The glass window exterior of the Carlson School building alongside trees with bright green leaves.

5 Faculty Members Receive Promotions

Monday, May 15, 2023

The University of Minnesota Board of Regents approved promotions for five faculty members within the Carlson School of Management. The changes will take effect on August 23. Join us in congratulating the following faculty for their career achievements:


Promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor with tenure


Salman Arif

Salman Arif - Accounting

Salman Arif’s research focuses on capital markets, disclosure, and financial statement analysis, with publications in journals such as the Journal of Accounting and Economics and Review of Financial Studies. Prior to joining academia, he worked at JP Morgan, where he traded exotic equity and credit derivatives and managed a $1bn+ options portfolio.

Joshua madsen 2022


Joshua Madsen - Accounting

Joshua Madsen centers his research on the impact of financial disclosure on the dissemination of information. He also studies limited attention, supply chains, advertising, and more. His work has been featured in Science, Journal of Financial Reporting, and The Journal of Accounting Research.


Erik Loualiche

Erik Loualiche - Finance

Erik Loualiche’s research focuses on the interaction between industrial organization and asset pricing as well as the interplay between

sources of macroeconomic risk and corporate finance activity. His work has been published in the Journal of Finance and Journal of Public Economics.



Mochen Yang

Mochen Yang - Information and Decision Sciences

Mochen Yang’s expertise centers on three aspects of algorithm decision-making: designing algorithms to support information-intensive industries; the effects on privacy, fairness, and decision quality; and creating ways to draw robust statistical inferences with variables generated by machine learning algorithms. His work has appeared in Information Systems Research and ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems.


Promoted from Associate Professor to Full Professor


Profile Pic

Anant Mishra - Supply Chain and Operations

Anant Mishra studies issues revolving around innovation, project management, public sector operations, global supply chains, and emerging market operations. His publications have appeared in the Journal of Operations Management and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. He also received numerous teaching and research awards, including the Curtis Cup for Excellence in Teaching in the Carlson Executive MBA Program this year.