Summer in Seattle
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
This summer, I had the opportunity to intern at Microsoft in a product marketing role. Being a Minnesota native that has spent the majority of my life in Minnesota, I was extremely excited for the experience. Not only did I have the opportunity to work for one of the biggest tech companies on the planet, but I also had a chance to live in Seattle.
From an internship perspective, I don’t think I could’ve had a better experience. Microsoft provided me with challenging projects, exposure to the senior leadership team (CEO, CMO, etc.), and they planned a ton of fun events. As a marketing intern, I even had the opportunity to meet with the CMO, Chris Capossela not on one, but two occasions in a small group setting. In the senior leadership series, I had the chance to hear from a wide variety of executive leaders on their experience at Microsoft, their career advice, and their thoughts on current trends in the tech industry.
As for my projects, I had the opportunity to work on several marketing projects that directly impacted a billion-dollar product launch. My projects involved multiple stakeholders across the company and required that I stretch my knowledge and learn in areas that I never imagined. At the end of my internship, I was able to present my projects to several senior leaders who took my recommendations and put them into action.
Throughout the summer, while I was working on projects, the recruiting team was working on how to make sure the other interns and I had a great experience. Over the course of the summer, I was able to attend two Mariners’ games, a Sounders (MLS team) game, go hiking seven times, take part in a boat cruise on Lake Washington and attend the Intern Signature Event. This year for the signature event, Microsoft secured the Space Needle as our private venue and flew in Ellie Goulding to give us interns a private concert – it was incredible!
Looking back on my summer, I made a lot of great friends, had a ton of fun and got to experience what it’s like to work in marketing at one of the world’s leading tech firms. I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity and the doors that an MBA has opened up. Seattle is a great city with a great Carlson network and after spending a summer out there, it’s a place I wouldn’t mind calling home.