Jeremy Hemsworth, Roshni Muralidharan, & Tony Haitao Cui

3 People, 3 Questions: Alumni Magazine Spring 2017

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Jeremy Hemsworth - MBA Class of 2017

What are you reading?

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and Thinking, Fast and Slow by Dan Kahneman. The first is highly recommended for its focus on self-improvement and mindfulness. The second is a study of the ways we think and how our cognitive biases can sometimes betray better judgment.

What is your favorite website?

My current favorite website is I subscribe to a few tech subreddits, which allow me to read articles that are relevant to my interest and curated by other users. That said, Reddit also provides for news, entertainment, and the occasional meme.

What is your dream job?

My dream job is at a mid-sized tech firm (likely a SaaS provider), where I would sit in the C-suite (CEO, CTO, or CMO).


Roshni Muralidharan - ’13 BSB

Financial Analyst, General Mills

What are you reading?

Quiet – The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.

What is your favorite website?

My favorite website is Pinterest. I like to mainly use it to get creative/unique ideas on various topics I am interested in. Additionally, I like that you can collaborate with your friends to create idea boards on mutual topics of interest. It’s an easy-to-use website and a great way to combine ideas from many websites in one place quickly.

What is your dream job?

My dream job would be to own a music school open to children of all ages and where I could also be one of the music teachers.


Tony Haitao Cui -  Associate Professor

Margaret J. Holden and Dorothy A. Werlich

Endowed Professorship in Marketing

What are you reading?

I enjoy reading books connected to my research. My research interest lies in behavioral modeling in marketing. That is, incorporating human behavioral biases into quantitative modeling in marketing to study how human bounded rationalities may affect our decision-making. One of the books I love in this area and I constantly look at is Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in Strategic Interaction by Colin Camerer. In addition, I also read The Art of War by ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu. The book is quite short but full of wisdom for modern business executives to learn from, especially on competitive strategies and game theoretical thinking.

What is your favorite website?

My favorite websites are more mobile-oriented. This includes most social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and especially WeChat.

What is your dream job?

Right now I am a business professor. This is really an exciting and highly rewarding job for me. It allows me to explore new insights on business administration academically, and, at the same time, to interact with business society to apply my research findings and knowledge to business practices. This is a dream job and I am glad I got it.


Spring 2017  alumni magazine cover

This article appeared in the Spring 2017 alumni magazine

Learning doesn't just take place in the classroom anymore. In this issue, we explore how the Carlson School is thinking outside-the-box to meet the education needs of today's students.

Spring 2017 table of contents