PhD Program Newsletter
Our Ph.D. alumni continue to distinguish themselves, and we will continue to celebrate them. A few of our alumni's recent accomplishments include:
- Narae Lee, SME, PhD 2022, won the STR Division's Robert J. Litshert Award at AOM
- Best proposal with practical implications (SMS)
- Corporate Citizenship Research Award (POSCO)
- Vincent Yu, SCO, PhD 2021, started as an assistant professor at Miami University (August 2023)
- Ellie Stillwell, WOrg, PhD 2021, moved from Visiting Assistant Professor at Northeastern University to Assistant Professor at the London School of Economics.
- Haram Seo, SME, PhD 2021, 2022, Distinguished Paper Award from the STR division of the Academy of Management.
- Keith Pennington, SME, PhD 2021, Started as an assistant professor at the University of Connecticut in the Management and Entrepreneurship department.
- Bori Csillag, WOrg, PhD 2021, was awarded the Stirek Assistant Professor of Management Professorship at Oregon State University (2023).
- Miguel Velasco Lopez, IDSc, PhD 2020, Promotion to Assistant Professor in the Quantitative Methods Department.
- Presented a paper coauthored will Paul Johnson (emeritus at Carlson School of Management) called "Gaming rules in liminal settings leading to corruption: evidence from an experimental approach" at the Society for Business Ethics Conference in Seattle (August 2022)
- Elected a member of the Junior Scholar Network Organizing Committee at the Society for Business Ethics (October 2022).
- Tianna Barnes, WOrg, PhD 2020, has completed her postdoc at Whatton and will be starting as an Assistant Professor at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College
- Wharton Center for Leadership and Change Management Diversity and Inclusion Initiative 2021.
- Academy of Management Gender & Diversity in Organizations Division Outstanding Reviewer 2021.
- Maria Rodas, Mktg, PhD 2019, was named an MSI Young Scholar. Selections were made on the basis of productivity in a set of top journals, citation impact of work since the PhD, article awards, relevancy of work to MSI Research Priorities, and editorial board leadership.
- Sehwon Kang, SCO, PhD 2019, was awarded the Chris Voss Best Paper Award: Runner Up at EurOMA 2022, for the paper: "Labour issues at supplier factories in developing countries: Drivers and remediation of civil and collective violations".
- Probal Mojumder, IDSc, PhD 2018, Since Feb 2021, Assistant Professor and Young Faculty Research Chair at Indian Institute of Management Udaipur, India
- In September 2022, Probal's paper "So, Who Likes You? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment" co-authored with Professors Ravi Bapna, Edward McFowland III, Jui Ramaprasad, and Akhmed Umyarov, got accepted for publication at Management Science journal
- Rick Hardcopf, SCO, PhD 2018, is an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University.
- Rick is currently finishing his 5th year and hopes to put his tenure packet together this coming Summer. Rick has 4 publications to date, with 2 more in review and 2 additional papers almost ready
- Cameron Miller, SME, PhD 2017, was a Wiley Blackwell Best Dissertation Award Finalist, Strategic Management Division, AOM, 2018:
- Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure.
- Wiley Top Cited Article for 2020-2021
- Best Proposal Award for Rigor in Research Finalist. Competitive Strategy Interest Group, Strategic Management Society Meeting 2021
- Edward Pettinella Professorship in Business, Whitman School of Management, 2020 – 2022
- Best Reviewer, Strategic Management Journal, 2022
- Extraordinary Service to the Editorial Board, Organization Science, 2020 – 2021
- Best Reviewer, Strategic Management Journal, 2019 – 2020
- Best Reviewer, Academy of Management Perspectives, 2020
- Outstanding Reviewer, Academy of Management Perspectives, 2019
- Distinguished Paper Award, Strategic Management Division, AOM, 2018;
- Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2018;
- Best Reviewer, Knowledge, and Innovation Group, Strategic Management Society, 2018
- Karyn Dossinger, WOrg, PhD 2016, Started her new job in August 2022 as Assistant Professor of Management at Loyola University Chicago Quinlan School of Business. In addition, starting 2023-2024, Karyn will take on a new role as Associate Program Director, MS in Human Resources.
- Yeonka (Sophia) Kim, WOrg, PhD 2016, Promotion to Associate Professor and tenured at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, recently started a new job as an Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University.
