Spring 2019 Discovery magazine cover

Spring 2019

Introduction Letter

Carlson School faculty research is integral to positive social change

Professor Alok Gupta

For nearly ten years, Discovery at Carlson has celebrated standout research published by our world-class faculty from every academic department in the Carlson School. Our citations span top-tier journals across multiple disciplines, and our faculty are recognized globally as thought leaders who study topics pivotal to our quickly evolving world economy.

Each semester, I find it more and more difficult to select only one paper from each department to feature in this publication. From PhD candidates to associates and assistants to full, endowed professors, our researchers are conceiving, conducting, and publishing research that will steer academic thought for years to come.

As a public land-grant research institution, however, we strive for more than this. We consider it our duty to work for the public good, to pursue research projects that will have a positive and lasting impact on our world.

It should come as no surprise that this is not only something that our faculty do, but something at which they excel. Each research project that you’ll find in this publication identifies a challenge that our society faces and puts forth insights or a solution that has the potential to improve the lives of individuals in our community, our state, our nation, and our world.

In short, each publication highlighted in this special edition of Discovery at Carlson illustrates how academic research can become integral to positive social change.

If you have any comments on this publication, or the research that it contains, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Professor Alok Gupta
Associate Dean of Faculty and Research
Curtis L. Carlson Chair in Information Management

Featured story

Spring 2019 Discovery magazine cover

Download the Spring 2019 issue

Carlson School faculty research is integral to positive social change. In this issue, we investigate gender pay dynamics, social media tactics used by hate groups, and the costs behind health care spending.

Download this issue