Mani Subramani
BE (Hons) 1981Electrical Engineering Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India
PGDM 1983Information Systems Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India
DBA 1997Information Systems Boston University
Individual Learning and Expertise Development
Knowledge Management Systems and Capability Creation in Firms
Firm Capabilities from Enterprise Systems
Mani Subramani is an associate professor in the Department of Information and Decision Sciences at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. His research interests include Learning and Expertise Development, Knowledge Management in Firms and the Influence of technologies on Organizational Capabilities. His work has been published in the Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Information Systems Research (ISR), MIS Quarterly, Journal of MIS, Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) and Sloan Management Review. He has served as the Associate Editor for Information Systems Research and MIS Quarterly and the Guest Co-editor (with V. Sambamurthy) of the MIS Quarterly Special Issue on Knowledge Management and Information Technologies. His paper titled the "Dot Com Effect: The Impact of E-Commerce Announcements on the Market Value of Firms" won the Best Paper award at the 20th International Conference on Information Systems.
Selected Works & Activities
Journal ArticlesCao, Chengxin; Ray, Gautam; Subramani, Mani; and Gupta, Alok. 2022. "Enterprise Systems And M&A Outcomes For Acquirers And Targets". MIS Quarterly, 46(3), 1295–1322.
Journal ArticlesCao, Chengxin; Ray, Gautam; Subramani, Mani; and Gupta, Alok. 2022. "Enterprise Systems and the Likelihood of Horizontal, Vertical, and Conglomerate Mergers and Acquisitions," MIS Quarterly, (46: 2) pp.1227-1242.
Journal ArticlesSubramani, Mani; Wagle, Mihir; Ray, Gautam; and Gupta, Alok. 2021. "Capability Development through Just-in-Time Access to Knowledge in Document Repositories: A Longitudinal Examination of Technical Problem Solving," MIS Quarterly, (45: 3) pp.1287-1308.
Journal Articles4 Deodhar, Swanand, Subramani, Mani R., Akbar, Zaheer (2017) “Geography of online network ties: A predictive modelling approach”, Decision Support Systems (99), pp 9-17.
Journal ArticlesArling, Priscilla and Mani Subramani, (2011) The Effect of Virtuality on Individual Network Centrality and Performance in Ongoing Distributed Teams, International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, (7:4), pp.325 - 348.
Journal ArticlesNils Fonstad and Mani Subramani, (2009) Building Enterprise Alignment: A Case Study, MIS Quarterly Executive, Special Issue on Alignment, (8:1), pp. 31-41.
Journal ArticlesZaheer, S., Lamin, A., and Subramani, M. (2009) Cluster capabilities and location choice: A study of Business Process Offshoring in India, Journal of International Business Studies, 40(6): pp. 944-968.
Journal ArticlesPeddibhotla, N. and M. Subramani (2007), “Contributing to Public Document Repositories: A Critical Mass Theory Perspective”, Organizational Studies. (28:3), pp. 327-346.
Journal ArticlesSubramani, M. (2004). "How Do Suppliers Benefit from IT Use in Supply Chain Relationships," MIS Quarterly (28:1), pp. 45-74.
Journal ArticlesNidumolu, S.R., and Subramani, M. (2003). "The Matrix of Control: Combining Process and Structure Approaches to Managing Software Development," Journal of Management Information Systems (20:3), pp. 159-197.
Journal ArticlesSubramani, M., and Venkatraman, N. (2003). "Safeguarding Investments in Asymmetric Interorganizational Relationships: Theory and Evidence," Academy of Management Journal (46:1), pp. 46-62.
Journal ArticlesSubramani, M., and Rajagopalan, B. (2003) "Knowledge Sharing and Influence in Online Social Networks via Viral Marketing," Communications of the ACM (46:12ve), pp. 300-307
Journal ArticlesWeill, P., Subramani, M., and Broadbent, M. (2002). "Building IT Infrastructures for Strategic Agility," Sloan Management Review (44:1), pp. 57-65.
Journal Articles"The Impact of E-Commerce Announcements on the Market Value of Firms," Mani Subramani and Eric Walden, Information Systems Research (June 2001).
Journal Articles"Situated Learning and the Situated Knowledge Web: Exploring the Ground Beneath Knowledge Management," Sarma R. Nidumolu, Mani Subramani, and Alan Aldrich, Journal of Management Information Systems (Summer 2001).
Journal ArticlesSproull, L., Mani Subramani, Sara Kiesler, Janet H. Walker and Keith Waters. (1996). When the Interface Is a Face. Human-Computer Interaction. (11), pp. 97-124.
Journal ArticlesSambamurthy, V. and M. Subramani (2005). “Information Technologies and Knowledge Management: Foreword to Special Issue on Information Technologies and Knowledge Management.” MIS Quarterly 29(2): 193-195.
Journal ArticlesSambamurthy, V. and M. Subramani (2005). “Knowledge Problems in Organizations: Foreword to Special Issue on Information Technologies and Knowledge Management.” MIS Quarterly 29(1): 1-7
Conference Chair, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2022
Senior Editor, Journal of the Association of Information Systems (JAIS), 2015-present
Academic Advisor, Twin Cities Knowledge Management Forum, 1998-present
NSF grant to study issues related to electronic commerce, 1998