- Florence Honore, SME, PhD 2015, Schulze 2021 Publication Award for Your Startup Team: "Why Both Shared and Diverse Experiences Matter." EIX March 2021.
- Patricia Dahm, WOrg, PhD 2015, received the Best Paper Award, Organizational Behavior Division, Academy of Management in 2019.
- Sumi Jung, Acct, PhD 2015, Publication in the Accounting Review in 2022 with Minnesota Alumni Wen Chen, Xiaoxia Peng, and Ivy Zhang (former faculty member).
- Nelson Amaral, Mktg, PhD 2013, recently joined the faculty at Ontario Tech University as an Assistant Professor.
- Georg Meyer, IDSc, PhD 2012, is employed at Bossard Group as their Cheif Information Officier
- Jinjing Zhang, IDSc, PhD 2012, was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure at Indiana University in 2019.
- Named to Poets&Quants’ Top 50 Undergraduate Business Professors for 2018.
- Adam Fremeth, SME, PhD 2009, was named the E. J. Kernaghan Chair in Energy Policy at the Ivey Business School, Western University, in 2018.
- Fulbright Scholar for 2018-19
- Pallab Sanyal, IDSc, PhD 2009, was recently named the Director of MBA Programs at George Mason University.
- Amit Kramer, WOrg, PhD 2009, has been named Associate Editor of the Journal of Vocational Behavior.
- Zhen Zhang, WOrg PhD 2008, has been named Editor-in-Chief of Personnel Psychology for 2023-2025.
- Ajay Kumar, IDSc, PhD 2007, was appointed Defense Secretary of India in 2019.
- Ashwani Monga, Mktg, PhD 2004, has been named Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor of Rutgers University.
- Alina Chircu, IDSc, PhD 2001, was named dean of UNM’s Anderson School of Management in 2024.
- Amy Cox, Mktg, PhD 2001, was recently named the Chair of the Economics, Accounting, and Business Department at Converse College.
- Gregory Heim, SCO, PhD 2000, was promoted to full Professor in the Department of Information & Operations Management, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University.
- Haresh Sapra, Acct, PhD 2000, was awarded the Hillel J. Einhorn Teaching Excellence Award in the Executive MBA program at Booth.
- serving as senior co-editor of the Journal of Accounting Research
- Jesper Johansson, IDSc, PhD 1999, has been named Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer at GoDaddy, Inc.
- Philip Evers, Mktg, PhD 1993, was appointed Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs at the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, in 2019.
- Mansour Javidan, SME, PhD 1983, is the Garvin Distinguished Professor of Management at Thunderbird School of Global Management.
- He was named Project Director for the GLOBE 2020 research program
Tor Guimaraes, IDSc, PhD 1981, received the Caplenor Research Award for 2019.
Jan DeGross
During its 50-plus-year history, the Carlson School of Management Information Decisions Sciences department has kept track of the IS graduates with each graduate receiving a number to indicate the order of completing their PhD. Upon her recent retirement, Jan DeGross, PhD, has been honored by the IDS department in recognition of her long-running, dedicated, and excellent service to the IDS PhD program and to the IS discipline by naming the completion number of each CSOM IDS graduate as their DeGross Number in recognition of Jan's service and contributions.
Congratulations to the most recent additions to the list, our 2023 graduates:
DeGross Numbers
- 141 - Christina Jeong
- 142 - Jeff Clement
- 143 - Zihong Zhang
We would love to hear from our alumni!
If you have recently been promoted, received honors or awards, or have other news, please
Chris Winchester
Chris Winchester, a Work & Organizations PhD student, was elected as Academy of Management's New Doctoral Student Consortium (NDSC) Committee Chair to lead a team of 25 doctoral candidates from around the world to put on the only cross-disciplinary AOM Annual Meeting event designed specifically for doctoral students from all divisions and interest groups. Chris is the first chair to represent the University of Minnesota in the NDSC's 25+ year history!
Yixin (Ethan) Yao
- Xi Ji, Yixin Yao, and Xianling Long. “What Causes PM2.5 Pollution? Cross-Economy Empirical Analysis from Socioeconomic Perspective.” Energy Policy 119 (August 1, 2018): 458–72.
