Timothy Nantell
BA 1967Mathematics University of Wisconsin
MBA 1971Finance University of Wisconsin
PhD 1971Finance University of Wisconsin
Business, business opportunity and security valuation
Timothy Nantell has held the following positions with the Carlson School: Acting Dean, Associate Dean of Faculty, Finance Department Chairperson, and Faculty Director of the MBA Program. He also initiated the Carlson Funds Enterprise. His current research and teaching interests concern valuation models and their application. He has been recognized for teaching excellence in the MBA Program a number of times and was named 'Dedicated Faculty Member of the Year' by the MBA classes of 2002 and 2003. In 2004 he was given an Outstanding Service Award by the Carlson Scool.
Selected Works & Activities
Journal ArticlesVariance and Lower Partial Moment Measures of Systematic Risk: Some Analytical and Empirical Results, T. Nantell, Journal of Finance (1982).
Journal ArticlesTender Offer Mergers and Stockholders'' Wealth: A Random Coefficient Regression Approach, T. Nantell and T. Aielman, American Statistical Association Business and Economics Proceedings (1982).
Journal ArticlesCommon Stock Returns and Corporate Combinations: The Case of Joint Ventures, T. Nantell and J. McConnell, Journal of Finance (1985).
Journal ArticlesTax Effects of Inflation: Depreciation, Debt, and Millers Equilibrium Tax Rates, T. Nantell and M. Maher, Journal of Accounting Research (1983).
Computer ProgramsFAMOUS Financial Analysis Modeling Software, Version 11b, 2011.
PresentationsWe Misunderstand and Misuse Return On Invested Capital, Midwest Finance Association Meetings, 2007.
Business, business opportunity and security valuation and measuring business performance
Carlson School Outstanding Service Award, 2004