Breakout Sessions

Thinking Outside the Inbox

Session Track: Surge with Skills

Are you overwhelmed by email? Is your organization highly reactionary and bouncing from one task to another rather than focusing on the top priorities? Join in on this session for a tactical as well as strategic discussion about effective business communication. Learn how to effectively manage email and not let it drive your day. Learn best practices to help your personal productivity. In addition, learn how to be an effective leader by role modeling these behaviors and creating a culture of productivity. This presentation is highly interactive. Participants will walk out with specific action items to implement for themselves and their organization.

Jan Lehman

Jan Lehman

CEO - CTC Productivity

Jan Lehman is an executive coach and productivity expert. She is a self-proclaimed “process geek” and “IT translator.” She is passionate about helping companies optimize their business processes, fully leverage their technology, and maximize the talent in their organization. She is the Minnesota vice president and national marketing chair for the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals. Lehman was named a 2018 “Women Who Lead” Minnesota Business Magazine honoree. Through her coaching, one of her client companies is now 30 percent more efficient and has significantly increased its employee engagement.