3 People 3 Questions
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Mary Zellmer-Bruhn, Associate Professor, Work and Organizations
What are you reading?
I usually have one book for pleasure and one related to my research. Currently, I’m reading Hamilton by Ron Chernow with my 12-year-old daughter. More connected to my work, I’m reading Widgets: The 12 New Rules for Managing Your Employees as If They’re Real People. It’s a book that combines many issues we cover in Organizational Behavior and Leading Others, and offers some great insights about leading and motivating employees.
What is your favorite website?
Many news and media sites, including the business press; but, while I hate to admit it, I really enjoy Facebook.
I have friends, colleagues, and family around the world and nothing makes me feel more connected and in touch with current events than their postings. I love knowing what friends are doing and seeing all the amazing places they live, work, and play around the world.
What is your dream job?
I think being a professor at a great public university is hard to top, but if I think about my alternate selves, I think it would be fun to start a company or be a coach!
"[Widgets: The 12 New Rules for Managing Your Employees as If They’re Real People] offers some great insights about leading and motivating employees."
John Tong, ’16 MSBA, Director, Digital Marketing Analytics, Sears
What are you reading?
Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die by Eric Siegel. This is a fascinating book that showcases the role of predictive analytics in business, politics, sports, and other sectors. Siegel uses many exciting real-life examples to bring the power of predictive analytics to life.
What is your favorite website?
LinkedIn. According to my phone, 21 percent of my data is spent on this app. LinkedIn is a great platform to keep up on industry and company news and follow aspirational leaders. It’s also very convenient to connect with colleagues and professionals in the same industry or similar type of roles.
What is your dream job?
Chief analytics officer or chief data officer for a mid- or large-sized company (ideally in sports). Doing so for an NBA or NFL franchise would be icing on the cake.
"LinkedIn is a great platform to keep up on industry and company news and follow aspirational leaders."
Kyle Loomis, BSB Class of 2020
What are you reading?
While most books seek to teach knowledge, very few teach perspective. Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki is a book that teaches how to approach knowledge with an organic lens, something that I feel is often lost in teaching.
What is your favorite website?
Reddit, the front page of the internet, shows you how deep the rabbit hole goes. I like r/wallstreetbets for satire and r/algotrading for learning purposes.
What is your dream job?
I am in the process of creating a quantitative finance firm that specializes in cryptocurrency algotrading. In the future, I plan to create a business that fundamentally reimagines the way education is approached.
"I plan to create a business that fundamentally reimagines the way education is approached."