Paul M. Vaaler
Ph.D. 1997Strategic Management & Organization University of Minnesota
J.D. 1988Law Harvard University
M.A. 1985Philosophy, Politics & Economics Oxford University
B.A. 1983History Carleton College
Migrants, remittances and venture investment in developing countries
Credit rating agencies and sovereign risk
Political business cycles in emerging democracies
Performance trends in technology industries and firms
Professor Vaaler has been a member of the SME Department since 2007 and a jointly appointed member of the SME Department and Law School faculties since 2014. His research and teaching interests combine business, law and public policy issues, including migrant remittances and entrepreneurship, elections and investment, structuring public private partnerships, and managing data privacy. Professor Vaaler is the author and editor of books published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, MIT Press, and Routledge Press as well as journal articles published in the Academy of Management Journal, Economics Letters, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Business Policy, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Management, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Organization Science, Review of Development Economics, Review of Law & Economics, Strategic Management Journal, Strategy Science, Transnational Corporations and other academic journals. He is a senior editor for Journal of International Business Policy, a consulting editor for the Journal of World Business, and the co-editor-in-chief of the Social Science Research Network Global Business Issues electronic journal. Professor Vaaler received his B.A. in History from Carleton College, his M.A. in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar, his J.D. from Harvard Law School, and his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota.
Selected Works & Activities
Journal Articles"Do US State Breach Notification Laws Decrease Firm Data Breaches?" Brad N. Greenwood and Paul M. Vaaler, Review of Law & Economics, forthcoming.
Journal Articles"Migrants, Migration Policies, and International Business Research: Current Trends and New Directions," Helena Barnard, David Deeds, Ram Mudambi, and Paul M. Vaaler, Journal of International Business Policy, 2(4): 275-288 (2019).
Journal Articles"Discriminatory Product Differentiation: The Case of Israel's Omission from Airline Route Maps," Paul M. Vaaler and Joel Waldfogel, Strategy Science, 4(2): 70-93 (2019).
Journal Articles"Explaining the Rise of Diaspora Institutions." Alan Gamlen, Michael E. Cummings, and Paul M. Vaaler, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(4): 492-516 (2019).
Whole BooksThe Ethical Professor: A Practical Guide to Research, Teaching and Professional Life, Lorraine Eden, Kathy Lund Dean, and Paul M. Vaaler, Routledge, Abingdon, UK (2018).
Journal Articles"Minority Rules: Credible State Ownership and Investment Risk Around the World," Barclay E. James and Paul M. Vaaler, Organization Science, 29(4): 653-677 (2018).
Journal Articles"How Do Plural-Sourcing Firms Make and Buy? The Impact of Supplier Portfolio Design," Mari Sako, George Chondrakis, and Paul M. Vaaler, Organization Science, 27(5): 1161-1182 (2016).
Journal Articles"Economic Informality and the Venture Investment Impact of Migrant Remittances to Developing Countries," Candace Martinez, Michael E. Cummings, and Paul M. Vaaler, Journal of Business Venturing, 30: 526-545 (2015).
Journal Articles"How Well Do Supra-National Regional Grouping Schemes Fit International Business Research Models?"; Ricardo Flores, Ruth Aguilera, Arash Mahdian, and Paul M. Vaaler, Journal of International Business Studies, 44(5): 451-474 (2013).
Journal Articles"Credit Rating Agencies and Elections in Emerging Democracies: Guardians of Fiscal Discipline?", Marek Hanusch and Paul M. Vaaler, Economics Letters, 119: 251-254 (2013).
Journal Articles"Immigrant Remittances and the Venture Investment Environment of Developing Countries," Paul M. Vaaler, Journal of International Business Studies, 42(9): 1121-1149 (Reprinted in International Entrepreneurship, A. Rebecca Reuber (Ed), Palgrave Macmillan: L
Journal Articles"Are Technology-Intensive Industries More Dynamically Competitive? No and Yes," Paul M. Vaaler and Gerry McNamara, Organization Science, 21: 271-289 (2010).
Journal Articles"Residual State Ownership, Policy Stability and Financial Performance Following Strategic Decisions by Privatizing Telecoms," Paul M. Vaaler and Burkhard N. Schrage, Journal of International Business Studies, 40: 621-641 (2009).
Journal Articles"How Do MNCs Vote in Developing Country Elections?" Paul M. Vaaler, Academy of Management Journal 51: 21-44 (2008).
Journal Articles"Elections, Opportunism, Partisanship and Sovereign Ratings in Developing Countries," Paul M. Vaaler, Burkhard N. Schrage, and Steven A. Block, Review of Development Economics 10(1): 154-170 (2006).
Journal Articles"Counting the Investor Vote: Political Business Cycle Effects on Sovereign Bond Spreads in Developing Countries," Paul M. Vaaler, Burkhard N. Schrage, and Steven A. Block, Journal of International Business Studies, 36(1): 62-88 (2005).
Journal Articles"Crisis and Competition in Expert Organizational Decision Making: Credit Rating Agencies and Their Response to Turbulence in Emerging Economies," Paul M. Vaaler and Gerry McNamara, Organization Science, 15(6): 687-703 (2004).
Journal Articles"The Price of Democracy: Sovereign Risk Ratings, Bond Spreads and Political Business Cycles in Developing Countries," Steven A. Block and Paul M. Vaaler, Journal of International Money and Finance, 23(3): 917-946 (2004).
Journal Articles"Same as it Ever Was: The Search for Evidence of Increasing Hypercompetition," Gerry McNamara, Paul M. Vaaler, and Cynthia Devers, Strategic Management Journal, 24(3): 261-278 (2003) (Emerald Management Top 50 Management Articles of 2003).
Whole BooksFinancial Innovations and the Welfare of Nations: How Cross-Border Transfers of Financial Innovations Nurture Emerging Capital Markets, Laurent Jacque and Paul M. Vaaler, eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA (2001).
Whole BooksCreative Destruction: Business Survival and Success in the Global Internet Economy, Lee W. McKnight, Paul M. Vaaler and Raul Katz, eds., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2001); (Paperback, 2002; Japanese ed, 2003; Chinese ed., 2007).
Book Chapters"State Ownership and Project Financing," Barclay E. James and Paul M. Vaaler, Oxford Handbook on State Capitalism and the Firm. M. Wright, G. Wood, A. Cuervo-Cazurra, P. Sun, L. Okhmatovskiy, & A. Grosman, eds. Oxford U Press: Oxford, UK, Ch. 10 (2022).
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Social Science Research Network Global Business Issues electronic journal, 2009-Present; Senior Editor, Journal of International Business Policy, 2018-Present; Consulting Editor, Journal of World Business, 2019-Present; Senior Editor, Global Strategy Journal, 2020-Present.
Professor, Law School and Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, 2019-Present; John and Bruce Mooty Chair in Law & Business, Law School and Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, 2014-Present.
Weekly commentator on current business issues, WCCO Radio's "Business by Carlson" segment, 2015-2019.
Academy of International Business Fellow, 2020-Present; Fulbright Scholar (South Africa), 2019-2020; Sanjaya Lall Visiting Professor of Business & Development (Oxford University), 2012.