchange," A. Zaheer and N. Venkatraman, Strategic Management Journal (1995).
Journal Articles"Determinants of Electronic Integration in the Insurance Industry: An Empirical Test," A. Zaheer and N. Venkatraman, Management Science (1994).
Finalist, Best Paper, Academy of Management Review, 1999
Editorial Boards: Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Organization, Journal of Trust Research
Curtis Cup, Outstanding Teaching Award, Carlson Executive MBA program, 2006, 2015, 2020
Best Paper Award, Academy of International Business, Milan, June 2008
Guest Editor: Fresh Perspectives on Trust in Today's Changing Theoretical and Contextual Landscapes, Academy of Management Review.
Outstanding Core Teacher of the Year, Full-Time MBAs, 1995, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2011
Excellence in Teaching Award, Carlson School of Management, 2004, 2009, 2012, 2014
Named among the "World's 50 Best B-School Professors" by Poets and Quants, 2012
Outstanding Research Award, Carlson School of Management, 2014, 2021
Elected Fellow and Dean of the Fellows of the Strategic Management Society