Live Into It: The Business of Community Conference Schedule

A solid maroon box the words "Live Into It: The Carlson School DEI Conference" and a group photo of professional posing for a photo.



8 a.m.

Check-in & Breakfast

8:40 a.m.

Jamie Prenkert, Dean, Carlson School of Management 

3M Auditorium, Carlson School of Management

9 a.m.

Keynote Speakers
Kiera Fernandez, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Senior Vice President HR, Target
Amanda Nusz, Senior Vice President, Corporate Responsibility, Target, Target Foundation President
Dexter Newman, Senior Vice President, Planning, Target

3M Auditorium, Carlson School of Management

10 a.m.

Break with networking and refreshments

Atrium, Carlson School of Management

10:30 a.m.

Session 1: Scholar Track (current and prospective graduate students and young professionals)
Room 2-260T, Carlson School of Management
This conversation will center on helping current and prospective graduate students and young professionals. The session features a panel of highly experienced and dynamic professionals of color who will share their own leadership journeys and experiences navigating the workplace, building a network, and utilizing resources via discussion and an open Q&A segment.
Javiera McGuiggan, Assistant Vice President, Global Director Power Systems- Bioindustrial, Cargill; Special Business Consultant, Telemundo
Simon Shannon, Director of Business Development-Transportation and Electronics Business Group, 3M
Tawnya Stewart, Chief of People and Culture, Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures (MLCV)
Charlene Vance, Director of Product Management Apu Portfolio, Trane
Moderators: Carlson MBA MS Staff

Session 1: Faculty Symposium A
Room 2-206, Carlson School of Management 
Carlson School of Management Faculty share current thought leadership in the diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, accessibility and belonging space.

Session 1: Practitioner Track-Regional Resources
Carlson Atrium, Carlson School of Management
Visit tables in the Carlson Atrium where regional organizations in the DEI ecosystem will share information and valuable connections. 

12 p.m.


Atrium, Carlson School of Management

1 p.m.

Session 2: Scholar Track (current and prospective graduate students and young professionals)
Room 2-260T, Carlson School of Management
This conversation will center on helping current and prospective graduate students who look to build a strong network that is crucial in one’s professional life, but so many people find daunting. This session will be a fun, low-stakes way to practice your networking skills and meet great, new people. We'll run a speed networking session and leave time at the end to make sure you can stay connected with your new contacts.
Carlson MBA MS Staff

Session 2: Faculty Symposium B
Room 2-206, Carlson School of Management  
Carlson School of Management Faculty share current thought leadership in the diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, accessibility and belonging space.

Session 2: Practitioner Track-Situations & Solutions
3M Auditorium, Carlson School of Management
A panel of regional leaders will discuss health equity, housing equity, mobility, and educational disparities in the region - and how we can influence those wicked issues.
John Hardy, Director of Inclusive Cultures, Inclusion & Diversity, Best Buy
Tiffany Orth, Vice President of Mobility & Executive Director of Move Minneapolis, Minneapolis Regional Chapter
Alex Tittle, Chief Diversity Officer, Be the Match NMDP
Jazz Hampton, CEO and General Counsel, TurnSignl
Moderator: Matthew Ladhoff, Senior Lecturer Carlson Impact Lab

Special Executive Session with James White
Regional C-Suite and senior leaders will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue with the author of Anti-Racist Leadership, identifying effective ways to operationalize the work of inclusion in their organizations.
James White, Board Chair of Honest Company, Author of Anti-Racist Leadership: How to Transform Corporate Culture in a Race-Conscious World

2:15 p.m.

Break with networking and refreshments

Atrium, Carlson School of Management

2:30 p.m.

Closing Panel: The Business of Community 
3M Auditorium, Carlson School of Management
Dr. Stephanie Burrage, State of Minnesota Chief Equity Officer at Office of Governor Tim Walz & Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan 
Andrea Ferstan, Vice President Innovation, Policy, and Research, Center for Economic Inclusion 
Dr. Joe Hobot, President and CEO at American Indian OIC 
Dr. Mercedes Ramírez Fernández, Vice President Equity & Diversity, University of Minnesota- Twin Cities


3:30 p.m.


3M Auditorium, Carlson School of Management