Undergraduate Students Finish Second in National Supply Chain Competition
Friday, April 13, 2018
The Carlson School team took second at the sixth annual National Undergraduate Supply Chain Case Competition at the Carlson School.
The team, consisting of four undergraduate supply chain management students, was made up of Matt Butkowski, Mark Chia, Daniela Ortiz-Rincon, and Lingxi Tang.
The competition brought together students from 16 of the top undergraduate supply chain and operations programs in the country. Teams of four undergraduates competed in a 24-hour business case study called "Achieving Service Excellence" and gave their final presentations to a panel of judges consisting of business professionals from corporate sponsors.
Since its inception in 2013, a Carlson School team has placed in the top three in five of the six years.
The purpose of the competition was to provide a unique learning opportunity for undergraduate supply chain students while also raising awareness of the areas of supply chain and operations as a potential career path.
Indiana University won the event with Iowa State University and Ohio State University placing third and fourth, respectfully.