2024 MN Cup Participant Stats

Monday, May 20, 2024

This was a record-smashing year of applications, with continued growth in the diversity of our applicants. We’ve been tracking detailed demographic information on our applicants since 2013, and are proud of the progress we’ve made in getting our applicant pool to more accurately reflect the diversity of Minnesota entrepreneurs.

At a high level here are some summary stats on who participated in MN Cup’s application process this year: 

  • 3178 Minnesotans participated in the application process this year - exceeding our previous application record by 10%
  • 1008 applications were submitted from 68 of Minnesota’s 87 counties
  • 69% of submitted applications came from the 7-county metro, 31% from Greater Minnesota
  • Participating teams include co-founders with the following gender identities:
    • 54% Male
    • 43% Female
    • 3% Non-binary, third gender or prefer to self-describe
  • We’ve continued efforts to increase awareness within Minnesota’s BIPOC communities this year - 39% of applicants identify as Black, Indigenous and People of Color
  • Age ranged from 8 to 88. The average age of applicants this year was 40. 


Here’s a detailed breakdown of our participant demographics* for this season:

*Percentages reflect those who filled out the full demographic information. Some folks who started an application but did not finish or submit did not fully report this information.

Identifying Ethnic/ Gender/ Other Groups

Ethnicity% of Reported Total
Black or African American19%
East Asian or Asian American6%
Latino or Hispanic American4%
Middle Eastern or Arab American1%
Native American or Alaskan Native1%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander0%
Non-Hispanic White61%
South Asian or Indian American4%
Gender% of Reported Total
Non-binary / Third Gender1%
Prefer to self-describe1%
Prefer not to answer0%
Other% of Reported Total
Active Duty/ Military Veteran4%
Child of Immigrant11%
Person with a disability8%
Age% of Reported Total
0-17 yrs3%
18-24 yrs10%
25-64 yrs83%
65+ years4%