Carlson School

Finance Department Faculty

The Carlson School Finance Department focuses on understanding financial decisions, markets, and institutions. Faculty research in these areas is internationally known and has been published in the best finance and economics journals. The department is committed to quality teaching at the undergraduate, MBA, and PhD levels.

Jacelly Cespedes
Assistant Professor
Jacelly Cespedes, Assistant Professor in Finance at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management
Murray Z Frank

Murray Frank was the President of the Midwest Finance Association (2017-2018). In recent years much of his work has focused on corporate capital structure. He is a co-founder of the Virtual Corporate Finance Wednesdays an international scholarly seminar series.

Robert Goldstein earned a PhD in finance from the University of California, Berkeley in 1996 and a PhD in physics from the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign in 1992. Prior to the Carlson School, he served as an associate professor at Washington University, St.

Pinar Karaca Mandic
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, and C. Arthur Williams Jr. Professor in Healthcare Risk Management
Professor Pinar Karaca-Mandic teaches healthcare marketplace and medical technology evaluation at the University of Minnesota. She is a Distinguished McKnight University Professor.
Xiaoji Lin
US Bancorp Professor in Financial Markets and Institutions Professor of Finance

Dr. Xiaoji Lin is the US Bancorp Professor in Financial Markets and Institutions and a Professor of Finance at the University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management. Before joining Minnesota in 2018, Dr. Lin taught at London School of Economics and Political Science and the Ohio State University (tenured in 2018).

Erik Loualiche
Assistant Professor
Erik Loualiche, Assistant Professor at Carlson School. Research: asset pricing, macroeconomics, industrial organization. PhD from Northwestern.
Stephen T Parente
Professor, Minnesota Insurance Industry Chair of Health Finance
Stephen T. Parente, Ph.D., MPH, MS, Professor and Minnesota Insurance Industry Chair of Health Finance at Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Juliana Salomao
Assistant Professor
Juliana Salomao, Assistant Professor at Carlson School of Management. PhD in economics. Research focuses on sovereign and corporate credit markets.
Raj Singh
Associate Dean (With Faculty Rank)
Raj Singh serves as an Associate Dean with faculty rank in the Finance department at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management.
Martin Szydlowski
Assistant Professor

Martin Szydlowski is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. His research examines how agency conflicts influence firm investment, capital structure, and the optimal mix of managerial incentives. He also studies the impact of ambiguity aversion on incentive contracts.

Richard T. Thakor
Associate Professor
Richard T. Thakor, Associate Professor of Finance at Carlson School. Research interests: corporate finance, R&D, healthcare finance. PhD from MIT.
Tracy Yue Wang

Tracy Wang is the John Spooner Professor of Finance. Her expertise lies in the fields of corporate governance, law and economics, and behavioral finance.

Andrew Whitman
Andrew Whitman is a Professor in the Finance department at the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management.
Andrew Winton
Professor and Minnesota Banking Industry Endowed Chair
Andrew Winton, Professor and Minnesota Banking Industry Endowed Chair at Carlson School of Management. Expertise: corporate finance, financial contracts, financial institutions.
Adam Zhang
Assistant Professor
Adam’s research lies at the intersection of macroeconomics and finance, with two overarching objectives. The first is to analyze mechanisms of asset price movements. The second is to characterize how asset price movements affect the daily lives of people. His past projects have examined retirement savings, housing, income and wealth inequality, using tools across a multitude of fields and disciplines: empirical inference, mathematical modeling, machine learning techniques for structural estimation, etc. Prior to joining the Carlson School of Management, he studied economics at Stanford University and at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Lisa Kline
Felisa (Lisa) Kline is a Senior Lecturer in Finance at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. Prior to coming to the Carlson School, Lisa worked in multiple areas of Corporate Finance for General Mills, including development of their Finance Learning and Development Program.
John Molloy
Senior Lecturer
John Molloy serves as a Senior Lecturer in the Finance department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Helen Moser
Senior Lecturer
Helen Moser, Senior Lecturer in Finance at Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, brings a passion for finance and investing to her classes.
Nick Seeman
Senior Teaching Specialist

Nick joined the faculty here after holding roles at a broker dealer, asset manager, and law firm.  In his previous role, Nick managed a mortgage-backed security and fixed-income portfolio at AgriBank.  Nick is also CFA Charterholder.

Jason Turkiela
Senior Lecturer

Jason Turkiela is a Senior Lecturer in Finance at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. He earned his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Oregon, an M.A. in Economics from Central Michigan University, and a B.A. in Economics from Michigan State University.

Stuart Webb
Senior Lecturer
Learn more about Stuart Webb, a senior lecturer at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota.
Eric White

Prior to joining the Carlson School of Management in 2022, Eric was Director of Financial Planning and Analysis at Bluestem Brands. Prior to this, he held various roles including Financial Analyst and Senior Financial Analyst at Target Corporation and Senior Financial Analyst and Manager of Financial Planning and Analysis at Bluestem Brands.

Caroline S. Carlin, PhD
Adjunct Professor

Dr. Carlin’s research leverages her knowledge of the health care and insurance industries, and a thorough understanding of econometrics. Her recent research focuses on the environment in which choices are made in the delivery and financing of health care services, and how this environment impacts the cost and quality of care, particularly for patients with diabetes.

Mike Finch, PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor
Mike Finch, PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor at the Carlson School of Management, is a nationally recognized expert in research methods and evaluation.
Scott Johnson
Senior Lecturer
Explore the expertise and contributions of Professor Scott Johnson at Carlson School. Delve into his research, publications, and academic insights in the field of business and management.
Thanh Le
Senior Lecturer
Thanh Le is a Senior Lecturer in the Finance department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Timothy Nantell
Timothy Nantell, Professor of Finance at Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, is renowned for his excellence in MBA Program teaching.
Matt Stoll, MBA
Adjunct Faculty
Matt Stoll is Adjunct Faculty at the Carlson School of Management, bringing over 20 years of experience in telecom and medical devices industries.
Alan R Thometz
Senior Lecturer
Alan is a senior corporate finance executive with over 40 years of experience in commercial banking, investment banking, private equity, and mergers and acquisitions.
Richard Vogel
Senior Lecturer
Richard Vogel is a Senior Lecturer in the Finance Department at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota.
Gordon Alexander
Emeritus Professor

Gordon Alexander received his PhD in finance in 1975 from The University of Michigan, where he also received a Master of Science in mathematics in 1973 and an MBA in finance in 1970. Previously he received a Bachelor of Science in business administration from the State University of New York-Buffalo in 1969.

Timothy Nantell
Timothy Nantell, Professor of Finance at Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, is renowned for his excellence in MBA Program teaching.