Breakout Sessions

Negotiation I: Why Women Don’t Ask

Session Track: Surge with Skills

In this discussion-based session on negotiations, participants will learn about the gender-specific challenges that women face in negotiation, how to overcome these obstacles, and how to encourage other women to ask for what they want and need in the workplace. From fighting the wage gap to the overcoming the confidence gap, we need to understand the issues, then confront them head-on when negotiating for that next responsibility, salary bump, or job. *Participants are encouraged but not required to attend Negotiations II to practice these skills.

Yelena Hydrie

Yelena Hydrie

Senior Lecturer - Carlson School of Management

Yelena Hydrie has been teaching the art and science of negotiation and coaching individuals and organizations in negotiation strategy for 15 years. She is convinced, and will convince you as well, that great negotiators are not born, but made. She has a master’s in international and intercultural education and a PhD in organizational leadership and policy development, with a minor in conflict management and negotiation, both from the University of Minnesota. She is a senior lecturer in the Department of Work and Organizations at the Carlson School.