Alumni Happening: Spring 2021
Friday, April 2, 2021
Carlson Women Global Connect Industry Networking Event
Carlson Women Global Connect kicked off their first alumni affinity network event with a night of networking in February. Carlson School alumni came together to network with individuals within their industry. They discussed their experiences, learned about other roles that might exist in their industry, and how to break into a new industry from supportive mentors and friends. For more information on Carlson Women Global Connect or to get involved, visit
3M Chapter
Following December’s 1st Tuesday event with Kweilin Ellingrud speaking about McKinsey’s Women in the Workplace Report, alumni volunteers at 3M organized a discussion in partnership with the company’s Women’s Leadership Forum. Employees from around 3M—Carlson School alumni and others—discussed how they could apply the outcomes of the study on women in the workplace at their company and in their roles
LGBTQ+ Alumni Reunion
COMPASS hosted its fourth annual LGBTQ+ Alumni Reunion: Compass Across Generations on November 13. The panel included Carlson School graduates Ryan Poehler, ’18 BSB, Vicki Raport, ’86 BSB, and friend of the Carlson School Brent Opall. The inspiring conversation discussed how being an LGBTQ+ student has changed over the years and why advocacy still matters for the queer community in the business world.
Insight to Action Series
The Carlson School Alumni Relations and Executive Education programs have jointly launched a new virtual series featuring faculty and industry leaders in discussions about business transformation. The first event in February featured a lively conversation with Professors Stephen Parente (Finance) and Kingshuk Sinha (Supply Chain and Operations) on the business challenges related to the COVID-19 response. In March, Professor Ravi Bapna (Business Analytics) and Sameer Badlani (Chief Digital Officer at M Health Fairview) discussed trends in digital transformation within firms.
Military & Veterans Celebration
On December 9, the Carlson School’s Military & Veterans Program hosted its fifth annual Military & Veterans Celebration. During the virtual event, Jude Bricker, CEO of Sun Country and retired U.S. Marine, and Tom Marchant, ’16 MBA, shared their experiences in the military and transitioning to civilian life. Donors to the Military & Veterans Program, alumni, and current students were able to network with each other in breakout rooms during the event.
Cargill Chapter
Carlson School Dean Sri Zaheer spoke to more than 100 Carlson School alumni at Cargill in December about her research in “Sustaining Business as a Force for Good.” Zaheer’s presentation shared specifics about how and why corporate social responsibility is vital for all organizations, especially now, and strategies for implementing more accountability, whatever one’s role may be.
Investors Circle Insiders Conversation: The Carlson School in COVID-19 Times
On December 11, a panel of Carlson School students, faculty, and staff shared their perspectives on how the school has pivoted over the last nine months to rise to the challenges of the pandemic. In this enlightening conversation, Investors Circle members learned about some of the extraordinary adjustments the school and each individual has made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gophers of the Last Decade
Gophers of the Last Decade (GOLD) came together for a virtual game night and networking—all with ugly sweaters and cocktails. They played Codenames online and spent the evening reconnecting with each other and meeting fellow GOLD alumni.
Virtual 1st Tuesdays
The Carlson School has welcomed outstanding 1st Tuesday speakers, including Andy Cecere, ’91 MBA, from U.S. Bancorp (November), Kweilin Ellingrud from McKinsey (December), Joe Nayquonabe, ’11 MBA, from Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures (February), and Corie Barry from Best Buy (March). See Three Takeaways for highlights from December’s 1st Tuesday event.
The Way We Work
The Way We Work speaker series hosted two sessions recently. In December, Chaka Booker from The Broad Center brought a very timely topic to alumni on inclusive hiring practices. In early March, Dr. Cindra Kamphoff inspired event attendees with her advice about maintaining grit and perseverance through challenging times. The Way We Work series is hosted in partnership with marketing consulting firm Antenna.
Warsaw Executive MBA Alumni Event
Alumni from the Executive MBA program in Warsaw attended a special virtual presentation in October with Carlson School Professor Vivian Fang about blockchain fundamentals, including the history of cryptocurrency and other technology applications. WEMBA alumni gather throughout the year for faculty presentations and WEMBA Wednesday social gatherings.