George John

George John

Professor, General Mills/Paul S Gerot Chair in Marketing


  • B Tech
    Aeronautical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
  • MBA
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • PhD
    Marketing Northwestern University


  • Industrial Marketing
  • Marketing of intellectual property
  • Technology Markets
  • Marketing channels
  • High technology markets


George John received a bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and an MBA from the University of Illinois. After earning a PhD in Marketing from Northwestern University, he joined the faculty at the University of Wisconsin before moving to the University of Minnesota.

John is the General Mills-Gerot Chair in Marketing at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. His interests center around distribution channels and high tech marketing. Specifically, he is interested in the strategic and efficiency aspects of governance choices in these settings.

His academic honors include an American Marketing Association award for his PhD dissertation, and his selection as a "Highly Cited Researcher" in the Business/Economics category by Thomson Reuters Web of Science. 

Selected Works & Activities

  • Video Recordings
    Video of presentation at Oslo Conference to honor Professor Oliver Williamson as the 2009 recipient of Economic Nobel Prize (aka The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel)
  • Video Recordings
    Is Cash King for Incentive Compensation? A Large Scale Field Experiment
  • Journal Articles
    Do Activity-Based Incentive Plans Work? Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Intervention, Journal of Marketing Research (w/ Raghunath S. Rao, Madhu Viswanathan and Sunil Kishore) 2021
  • Journal Articles
    Search Prominence and Intra-Brand Competition, Journal of Marketing Research, (w/ Ruitong Wang and Yi Zhu) 2021
  • Journal Articles
    Economic Impact of Category Captaincy: An Examination of Assortments and Prices, Marketing Science, (w/Madhu Viswanathan and Om Narasimhan), Marketing Science, 2020
  • Journal Articles
    Is Cash King for Sales Compensation? A Large Scale Field Experiment, Journal of Marketing Research (with Madhu Viswanathan, Xiaolin Li and Om Narasimhan), 2018
  • Journal Articles
    Understanding Value-Added-Resellers' Assortments of Multicomponent Systems, Journal of Marketing, September 2016 (with Sourav Ray and Mark Bergen)
  • Journal Articles
    Bonuses versus Commissions: A Field Study Journal of Marketing Research Vol. 50, No .3, 2013 (with Sunil Kishore, Raghunath Singh Rao, and Om Narasimhan)
  • Journal Articles
    A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Property Rights Sharing in Outsourced Research Development and Engineering Relationships, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 34, No.9, 2013 (with Stephen Carson)
  • Journal Articles
    An Empirical Investigation of Private Label Supply by National Label Producers, , Marketing Science, Vol. 29, 4, 2010 (with X. Chen and O. Narasimhan)
  • Journal Articles
    Understanding the Role of Trade-Ins in Durable Goods Markets: Theory and Evidence, Marketing Science, (September) 2009 (with O. Narasimhan and R. Rao),
  • Journal Articles
    When Should Original Equipment Manufacturers Use Branded Component Contracts with Suppliers? Journal of Marketing Research, 2009 (w/ M. Ghosh)
  • Journal Articles
    Assessing the Effects of a Channel Switch, Marketing Science, May-June, 2008 (with O. Narasimhan and X. Chen)
  • Journal Articles
    Strategic Fit In Industrial Alliances: An Empirical Test of Governance Value Analysis, Journal of Marketing Research, August 2005 ( w/ Mrinal Ghosh)
  • Journal Articles
    Experimental Tests of Agency Models of Sales Compensation, Marketing Science, 2001 (w/ Mrinal Ghosh)
  • Journal Articles
    The Governance of Exclusive Territories when Dealers Can Bootleg, Marketing Science, 1994 (w/ S. Dutta, M. Bergen)
  • Journal Articles
    Do Norms Matter in Marketing Relationships? Journal of Marketing, 1992 (w/ J. Heide)
  • Journal Articles
    Unbundling of Industrial Systems, Journal of Marketing Research, 1990 (w/ L. Wilson, A. Weiss)
  • Journal Articles
    Forward Integration into Distribution, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 1988 (w/ B. Weitz)

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