Information & Decision Sciences
Zenan Chen
- Zenan Chen and Jason Chan, Best Paper Award in General IS Track, International Conference on Information Systems 2022
- Best Student Paper Award, Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems 2022
- Best Student Paper Award, Conference on Information Systems & Technology 2023
Xianyu (Bonnie) Hao
- Hao, Xianyu (Bonnie), Mayank Anand, Tzushuo (Ryan) Wang, and Akshay R. Rao (2022), “Reducing COVID vaccine hesitancy by inducing a comparative mindset,” Vaccine, published online November 7, 2022,
Mayank Anand
- Hao, Xianyu (Bonnie), Mayank Anand, Tzushuo (Ryan) Wang, and Akshay R. Rao (2022), “Reducing COVID vaccine hesitancy by inducing a comparative mindset,” Vaccine, published online November 7, 2022,
Sangmin Kim
- Kim, S., Stavrova, O., & Vohs, K. D. (in press). Do voting and election outcomes predict changes in conspiracy beliefs? Evidence from two high-profile U.S. elections. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
Yuanchen Su
- “Social Sharing with Competition”
- INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (2019)
- MSOM Annual Meeting (2019)
Supply Chain & Operations
Yeonjoo Lee
- "Nudging Green but Slow Shipping Choices in Online Retail" (with Karen Donohue)
- POMS Annual Conference (2022)
- INFORMS Annual Conference (2021)
- Innsbruck Workshop on Behavioural Operations and Supply Chain Management (2021)
Finn Petersen
- "The Effect of Lifting Mask Mandates on the Development of COVID-19 Cases in Iowa" Petersen, Finn; Errore, Anna; Karaca-Mandic, Pinar (2022)
- European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) 29th Conference (2022)
- Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Conference (MSOM) (2022)
- POMS Annual Conference (2022)
Hanu Tyagi
- “Does Transparency Hinder Technological Novelty? Evidence from Large Pharmaceutical Firms” co-authored with Manuel Hermosilla and Rachna Shah
- Best Life Sciences Research Paper - Inaugural Kelley Life Sciences Conference Brings Together Life Sciences Research Faculty and Industry Leaders (2024)
- "How does transparency impact technological novelty? Evidence from large pharmaceutical firms." Tyagi, H., Hermosilla, M., and Shah, R.
- Best Paper in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award at the Industry Studies Association Annual Conference runner-up (2023)
- "The Impact of Transparency on Novelty."
- POMS Annual Conference (2022)
- INFORMS Annual Conference (2021)
- Outstanding Reviewer Award (Health Care Management division) Academy of Management Annual Conference (2021).
- Finalist - Best OSCM student's paper award at the Academy of Management Annual Conference (2021).
- Roger & Marlene Schroeder Outstanding Student Paper Award (2020)
Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship
Pyung (Joe) Nahm
- “Value of Friendship: Understanding Corporate Executive’s Networking Behavior in Terms of Instrumental and Sentimental Dimensions” (with Sun-Hyun Park)
- Academy of Management Annual Conference (2018)
Yeon Jin Kim
Awarded a $10,000 Will Mitchell Dissertation Research Grant (WMDRG) by the Strategy Research Foundation of the Strategic Management Society for her proposed research on Gender and Entrepreneurship.
Work & Organizations
- Best Paper Award in the Strategy division of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management for the paper called “The Effects of Robots on the Workplace” (2024)
Xuan Liu
- Carlson DEI Research Grant (G-DEIR) (2022)
- "Social class differences in job search process and employment success: Examining the role of goal persistence and compromising strategy", 2022, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Xuan Liu with L.Zhou, A. Ali, S. Liu, and S. Mo
- "When jobs no longer fit well: How job dissatisfaction and social class jointly influence employee job search", 2022, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Xuan Liu with B. Csillag, L. Zhou, and A. Ali
- "Creation and retention of professional networks: Coevolution with professional knowledge and impact from social class origin and core-self evaluations", 2022, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Xuan Liu with Y. Liu
- "Childhood social class and leader emergence in adulthood: Mediating role of volunteering", 2022, Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Xuan Liu with L. Zhou
Jee Young (Jeeny) Seo
- “Not always helpful: Linking intrateam helping types to team effectiveness from a role theory perspective" Lee, S., Liu, Y., Koopmann, J.M., Seo, J.Y., Zhou, L., & Yu, Y. (2023).
- Journal of Management.
- "Examining the Role of Affective States and Expectations in Job Search Processes and Socialization" Ali, A., Seo, J.Y., & Song, J. (Co-chairs in alphabetical order) (2019).
