
Consulting Careers

Consulting is among the most in-demand career paths for Carlson MBA students. Complete three real-world consulting projects through the Carlson Consulting Enterprise, and hone the skills and knowledge you need to disaggregate and tackle strategic business problems. The Carlson MBA program shapes graduates to succeed at top management, technology, and healthcare firms.

Case Interview Prep

The Carlson Business Career Center partners with the Carlson Consulting Enterprise and the Carlson Consulting Club to offer a variety of case interview preparation. Each student interested in management or technical consulting roles has the opportunity to have access to a variety of interview prep modules, case mock interviews, case interview workshops, and case interview books. 

Alumni Network

Carlson MBA graduates are leading flourishing careers at top consulting companies.

Bob Langheim

Rob Langheim

Kurt Salmon

Melanie Bockemuhl

Melanie Bockemühl

Bain & Company


Learn through real-world experience.

Carlson Consulting Enterprise

A one-of-a-kind experiential learning opportunity that challenges students to identify, analyze and solve complex business problems. Throughout three intensive, collaborative consulting projects, Carlson Consulting Enterprise participants will work closely with client organizations and mentors from top firms to apply lessons from the curriculum and get valuable work experience.
Learn more

Popular MBA Courses

  • Corporate Strategy
  • Management of Innovation & Change
  • Strategic Leadership
  • Industry Analysis & Competitive Strategy
  • Managing the Strategy Process

Featured Faculty

Learn from the best. 

Myles Shaver

Myles Shaver

Professor of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship

SIddharth Chandramouli

Siddharth Chandramouli

Managing Director, Carlson Consulting Enterprise

Aks Zaheer

Aks Zaheer

Professor of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship

Consulting Beyond the Classroom

The Carlson School offers a variety of clubs and organizations for students to explore consulting and strategy beyond the classroom and expand their networks.

Featured Clubs

Carlson Consulting Club (CCC)

The Consulting Club strives to increase student awareness and understanding of the consulting industry and related employment opportunities through corporate site visits, speakers, and networking events.

Graduate Volunteer Consultants (GVC)

GVC is an organization comprised of University of Minnesota Carlson School MBA and MA-HRIR students who are dedicated to providing free-of-charge business consulting services to non-profit organizations in the Twin Cities.

Sarah Moret

Sara Moret

Post-MBA Job: Bain & Company
Sara was named one of "The World's Best & Brightest MBAs: Class of 2016" by Poets & Quants

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