School Posts Strong Employment Numbers Despite Pandemic
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Career services staff at both the Undergraduate Business Career Center (UBCC) and Graduate Business Career Center (GBCC) continue to work diligently to help Carlson School students land jobs upon graduation. Collectively, they have increased service to students, with more coaching appointments, employer meetings, and virtual events. They are building on their hard-earned success with the Class of 2020.
Ninety-eight percent of undergraduates had full-time opportunities, enrolled in graduate school, were volunteering, or joined the military within 90 days of graduation. For those who entered the workforce, the average starting salary was north of $60,000 for the first time.
Ninety percent of Full-Time MBA students were employed within three months of graduation, equal to 2020’s mark. Salaries, bonuses, and negotiated
vacation time all increased from a year ago. The GBCC had a hand in three of every four offers. “The pandemic has forced our office to adapt and
change quickly,” says Maggie Tomas, GBCC director. “We’ve been forced to look at the services we offered and see how we can be adaptive to this changing environment.”
Specialty Masters students also achieved high levels of placement. Ninety-four percent of MSBA students and one hundred percent of MS in Finance students were employed within three months.
A great omen for the future: one hundred percent of the Class of 2021 MBAs accepted internship offers last summer.