- Symposium presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
- "Amped Up or Tuned Down: Interviewee Affective States and Interview Strategies" Liu, Y., Seo*, J.Y., Kammeyer-Mueller, J.D., & Zhou, L. (2019). In "Examining the role of affective states and expectation in job search processes and socialization" Ali, A., Seo, J.Y., & Song, J. (chaired)
- Symposium presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
- "Not always helpful: Exploring the antecedents and outcomes of team autonomous and dependent helping" Lee*, S.H., Liu, Y., Seo, J.Y., Zhou., L., & Koopmann, J.M. (2019).
- Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
- "Antecedents and Outcomes of Complaining at Individual, Dyad, and Team Levels: Trait and State Negative Affect, and Interpersonal Dynamics" Seo*, J.Y., Zhou, L., Liu, Y., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J.D. (2019). In, "Exploring teams as complex systems: Mechanisms of emergent affective/motivational team properties" Grand, J.A. (chaired)
- Symposium presented at the Annual Conference of the Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research, Lisbon, Portugal.
- "Unpack impact of information and communication technologies: Advancing a dynamic view." Li, X., Seo*, J. Y., Zhou, L., & Liao, C. (2019).
- Poster presented at the Annual Conference of Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Washington D.C.
Youjeong Song
- Business For A Better World Dissertation Proposal Contest 2023
- CSOM Dissertation Fellowship (2023)
- Carlson DEI Research Grant (G-DEIR) (2022)
- "Recruiting Women in the Workplace: A Review of Empirical Research. In J. E. Slaughter & D. G. Allen (Eds.), Essentials of Employee Recruitment: Individual and Organizational Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge" Wanberg, C., Song, Y., & Yoo, S. M. (in press)
- "Why Do People Discriminate? Stereotype Content of Low-Skilled Migrant Workers at the Intersection of Language Ability and Nationality" Song, Y. & Zellmer-Bruhn, M. E.
- Symposium presentation at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2023)., In Song Y. (Co-Chair) & Zellmer-Bruhn, M. E., (Co-Chair), Facilitating and Enhancing the Experience of Migrant Employees in Organizations.
- Paper presentation at the 16th Groupe d’Etudes Management et Langage (GEM&L) (2023)
- "The Effects of Language Boundaries on Team Performance and the Attenuating Role of Language Brokerage in Multilingual Teams" Song, Y., Zellmer-Bruhn, M. E., & Taras, V.
- Symposium presentation at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2023)., In Pizzinato, M. (Chair), New Perspective on Migration and Multiculturalism in Organizations.
- "Exploring Motivations and Outcomes of Language Brokerage in Multilingual Groups" Song, Y. & Zellmer-Bruhn, M. E.
- Paper presentation at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2023)
- Paper presentation at the 16th Groupe d’Etudes Management et Langage (GEM&L) (2023)
- Paper presentation at the 17th Annual Conference of the Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup) (2022)
- "Now it’s a Matter of Taste: Effects of Applicant-Firm Political Fit on Applicant’s Preferences Over Firms" Song, Y. & Sojourner, A.
- Poster presentation at the 38th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) (2023)
Marco (Dongil) Jang
- “Ties in Your Mind: How Cognitive Social Structures Influence Perceived Trustworthiness in Teams” (with Pri Shah & Stephen Jones)
- Best Graduate Student Paper (2023) Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup) Conference
- First International Network of Trust (FINT) (Finland, 2023)
- Academy of Management Conference (AOM) (Boston, 2023)
- “Jack of All Trades or Master of None? How Occupational Category Spanning Affects Interview Invitations in Profile-Based Matching” (with Alan Benson & Ming Leung)
- Wharton People and Organizations Conference (Philadelphia, 2023; Accepted)
- “Artificial Intelligence, Job Creation, and Worker Responses” (with Moshe Barach)
- Wharton People and Organizations Conference (Philadelphia, 2023; Accepted)
- Labor and Employment Relations at Allied Social Science Associations (LERA, ASSA) (Texas, 2024, Accepted)
Christopher Winchester
- "In bounds but out of the box: A meta-analysis clarifying the effect of ethicality on creativity." Winchester, C. C. & Medeiros, K. (2023).
- Journal of Business Ethics, 183, 713-743.
- Journal of Business Ethics, 183, 713-743.
- Outstanding Reviewer Award, Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division, Academy of Management (2023)
- "Is enough actually enough? An inductive study of strategic underperformance at work." Winchester, C. C., Hsu, E., Campbell, E. M., & Rogers, K. M. (2023).
- Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Academy of Management Proceedings.
- "Getting fit (with tasks and teams): A team-level investigation of fit and task allocation preference." Winchester, C. C. (2023).
- Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Academy of Management Proceedings.
- PhD Student Representative (elected) - Organizational Behavior Division's Executive Committee of the Academy of Management (2022-2023)
- PhD Student Representative (elected) - Research Methods Division's Executive Committee of the Academy of Management (2022-2023)
- Logistics Subcommittee Chair (appointed) - Academy of Management New Doctoral Student Consortium Committee (2021-2023)
- Representative (appointed) - CARMA PhD Student Representative (2021-2023)
- Faculty Coach, China Bridge Challenge Case Competition (2023)
- Grant for Diversity Equity and Inclusion Research, U. of Minnesota (2023)
- Named Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society (MOBTS) Doctoral Institute Scholar (2022)
- "[Re]thinking outside the box: A meta-analysis of constraints and creative performance." Damadzic, A., Winchester, C. C, Medeiros, K. & Grisso, J. (2022).
- Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(8), 1330-1357.
- Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(8), 1330-1357.
- "The tasks at hand: An integrative conceptual review and dimensional scaling framework." Winchester, C. & Campbell, E. M. (2021).
- Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Academy of Management Proceedings.
- "The impact of stars in our orbit: How and why high performers shape peer proactivity." Winchester, C. C., Campbell, E. M., & Call, M. (2022, August).
- Symposium at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, WA, United States. In, "Aligning the stars: Theoretical and empirical advancements in star performer research." Hamrick, A., & Schilpzand, P. (Chairs)
- Symposium at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, WA, United States. In, "Aligning the stars: Theoretical and empirical advancements in star performer research." Hamrick, A., & Schilpzand, P. (Chairs)
- "Resolving conflict, fostering cooperation: A doctoral institute experiential exercise." Winchester, C.C., Wong, E., Willis, C. H., White, M., Sengupta, A., Ragland, E., Olson, A., Mchiri, A., Kiratikosolrak, P., Gandhi, S., Fournet, A., Crawley, R., Cerecedo, J., Caligiuri, M., & Butler, S. (2022, June).
- Presentation at the Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society Conference, Pomona, CA, United States.
- Presentation at the Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society Conference, Pomona, CA, United States.
- "The tasks at hand: An integrative conceptual review and dimensional scaling framework." Winchester, C. C., & Campbell, E. M. (2021, July).
- Paper presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Virtual (due to COVID-19).
- Paper presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Virtual (due to COVID-19).
- "[Re]thinking outside the box: A meta-analysis of constraints and creative performance." Damadzic, A., Winchester, C. C., Medeiros, K., & Grisso, J. (2021, August).
- Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Virtual (due to COVID-19). In, "Effects of constraints on creativity: Empirical and theoretical advances." Haught-Tromp, C. (Chair)
- Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Virtual (due to COVID-19). In, "Effects of constraints on creativity: Empirical and theoretical advances." Haught-Tromp, C. (Chair)
- "Peloton's ride to growth." Winchester, C. C., Pleggenkuhle-Miles, E. G., & Bass, E. (2021).
- The CASE Journal, 17, 754-783
- Finalist for The CASE Journal's Best Case Award (2022)
On The Job Market
For 2023-24, we have 14 job market candidates representing all seven departments. We look forward to seeing them all successfully settled for fall 2024.
Department | Candidates |
Accounting | Ethan (Yixin) Yao (advisor: Helen Zhang)
Wenwei Lin (advisor: Helen Zhang)
Finance | Yu Li (advisor: Xiaoji Lin) Jash Jain (advisor: Andrew Winton)
Information & Decision Sciences | Alan (Zenan) Chen (advisor: Jason Chan) Yi Zhu (advisor: Ching Ren)
Marketing | Qi Xie (advisor: George John)
Yuanchen Su (advisor: George John)
Mayank Anand (advisor: Akshay Rao) |
Supply Chain & Operations | Alison Murphy (advisor: Rachna Shah)
Hanu Tyagi (advisor: Rachna Shah)
Amy (Yuanyuan) Ding (advisor: Karen Donohue)
Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship | Joe (Pyung) Nahm (advisor: Myles Shaver)
Work & Organizations | Jeeny (Jee Young) Seo (advisor: John Kammeyer-Mueller)