Susan Meyer-Goldstein
PhD 1998Operations Management The Ohio State University
MBA 1992Operations Management, University of Minnesota
BS 1988Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Minnesota
Quality management in health care
Service process management
Operations strategy
Susan Meyer Goldstein is an associate professor
Selected Works & Activities
Whole BooksOperations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases, 8th edition, R. Schroeder and S. Goldstein, (McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2021).
Journal Articles“Historical supplier performance and strategic relationship dissolution: Unintentional but serious supplier error as a moderator”, Chen, Y., Rungtusanatham, M., and Goldstein, S.M. Decision Sciences, 50(6), 1224-1258 (2019).
Journal Articles“Toward improving factory working conditions in developing countries: An empirical analysis of Bangladesh ready-made garment factories”, Liu, X., Mishra, A., Goldstein, S.M., Sinha, K.K., Manufacturing and Service Operations Mgmt, 21(2), 379-397 (2019).
Journal Articles“Service operations: What’s next?, Field, J.M., Victorino, L., Buell, R.W., Dixon, M.J., Goldstein, S.M., Menor, L.J., Pullman, M.E., Roth, A.V., Secchi, E., and Zhang, J.J. Journal of Service Management, 29(1), 55-97 (2018).
Journal Articles“Service operations: What have we learned?”, Victorino, L., Field, J.M., Buell, R.W., Dixon, M.J., Goldstein, S.M., Menor, L.J., Pullman, M.E., Roth, A.V., Secchi, E., and Zhang, J.J., Journal of Service Management, 29(1), 39-54 (2018).
Journal Articles“Civilian-military pooling of health care resources in Haiti: A theory of complementarities perspective”, Naor, M., Dey, A., Goldstein, S.M., and Rosen, Y., International Journal of Production Research, 56(21), 6741-6757 (2018).
Journal Articles“The culture-effectiveness link in a manufacturing context: A resource-based view perspective” Naor, M., Sanders Jones, J.L., Bernardes, E.S., Goldstein, S.M., and Schroeder, R.G. Journal of World Business, 49(3), 321-331 (2014).
Journal Articles“Impact of standards adoption on healthcare transaction performance: The case of HIPAA.” Iossifova, A. and Goldstein, S.M. International Journal of Production Economics, 141(1), 277-285 (2013).
Journal Articles“Theorizing through metaphorical transfer in OM/SCM research:Divorce as a metaphor for strategic buyer-supplier relationship dissolution” Chen, Y., Rungtusanatham, M., Goldstein, S.M., Koerner, A.F., J of Operations Management, 31(7-8), 579-586, (2013)
Journal Articles“Ten years after: Interference of hospital slack in process performance benefits of quality practices.” Goldstein, S.M. and Iossifova, A. Journal of Operations Management, 30(1-2), 44-54 (2012).
Journal Articles"Applying the Collective Causal Mapping Methodology to Operations Management curriculum development," J.M. Hays, T. Bouzdine-Chameeva, S.M. Goldstein, A.V. Hill, and A.J. Scavarda, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 5(2) (2008).
Managing variability in high-contact services
Juran Scholar Award, Joseph M. Juran Center for Leadership in Quality, University of Minnesota, 2005
American Society for Quality Research Fellowship
Best Paper Award, Literati Club, 1999
McKnight Foundation Grant, 2006
Associate editor, Services Industry Journal
Editorial Board, Production and Operations Managment Journal
Ranked # 11 (tied) among service operations researchers for individual author contributions in: A note on the growth of research in Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 16 No. 6 (2007) based on papers published during 1990-2006 in Journal of Operations Management, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Management Science, and Operations Research.
Medical Industry Leadership Institute Interdisciplinary Grant Award, Principle Investigator
Research Fellow - The Ohio State University Center for Operational Excellence
Finalist, Decision Sciences Best Article Award for 2008
Best empirical paper, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 2007-8
Associate editor, Decision Sciences Journal
Carlson School Teaching Award, 2011
Carlson School Outstanding Service Award, 2016