Internship Abroad
Monday, April 1, 2013
Stressing the importance of globalization, international experiences are part of the required core curriculum at the Carlson School. This requirement can be fulfilled in a number of ways, including through IBUS 3999, a self-designed course that allows students to develop their own overseas experience, whether it is an internship, research project, or volunteer work. After the experience, students write analytical and reflection papers that are reviewed and graded by a faculty member.
“I have always been really involved in extracurricular groups and wanted to take on leadership roles as I became an upperclassman, but I knew this would be a lot more difficult if I spent an entire semester abroad,” says senior Lauren Bevington. “And I was hesitant to take classes abroad in the summer because I wanted to have a business-related internship.”
Through IBUS 3999, Bevington found an overseas internship opportunity that gave her great work experience, fulfilled her international requirement, and provided an opportunity to explore a beautiful part of the world. “I had a human resources internship with a fresh fruit and produce company in Dublin, Ireland,” she says. “Not only was I able to be fully immersed in the culture, but I got fantastic, relevant work experience that has helped me land domestic internships and now a full-time job offer.”