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Chaofan Zhai

PhD Candidate
Information & Decision Sciences



  • Ph.D. 2026(expected)
    Information & Decision Science, University of Minnesota
  • M.S. 2020
    Applied Data Science, University of Southern California
  • B.S. 2017
    Information System, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics


  • Online Education
  • Field/Lab Experiment
  • Generative AI/ Large Language Model (LLM)/ Retrieval-Augmented Generation(RAG)
  • Machine Learning (Reinforcement Learning/ Transformer/ Knowledge Graph)
  • Analytical Modeling (Behavioral/ Traditional Econ)



  • Selected Participant for 2024 ICIS Doctoral Consortium (Aug 2024)
  • Carlson School Dissertation Fellowship ($32,000) (April 2024)
  • Dean's Small Grant for Research ($10,000) (Nov 2023)
  • Carlson School of Management Ph.D. Student Teaching Award (August 2023)
  • Ph.D. Student Conference/Travel Fellowship (2020 – Now)
  • Carlson and Willoughby IDS Ph.D. Fellowship (2020 – Now)
  • Ph.D. Student Summer Research Fellowship (2020 – Now)

Working Papers

  • Chaofan Zhai, Ravi Bapna, Alok Gupta, "The Productivity Impact of LLM in Problem Solving: A Large-Scale Randomized Experiment"
  • Chaofan Zhai, Yicheng Song, Ravi Bapna, "Reinforcement Learning for Sustainable Learning in Online Education with Large-scale Field Experiment Validation"
    • Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR) Lisbon, 2024
    • Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Minneapolis, 2024
    • INFORMS Annual Conference, Seattle, 2024
    • Carlson School Dean's Small Grant ($10,000), 2023
  • Chaofan Zhai, Amit Mehra, Ravi Bapna, "Pricing Strategies in Online Education"
    • Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST), Indianapolis, 2022
  • Chaofan Zhai, Xuan Bi, Angela Aerry Choi, Chad Yi-Chun Ho, "An Advanced Recommender System for Influencer Economy: Insights from a Field Experiment"
  • Chaofan Zhai, Xuan Bi, Mochen Yang, "Incentivization of Federated Learning: A Novel Stackelberg Game"
    • INFORMS Annual Conference, Indianapolis, 2022



  • IDSC 4444 (undergrad core): Descriptive and Predictive Analytics (Fall 2023)
    • Instructor evaluation: 5.61 / 6; Course evaluation: 5.47 / 6; Response ratio: 100%
  • IDSC 4444 (undergrad core): Descriptive and Predictive Analytics (Spring 2023)
    • Received 2022-2023 Carlson School of Management Ph.D. Student Teaching Award
    • Instructor evaluation: 5.53 / 6; Course evaluation: 5.36 / 6; Response ratio: 74.42%

Teaching Assistance & Research Assistance

  • CMBA 5832 (EMBA): Advanced Management Topic Elective: Business Analytics for Competitive Advantage (Spring 2023)
  • MABA 6431 (MA): Advanced Topics in Business Analytics (Fall 2022, Fall 2021)
  • MSBA 6430 (MS): Advanced Issues in Business Analytics (Summer 2022, Summer 2021)
  • IDSC 4110 (undergrad): Data Engineering for Business Analytics (Fall 2020)
  • Research Assistant for Information and Decision Sciences Department (since September 2020)



  • Journal
    • Information System Research (ISR): 2023, 2024
  • Conference
    • International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS): 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
    • Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS): 2024
    • INFORMS Workshop on Data Science 2024
    • Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST): 2022
    • ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) 2024

Student Coordinator

  • Friday Seminar Series of IDSC Department, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, 2023-2024

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